Ok, it's the end of the year and it's time to look back on the year and examine signs of our time! I did this quiz in 2006 and I thought it would be kind of neat to start a tradition of answering the same questions. It is enlightening to look back at myself one year ago--to see what was important to me, to see what my goals were, my feelings. Then, to be able to paint the same picture now for myself next year.....
2007--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before?
This was a year of many beginnings and changes in my life....where do I start? Let's see I started a new job in a completely different field--pharmaceutical sales. I FINALLY moved out of the metal building and into a modular. I went to Guatemala....the list goes on and on!!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Last year's resolutions were to exercise on a consistent basis and to finish my Master's degree. I can proudly say I am a 2007 graduate! As for the exercising....well, I did great at a the beginning of the year (I even won the pool at work for the most body fat lost in 3 months! However, as the year passed, it just became hard to find time.
For next year--exercise is a MUST! I am going to Cancun in April and I don't want to hide behind icky clothes! I also want to get organized. And I want the 5th bedroom cleaned out--mega yard sale baby! I would like to convert that room into a game room for the family (because I want a Wii for my birthday...hint. hint.)
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Well, "close" is a loose term. None of my immediate friends had babies, but several acquaintances did such as Kyle's sister and her best friend. However, I don't even know the babies, so I guess the answer would technically be no.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, not this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
I went to Guatemala--it was such a blast, yet such an eye-opening experience. I truly felt blessed to serve those people for a week. I definitely want to find time in my life for more mission trips. The experience and life lessons are immeasurable.
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
Last year I said a house--and I got it (sort of)! I also said a toned body and confidence and I would have to say those two things again! I would also like to have peace and some free time. Hey, and a little more patience wouldn't hurt.
7. What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Definitely September 16th...that's when Richie proposed to me. That was the first day of the rest of my life.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating with my Master's....putting myself in an elite group that few ever achieve.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
No major injuries, just learning to adjust with dealing with my jacked-up back now that I have a more active job that requires long drives and lifting.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I can't think of one specific thing, but I love my new curtains, bedspread, and other decor in my new house. And that PS3 is really entertaining the boys! I also love this new Mac computer....it's awesome!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
This one belongs to Kylie. She started kindergarten this year and I was SO nervous. She is quite the challenger and I was so afraid that she would have a tough time adjusting to big school. However, she has only gotten a handful of blue notes this year-mostly green! And she had a nearly two week straight green note stretch when Richie challenged her with money! Green for green! :)
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Gonna have to give this one to the parents. No more deals.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Debt. Clothes. New house decorations. Kiddos.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My life with Richie--trying to relax and enjoying that period between engagement and the wedding....
16. What song will always remind you of 2007?
Hey There Delilah...even though I HATE it! Any Daughtry songs were good song memories for 2007 though!
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am much thinner first of all--nearly 13 pounds thinner! I feel richer--I have started a savings account and I am kicking some rear!! I am also happier!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Relaxed. Read books. Cleaned my house (I know I sound weird).
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Less worrying.
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
Gonna go visit Karla and Billy in Tulsa.
22. Did you fall in love in 2007?
Yes, I did. I love you Richie.
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Desperate Housewives. Big Bang Theory. Rules of Engagement.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't "hate" anyone--but there are people I don't care for.
26. What was the best book you read?
The Golden Rule. My Karen Kingbury books--always good ones!
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
Daughtry--love them!
29. What did you want and not get?
To sell my car. My house cleaned. And I didn't get the Girls Next Door Seasons on DVD... :(
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Alvin and the Chipmunks!! :)
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Gosh, I can't remember exactly what I did. That really means I am getting old! Oh yeah, I remember--Reno 911. Ok, next year I pick the movie!! But it was definitely my last birthday. I am NOT turning 30 next year!!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a house, being debt free. Being organized!!!
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Teal/Chocolate. Learning to buy/wear flashy shoes instead of my staple black/brown heels!
34. What kept you sane?
This blog--the ability to write! :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Katie Holmes--watching her morph into Mrs. Cruise right before our eyes. She sure doesn't look like she did a few years ago.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The death of Bhutto a couple of days ago--tragic, unfortunate, unnecessary. She was a great woman with such a big heart and a desire to serve her people. Her country will greatly miss her.
37. Who did you miss?
No one really--I have everyone I need.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Besides Richie, I have developed a great friendship with Amy. We didn't actually just meet, but we have become great friends.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:
Life has no guarantees--you can plan and dream, but in the end, you never know the outcome.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I don't know about you but I was put here to live and love
So, what if I don't do it like everybody else does
I'm out on the edge, I'm too willing to risk
Every bone, every breath, they say, all I am is a crazy dream
Like it's a bad thing.
--Gary Alan's "Like It's a Bad Thing"
Happy 2008 everybody! May 2008 find you achieving your goals, living your dreams, and loving life!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Muddy Christmas to You!
First of all, yesterday was the two year birthday of my blog--Happy Birthday, Blog! Before we talk about today, let's talk about yesterday's excitement.
The kids spent the weekend with Kyle and when he brought them home last night, we were using the front door instead of the back door (for reference, the back door broke the night before when it was so windy, therefore it's out of order until we can get it fixed), so he proceeded to pull up to that door to let the kids out and bring in their stuff. Well, he had turned around and was talking to them and wasn't paying attention and pulled onto the water line ditch...that's not quite set yet. That big 'ole diesel truck is front heavy and as soon as it hit the ditch, the front two tires sank about halfway. Well, we got the kids out and situated and he when he got ready to leave, he tried to back out and quickly found out the tires were just going to spin. My Papaw pulled up about this time in his new fancy, smancy Avalanche. But those slick street tires that are for looks, not heavy duty pulling weren't going to get that big truck out of the ditch. He tried for a minute or so, then quickly realized it was useless. Well, we thought Richie's truck might do it since he has after market tires, however it just wasn't quite heavy enough to pull it out either. Instead, one side of Kyle's truck buried even deeper-down to the frame! At this point, we realized Eric was probably going to have to come to try. He has one of those "play" trucks with big tires and no worries. But the only problem, he couldn't get a hold of him at first. So, I told Kyle he could use my Honda for the time-being if needed. However, Eric called about that time and was able to head over and help us out. It seemed like Eric's truck wasn't going to do the trick either...until he decided to leave some slack and just yank as hard as he could! And one loud POP later, the big diesel came flying out of the hole. The whole time, the other concern was whether or not the water line had burst or would burst with the truck on it and all of the spinning, and pulling, and tugging going on. And the bad part about that would've been that it's the holidays so no one is working!! But luckily, there was no damage to the water line. We estimate he was probably within 6 inches of it though!
Now, to Christmas Eve...it's that time of year again. The most anticipated evening. The night of the most awaited visitor! The kids are still stoked about Christmas and ready for Santa to come...it's Mom who can't sleep! :) I am afraid this could be the last year that they both believe. I am afraid the magic will start to dwindle from here. So, I plan to cherish every moment of tomorrow. Earlier we opened our Christmas PJ's. The kids got "footies" and were bouncing off of the walls with excitement. They thought they were SO cute!! And I have to admit, they look adorable in them!
We went to the annual Me-Me Christmas and Kylie again stole the show with her reaction to one of her presents. Actually it was the first thing she opened. She got a Hannah Montana wig and microphone and she started jumping up and down and cheering with excitement. She immediately had to put the wig on and begin to show off. She looked so funny and so cute!
Tomorrow will be my first year ever to cook Christmas breakfast for my family! I hope to make it a tradition. I am so excited about having my grandparents, parents, and my kiddos here Christmas morning. The menu is endless--eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, waffles, tomatoes (gotta have 'em with the gravy)....the list goes on! It'll be great.
It's the first Christmas out of the barn--I can't say I miss the barn. I have my big tree, decorations I haven't seen in 3 years, and plenty of room to have family over, so I have to say it's been a great holiday season.
But I am most thankful this year for just having the life that I have. Being happy. I don't need much--just love and a quaint place to lay my head. I am so thankful for 2 wonderful children that are full of life...and that are my life. And a fiance that is just sitting back and relishing his first Christmas in a family. I think he is truly enjoying the magic of the season.
Richie and I were talking earlier about the Christmas season and how it changes. He was remembering 15 years ago when he would open presents at his grandparents house. They have passed away now and their house is now the one he lives in. I remember my Auntie Karen being at Christmas. I remember Christmas at my Grandma Decker's house. They are all gone too, but it's like I told him--the season changes and our roles change too. Soon, Christmas will be at our house with our children and their children. But the meaning never changes and the magic is always there if you let it be.
It doesn't get much better than this.
The kids spent the weekend with Kyle and when he brought them home last night, we were using the front door instead of the back door (for reference, the back door broke the night before when it was so windy, therefore it's out of order until we can get it fixed), so he proceeded to pull up to that door to let the kids out and bring in their stuff. Well, he had turned around and was talking to them and wasn't paying attention and pulled onto the water line ditch...that's not quite set yet. That big 'ole diesel truck is front heavy and as soon as it hit the ditch, the front two tires sank about halfway. Well, we got the kids out and situated and he when he got ready to leave, he tried to back out and quickly found out the tires were just going to spin. My Papaw pulled up about this time in his new fancy, smancy Avalanche. But those slick street tires that are for looks, not heavy duty pulling weren't going to get that big truck out of the ditch. He tried for a minute or so, then quickly realized it was useless. Well, we thought Richie's truck might do it since he has after market tires, however it just wasn't quite heavy enough to pull it out either. Instead, one side of Kyle's truck buried even deeper-down to the frame! At this point, we realized Eric was probably going to have to come to try. He has one of those "play" trucks with big tires and no worries. But the only problem, he couldn't get a hold of him at first. So, I told Kyle he could use my Honda for the time-being if needed. However, Eric called about that time and was able to head over and help us out. It seemed like Eric's truck wasn't going to do the trick either...until he decided to leave some slack and just yank as hard as he could! And one loud POP later, the big diesel came flying out of the hole. The whole time, the other concern was whether or not the water line had burst or would burst with the truck on it and all of the spinning, and pulling, and tugging going on. And the bad part about that would've been that it's the holidays so no one is working!! But luckily, there was no damage to the water line. We estimate he was probably within 6 inches of it though!
Now, to Christmas Eve...it's that time of year again. The most anticipated evening. The night of the most awaited visitor! The kids are still stoked about Christmas and ready for Santa to come...it's Mom who can't sleep! :) I am afraid this could be the last year that they both believe. I am afraid the magic will start to dwindle from here. So, I plan to cherish every moment of tomorrow. Earlier we opened our Christmas PJ's. The kids got "footies" and were bouncing off of the walls with excitement. They thought they were SO cute!! And I have to admit, they look adorable in them!
We went to the annual Me-Me Christmas and Kylie again stole the show with her reaction to one of her presents. Actually it was the first thing she opened. She got a Hannah Montana wig and microphone and she started jumping up and down and cheering with excitement. She immediately had to put the wig on and begin to show off. She looked so funny and so cute!
Tomorrow will be my first year ever to cook Christmas breakfast for my family! I hope to make it a tradition. I am so excited about having my grandparents, parents, and my kiddos here Christmas morning. The menu is endless--eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, waffles, tomatoes (gotta have 'em with the gravy)....the list goes on! It'll be great.
It's the first Christmas out of the barn--I can't say I miss the barn. I have my big tree, decorations I haven't seen in 3 years, and plenty of room to have family over, so I have to say it's been a great holiday season.
But I am most thankful this year for just having the life that I have. Being happy. I don't need much--just love and a quaint place to lay my head. I am so thankful for 2 wonderful children that are full of life...and that are my life. And a fiance that is just sitting back and relishing his first Christmas in a family. I think he is truly enjoying the magic of the season.
Richie and I were talking earlier about the Christmas season and how it changes. He was remembering 15 years ago when he would open presents at his grandparents house. They have passed away now and their house is now the one he lives in. I remember my Auntie Karen being at Christmas. I remember Christmas at my Grandma Decker's house. They are all gone too, but it's like I told him--the season changes and our roles change too. Soon, Christmas will be at our house with our children and their children. But the meaning never changes and the magic is always there if you let it be.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Operation Clean House
Well, Operation Clean House is underway.....and my bathroom is sparkling! I just finished HAND MOPPING the floor--it was filthy! Now, on to my closet and room. I am gonna get this house under control! Kylie walked through the living room a minute ago and said, "Wow, it smells good in here." Not sure if that's good or not. Makes me think she's not used to the smell! But, I guess overall it's a good thing that someone noticed, huh?
We are SO ready for Christmas around here! But I do like the ability to get my kids motivated with the "I will start taking presents away" threat too!
Last night we went to the local park for a train ride through a lights display. It was a little short, but the kids liked it never the less. It's just fun to get out and enjoy the Christmas season and all of its displays!
Well, back to work--gotta get the house ready for Santa's visit! :)
We are SO ready for Christmas around here! But I do like the ability to get my kids motivated with the "I will start taking presents away" threat too!
Last night we went to the local park for a train ride through a lights display. It was a little short, but the kids liked it never the less. It's just fun to get out and enjoy the Christmas season and all of its displays!
Well, back to work--gotta get the house ready for Santa's visit! :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Love and Sacrifice
I love reading as everyone knows and now that I am done with my Master's degree, I actually have time! I have been reading Karen Kingsbury's book, "Ever After" and a part of it really stuck out to me. There is a wedding that takes place in the story and the bride and groom exchanged vows that they had written. I loved the part in the vows that talked about love and sacrifice from 1 Corinthians 13. From there, my mind started racing with a ton of questions...
1) What is love? (Here's my favorite definition and it's from 1 Corinthians 13)
The Greek word that is used in 1 Corinthians 13 for love (agape), is a word that simply means "the ultimate act of self- sacrifice." It is a word which refers to the ultimate act of sacrificing oneself for the good of someone else. In fact, 1 Corinthians 13:1 could easily be translated the following way: "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not a spirit of self-sacrifice, I am nothing."
2) Does love require sacrifice?
To me, absolutely. We can say we love something, but I think at that point the word "love" means something completely different if it doesn't involve the ability or desire to sacrifice oneself. I think that when someone can truly say they would be willing to sacrifice himself for the good or betterment of someone they love, then you know the love is agape love--unconditional, neverending, exceeding all limits.
Sacrificial love. It goes beyond beauty. Beyond brains or status. Beyond age.
1) What is love? (Here's my favorite definition and it's from 1 Corinthians 13)
The Greek word that is used in 1 Corinthians 13 for love (agape), is a word that simply means "the ultimate act of self- sacrifice." It is a word which refers to the ultimate act of sacrificing oneself for the good of someone else. In fact, 1 Corinthians 13:1 could easily be translated the following way: "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not a spirit of self-sacrifice, I am nothing."
2) Does love require sacrifice?
To me, absolutely. We can say we love something, but I think at that point the word "love" means something completely different if it doesn't involve the ability or desire to sacrifice oneself. I think that when someone can truly say they would be willing to sacrifice himself for the good or betterment of someone they love, then you know the love is agape love--unconditional, neverending, exceeding all limits.
Sacrificial love. It goes beyond beauty. Beyond brains or status. Beyond age.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Countdown to Christmas
Well, just 2 more days of work this week and then I am officially off of work until 2008! I am ready for Christmas!
We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks this weekend and it was SO cute! I loved it! It brought back tons of memories of when I was a kid. It was a little surreal to see my 7 year old and 5 year old sitting next to me enjoying the Chipmunks!
I had the weirdest dream last night. A storm was starting to form outside. It was rainy, windy, and dark. I walked outside to see the dust in front of the house swirling in the air. Then I looked out and saw a bunch of tiny tornadoes. I ran back into the house and told everyone there was a bad storm outside. Then I remember looking back outside again and saw a huge tornado forming and headed straight for the house. I was so scared! I called Richie (not sure where he was) and told him how scared I was. I was screaming into the phone. Then I went back into the house and found the kids and we grabbed the mattresses off the beds and ran down to the basement. No, we weren't at my house. We were in some huge mansion and there was a ton of my family there together. Then I woke up. So, I don't know if the tornado hit or not....but it was headed our way.
I tried to thinking of what the meaning of that dream could be--I felt like it meant that I was some place safe from harm and that my family and friends were there to support me through the storm. I think it's probably one of those dreams that is supposed to reassure me that I am in God's will and though there will be hard times and struggles in life, I always have those who love me nearby or just a phone call away.
We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks this weekend and it was SO cute! I loved it! It brought back tons of memories of when I was a kid. It was a little surreal to see my 7 year old and 5 year old sitting next to me enjoying the Chipmunks!
I had the weirdest dream last night. A storm was starting to form outside. It was rainy, windy, and dark. I walked outside to see the dust in front of the house swirling in the air. Then I looked out and saw a bunch of tiny tornadoes. I ran back into the house and told everyone there was a bad storm outside. Then I remember looking back outside again and saw a huge tornado forming and headed straight for the house. I was so scared! I called Richie (not sure where he was) and told him how scared I was. I was screaming into the phone. Then I went back into the house and found the kids and we grabbed the mattresses off the beds and ran down to the basement. No, we weren't at my house. We were in some huge mansion and there was a ton of my family there together. Then I woke up. So, I don't know if the tornado hit or not....but it was headed our way.
I tried to thinking of what the meaning of that dream could be--I felt like it meant that I was some place safe from harm and that my family and friends were there to support me through the storm. I think it's probably one of those dreams that is supposed to reassure me that I am in God's will and though there will be hard times and struggles in life, I always have those who love me nearby or just a phone call away.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My house is a horribly embarrassing disgusting wreck. Problem is I never have time to clean! I literally can't get the necessary items done before I find myself doing them all over again. Then, I never get to move on to the next level of cleaning. It's driving me nuts, but what do you do? Plus I really want to get organized. My office has turned into one big storage room of marketing supplies. Therefore, I know what I'll be doing on vacation next week....yep, you guessed it. Cleaning. Organizing.
I am ready for Christmas. I am ready for good food, presents, and a little down time! And I am ready to know what all of these surprises that Richie has bought me are....I am not good at waiting for surprises!!
I am ready for Christmas. I am ready for good food, presents, and a little down time! And I am ready to know what all of these surprises that Richie has bought me are....I am not good at waiting for surprises!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Graduation Anticipation!
Next Saturday is my graduation! YIPPEE! The countdown begins--I am ready! But before I can graduate, I have such a busy and stressful week ahead....lots of work and typical week stuff to do! But that will make next weekend all the sweeter. My kids have a different countdown going--they are excited about next Friday because the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie comes out! (OK, I have to admit I am a little stoked too--I loved the Chipmunks as a kid!)
Kylie is also on a parade kick...we went to the local parade in town last week and then she went to the big parade in a nearby city. She loved it! It's awesome to see the magic in her eyes--what a wonderful age! She was so excited and would peek around the people next to us to see the parade coming down the road. It was the cutest thing. And don't worry, she worked the parade people with her charm and smile and got tons of candy! Her highlight was when Santa waved at HER! She thought that was just the greatest thing!
Well, I am done Christmas shopping, so if you didn't get a present from me yet, then you aren't getting one! And I am SO glad to be done this early. We ventured out Saturday to finish up and it was already a mad house at there! So, I am glad to know I don't have to fight the crowds.
Some friends of mine threw me a graduation party last weekend--it wasn't as a big of a hype as I would have liked though. It seemed like everyone was out of town or had plans. Such is December. Oh well. I did get to see an old friend from my last job and my good friend Amy made it as well. So, that was nice. However, gotta love when you mix water and wine. My new friends and my old friends just didn't seem to click. Guess it was the difference in "culture"! So, it was an opportunity to see how some people act when out of their element. Note taken.
Kylie is also on a parade kick...we went to the local parade in town last week and then she went to the big parade in a nearby city. She loved it! It's awesome to see the magic in her eyes--what a wonderful age! She was so excited and would peek around the people next to us to see the parade coming down the road. It was the cutest thing. And don't worry, she worked the parade people with her charm and smile and got tons of candy! Her highlight was when Santa waved at HER! She thought that was just the greatest thing!
Well, I am done Christmas shopping, so if you didn't get a present from me yet, then you aren't getting one! And I am SO glad to be done this early. We ventured out Saturday to finish up and it was already a mad house at there! So, I am glad to know I don't have to fight the crowds.
Some friends of mine threw me a graduation party last weekend--it wasn't as a big of a hype as I would have liked though. It seemed like everyone was out of town or had plans. Such is December. Oh well. I did get to see an old friend from my last job and my good friend Amy made it as well. So, that was nice. However, gotta love when you mix water and wine. My new friends and my old friends just didn't seem to click. Guess it was the difference in "culture"! So, it was an opportunity to see how some people act when out of their element. Note taken.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
3rd Time is a Charm
Well, we are State Champs once again--for the 3rd time be exact! The game wasn't nearly as nail-biting as last year's game, but it was definitely a good one. And it was much warmer than last year!
I am on a mission to get this house cleaned up--and I hope to accomplish it this weekend. I had a couple of picture taking requests, but to a lot of people's amazement, I said no! I am known for my ability to over extend myself, but I decided this weekend, that I wanted to rest and get some things done around my house.
A little holiday trivia for ya...learned this after a one-sided bet! :)
In the song, "Winter Wonderland", there is a phrase about Parson Brown...who (or what) is it referring to?
Answer: One can assume that "Parson" is used as a title, instead of a first name. In the period when this song was written, parsons (now known as a Protestant minister) often travelled among small rural towns to perform wedding ceremonies for denominational followers who did not have a local minister of their faith. Therefore, the children are most likely pretending that their snowman is a Parson with the surname "Brown," which would be visiting the town again in the future.
Love ya Richie!! :)
I am on a mission to get this house cleaned up--and I hope to accomplish it this weekend. I had a couple of picture taking requests, but to a lot of people's amazement, I said no! I am known for my ability to over extend myself, but I decided this weekend, that I wanted to rest and get some things done around my house.
A little holiday trivia for ya...learned this after a one-sided bet! :)
In the song, "Winter Wonderland", there is a phrase about Parson Brown...who (or what) is it referring to?
Answer: One can assume that "Parson" is used as a title, instead of a first name. In the period when this song was written, parsons (now known as a Protestant minister) often travelled among small rural towns to perform wedding ceremonies for denominational followers who did not have a local minister of their faith. Therefore, the children are most likely pretending that their snowman is a Parson with the surname "Brown," which would be visiting the town again in the future.
Love ya Richie!! :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
You Get What You Get and You Don't Throw a Fit!

Well, I have been busy working on everyone else's Christmas pictures and obviously haven't even bothered to snap a picture of the kids for my Christmas cards! So, last night as we were driving home, I told them to hurry in the house, change clothes, and meet me in the backyard--I was gonna get a picture no matter what! Of course, it's 5:15, the sun is going down, there is absolutely no background in the backyard except a barb wire fence, my big camera's battery was dead, and I had scrounged up 4 AA batteries that were on the edge of being gone just to get that picture. I haven't had a Christmas yet since I've had kids that I haven't sent out a card with their pictures on it....not gonna happen this year.
So, here's the result. Not the best, but guess what...you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!!
And in other exciting news--Houston Nutt is gone! Yeah! Now, who will we get? Let's hope we upgrade and not settle for someone!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Back to the Grind
Well, it never fails...a long weekend always comes to an end no matter how long it is! Hey, but I did get a few things accomplished this weekend! I have my tree assembled (looks like the Griswold tree on Christmas Vacation in my low-ceiling living room) and I got tons of Christmas shopping done! The kids are completely taken care of and now to just buy for those extremely difficult parents. I am ready for Christmas though...Richie and I watched some video of Christmas morning from '05 and '06 and it's still awesome to see how the kids really enjoy the magic of Christmas morning! I have such awesome kids!
I ventured out Friday morning for Black Friday...with the kids. Yes, it was dangerous considering the last time I went shopping on Black Friday. That was the day that I went off on the lady at Best Buy in 2002. Since then, I have avoided the stores on Black Friday knowing that I don't have the patience! But I decided I had had plenty of time to cool off (5 years), so I thought I would give it another shot. And it went awesome--the kids were such troopers. We were out of the house at 6:30 a.m. and didn't get home until after 5. I even had people compliment me on how well-behaved the kids were!
Well, I am turning in--the dog is asleep so I better catch up with him!
I ventured out Friday morning for Black Friday...with the kids. Yes, it was dangerous considering the last time I went shopping on Black Friday. That was the day that I went off on the lady at Best Buy in 2002. Since then, I have avoided the stores on Black Friday knowing that I don't have the patience! But I decided I had had plenty of time to cool off (5 years), so I thought I would give it another shot. And it went awesome--the kids were such troopers. We were out of the house at 6:30 a.m. and didn't get home until after 5. I even had people compliment me on how well-behaved the kids were!
Well, I am turning in--the dog is asleep so I better catch up with him!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Swatting Mosquitos
It's that time of year--everyone is wanting the perfect family picture for the Christmas card! However, in the 3 years I have taken pictures, I have never had to swat mosquitos while snapping the perfect fall pose. But, last weekend, I got so many mosquito bites! What a nuisance! I have been nursing my bites with anti-itch cream to keep from scratching! I guess I should just prepare myself the next time I go out and carry bug spray!! :)
I am so glad this was a short week--I think I crammed a week's worth of doing in it though...I am ready for tonight--relax and hang out. I love my kids, but I am sure ready for a night off--I haven't had a weekend off in a month, so I am ready for some peace and quiet. I think I will try and get some Christmas shopping done this weekend while they are gone.
They are gonna be home with me this Friday during the day, so I am taking them to see the Bee Movie also.....it's just nice to have some time off work and not be going somewhere. I hope to get some things accomplished (I always say this when I have a few days off and I accomplish absolutely nothing, so don't expect big things!).
I am so glad this was a short week--I think I crammed a week's worth of doing in it though...I am ready for tonight--relax and hang out. I love my kids, but I am sure ready for a night off--I haven't had a weekend off in a month, so I am ready for some peace and quiet. I think I will try and get some Christmas shopping done this weekend while they are gone.
They are gonna be home with me this Friday during the day, so I am taking them to see the Bee Movie also.....it's just nice to have some time off work and not be going somewhere. I hope to get some things accomplished (I always say this when I have a few days off and I accomplish absolutely nothing, so don't expect big things!).
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Peeping Tom

I went out to my car the other night to get some things and when I got to the back door I about jumped out of my skin! There he was, just staring in trying to catch a peek at us! Ok, so he's a frog, but still, it was scary! And funny--he looks like he waved when I took the picture! Just proof that voyeurism crosses animal boundaries!
Go Kylie!

Kylie's cheer competition was last Saturday--again, I am late w/a post because I really wanted a picture on here with it. Anyway, they placed 5th out of 6th--and we were thrilled! This is their first competition and they were actually competing in the youth league--10 and 11 year olds! So, for a squad that's made up of mostly 5-7 year olds, beating ANYBODY was a thrill! I learned so much at this competition--these girls wear hair extensions, tons of makeup and they come to win! So, I bought Kylie a fake ponytail and the Moms are trying to scrounge up the glitter make-up and star stickers so that our girls stand a chance!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Meet Opie!

Ok, I have slacked on the blogging, but it's because I have been wanting to include pictures and haven't had the time to put them on my computer! So, here's my solution--tons of posts each with a picture! First up, Mr. Opie. Isn't he precious? He's an Italian Greyhound (and a very well-dressed one may I add) and right now he's probably 10 weeks old. He's feisty and cuddly all in one. We're still fighting on the potty training, but he's smart, so hopefully he gets it soon!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Glad to Be Home
Well, I made it back from Dallas....I am so glad. I wasn't ready for this trip mentally, so I am glad to be back. We did have an awesome time though--I have such a good job! Our first night was spent in Texas Stadium playing flag football. We even got to tour the Cowboys locker room. I got my picture made in front of T.O.'s locker, Tony Romo, and Ken Hamlin. It was awesome to be standing out on the field looking up at the seats--the exact opposite view of what we normally get! Then, the next night we had our dine-arounds. This is where our district goes to dinner together at a nice restaurant. The philosphy here is completely different that my other company....our ticket for the 10 of us was $1513! Our company prides itself on really taking care of its employees and treating them well. I also won $20 in Starbucks gift cards! Probably the highlight of the meeting though was that I was asked to lead our team building activities--something I have such a passion for and really enjoy. Well, after we did the activities in our district, word got out to the rest of the managers in the region (3 state area) and they want me to send them the information on the activities--they were that impressed with them! What a compliment!!
Tonight is Kylie's dress rehearsal for her cheerleading competition. She is excited to get to wear her entire uniform for practice!
Today, Opie gets to go and visit Weston's classroom. When his teacher heard about his new puppy, she wanted to see him and let the kids see him. So, I am going to dress him in his Polo shirt and let him visit the kids!
Better get ready for work!
Tonight is Kylie's dress rehearsal for her cheerleading competition. She is excited to get to wear her entire uniform for practice!
Today, Opie gets to go and visit Weston's classroom. When his teacher heard about his new puppy, she wanted to see him and let the kids see him. So, I am going to dress him in his Polo shirt and let him visit the kids!
Better get ready for work!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Much Better Weekend
I must say I enjoyed this weekend much better than the last one--we had our "Thanksgiving meal" on Saturday since everyone is so busy on the holiday, it was Richie's birthday, and Opie is here!
First, Richie's birthday--he got tons of great presents and I think he had a good birthday. The Razorbacks won on his birthday (thanks to the return of the mascot!!)! And beyond that, we ate a big meal and just hung out.
Secondly, I got to bring Opie home on Thursday....he just as sweet as can be. He sleeps wonderfully (wish my kids would've done that as babies), but we are gonna have to get more practice on the potty training. He isn't doing horribly--in fact when he's in his cage, he does great. But he needs a little guidance in the rest of the house when he's free. But he is definitely a baby still, so hopefully he'll catch on soon. He was hilarious this morning. He got up around 6 and I put him in his cage to eat. Well, he was mad at me for not holding him (he wants to be near me constantly). I told him to eat and potty, then he could come back out. Well, he ate his food, but the whole time he was just talking (probably back-talking!) the whole time. It was SO funny! You could tell he was so mad at me! But he ate, went potty, and now he's curled up under a blankie in Kylie's lap. He is SO cold natured--just like me! Anyway, I got some great pics that I will post ASAP.
Tomorrow I leave for Dallas for a few days for work. I don't want to go! I have so much to do around here, I still have a ton of prep work for the trip, and I haven't begun to pack. Oh well, I better get busy. Guess that extra hour I have today will come in handy!
First, Richie's birthday--he got tons of great presents and I think he had a good birthday. The Razorbacks won on his birthday (thanks to the return of the mascot!!)! And beyond that, we ate a big meal and just hung out.
Secondly, I got to bring Opie home on Thursday....he just as sweet as can be. He sleeps wonderfully (wish my kids would've done that as babies), but we are gonna have to get more practice on the potty training. He isn't doing horribly--in fact when he's in his cage, he does great. But he needs a little guidance in the rest of the house when he's free. But he is definitely a baby still, so hopefully he'll catch on soon. He was hilarious this morning. He got up around 6 and I put him in his cage to eat. Well, he was mad at me for not holding him (he wants to be near me constantly). I told him to eat and potty, then he could come back out. Well, he ate his food, but the whole time he was just talking (probably back-talking!) the whole time. It was SO funny! You could tell he was so mad at me! But he ate, went potty, and now he's curled up under a blankie in Kylie's lap. He is SO cold natured--just like me! Anyway, I got some great pics that I will post ASAP.
Tomorrow I leave for Dallas for a few days for work. I don't want to go! I have so much to do around here, I still have a ton of prep work for the trip, and I haven't begun to pack. Oh well, I better get busy. Guess that extra hour I have today will come in handy!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Well, the kids had such a busy and fun day yesterday for Halloween! I went to each of their class parties and they played tons of games, ate a pound of candy and enjoyed the free time. Then, afterschool we went home and got ready for trick-or-treating. Weston dressed up as "Rocky Balboa" and Kylie took her witch costume that my Mom got her (which was a prissy, diva witch) and decided to wear green and black face make-up with it! It was so funny--she has such a spin on life! We then went and played games at the town carnival and visited a few family members.
And today, Opie gets to come home. I am going to get him after work. I am excited, but I am not sure if I am ready for the no sleep for a few nights. Luckily, I only have to make it through tomorrow, then there's the weekend.
Richie's birthday is this weekend. Kylie and I were talking about it this morning and she asked how old he was going to be. I told her and she said, "He just needs to go on up to heaven then." I about fell over laughing!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I need some sugar!
Ok, kisses would be good too, but I am talking about REAL sugar! I talk all day long about diabetes and high blood sugar with doctors, nurses, and office staff. Well, today I went and had a fasting blood glucose test administered at a conference I attended. I knew that when I get hungry, I probably have a slight dip in my blood sugar, however my test came back at 55!! That is way low! The ladies at my table were getting me orange juice and granola bars and fearing I might pass out. I texted Richie my result and he asked a friend of his who has Type 1 diabetes about my result. He was shocked too and said I probably should have some lab work done. Well, I have connections and so today when I visited my endocrinologists office, I asked him what he thought. He wasn't too alarmed, but indicated I was probably hypoglycemic since I have symptoms with my low results. He suggested I buy a home monitor and start keeping a "sugar journal" to understand my reaction to food/lack of food. But the good news is that he didn't necessarily feel that I had any sort of serious health condition beyond hypoglycemia. So, I guess I'll prick a finger or two and see what I do over the next few weeks.
I am taking the day off tomorrow so that I can go to my kids Halloween parties. I love my job--3 weeks of vacation and a flexible schedule has allowed me to feel like a Mommy again! Then, after school it's costume time and trick-or-treating. I'll try to post some pictures of my little Evander Holyfield and Wicked Witch!
Only a couple more days until I get to bring my puppy home--I am excited (but I am also trying to store up on my sleep)! I bought him a Polo shirt, a fleece jacket, and a cute little winer t-shirt. He's gonna be so cute!!
I am taking the day off tomorrow so that I can go to my kids Halloween parties. I love my job--3 weeks of vacation and a flexible schedule has allowed me to feel like a Mommy again! Then, after school it's costume time and trick-or-treating. I'll try to post some pictures of my little Evander Holyfield and Wicked Witch!
Only a couple more days until I get to bring my puppy home--I am excited (but I am also trying to store up on my sleep)! I bought him a Polo shirt, a fleece jacket, and a cute little winer t-shirt. He's gonna be so cute!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
We Have 3 Bathrooms!
Kylie came home last night from cheerleading practice completely worn out. The poor girl had been practicing for 3 hours and since competition is quickly approaching, they have been practicing longer and harder. Well, she went straight to her room and fell asleep shortly afterward. I debated as to whether I should let her sleep or not. It was about 5:30 and since she typically goes to bed at 7:30 (and still fights getting up in the morning), I thought I would let her sleep. Well, she decides to get up at 7:00. She was groggy and cranky. She walked through the living room to my bedroom, then came back out. A few minutes later, she was sitting in a bar stool at the island trying to hold her eyes open. I went over to her and gave her a kiss....that's when I realized I was standing in something wet. A lot of wet. I looked down and thought one of the kids had spilled a drink. That's when Weston explained to me what happened....Kylie had peed in the floor! He said she just pulled her pants down and wet to the bathroom right there in the kitchen! The poor girl was so out of it that she had confused the pantry in the kitchen with the bathroom.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Weekend is Over!

Have you ever wanted a weekend to end? That's the way I felt about this one. It's finally over--it's Sunday afternoon, I have a couple of hours before the kids get home and I can put the weekend behind me and get ready for the week. Don't get me wrong, I am not looking forward to the week--it's gonna be a real busy one. My boss will be here Thursday to do my monthly ride-a-long, I have some preparations to make for my Dallas meeting next week, and Kylie has a ton of practices since her competition is fastly approaching. No, I am just glad the weekend is over.
You see, I was prepared for the weekend. I made some plans, spent some money and had it together. But others didn't. And it went downhill from there. I found myself thinking, "I should've done the complete opposite this weekend from what I did. I shouldn't have spent money, I shouldn't have wasted my day Saturday, I should've dressed up instead of down." But's it over.
I guess I spent too much time second-guessing my actions, wanting them to be perfect. Then, I spent the rest of my time regretting them, wishing I could've done it differently. But I know why I worried about the weekend. My thoughts were focused on the past, when I should've been enjoying the present. But it's hard. You want to leave the past in the past, but what happens when it shows up at every social function in the present? How do you get "past" it? I feel like a snob, yet I feel out of place. I want to immerse myself, but then I find myself gasping for air. I just long for some separation between the past and the present.
Now, I want my weekend back so I can do it over again.
On a lighter note, here's a pic of Richie and me at a friend's wedding. Don't we look just fabulous? :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A New Man for Me
Well, I am getting a new man. Yes, that's right. His name is Opie. He has beautiful blue/grey eyes, he loves to cuddle, and he stole my heart. The little Italian Greyhound is getting a new home. I can't wait! He is absolutely precious! I think this is a great dog for me. They don't like to potty outside, so I can litter box train him (hence the cat similarity). They also don't like the cold weather, so he'll love clothes! I have already bought him a new shirt and found some flannel PJ's for him too. He's supposed to get to come home around Halloween, so I probably won't get to buy him a costume, but that's OK. Of course, I have to go out of town the 5-7 of November, so Richie will be dog-sitting for me. Anyway, I can hardly wait!
Some friends of ours are getting married this weekend. Of course, the "traditional" bachelor/bachelorette parties took place last weekend. However, Richie and I were the smart ones of the group--we didn't go. And it's a good thing because evidently the "traditional" fights took place the next morning! It's so nice to have a guy who respects me and understands my feelings--thanks Richie! :)
Some friends of ours are getting married this weekend. Of course, the "traditional" bachelor/bachelorette parties took place last weekend. However, Richie and I were the smart ones of the group--we didn't go. And it's a good thing because evidently the "traditional" fights took place the next morning! It's so nice to have a guy who respects me and understands my feelings--thanks Richie! :)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wormy Dog Saloon
Ok, I really want a puppy. However, I have learned a valuable lesson in the past few days. So, I had my eyes set on an Italian Greyhound puppy, but I read up on the breed and thought that maybe it wasn't the dog for me. The information said that the breed is for cat lovers and I am definitely a dog person. So, I started looking around at other breeds and found the Shorkie. They are absolutely adorable! If you get the Yorkie coloring with the Shih-Tzu style of hair, then you have a Ewok imitator!! So, I found one in the local newspaper and got so excited. The dogs are personable and really cute. So I called the guy and made arrangements to go look at it. Well, we didn't get there until late--around 7:30 pm. It was already getting dark and I didn't get a good look at the puppy. But he was spunky and had the coloring that I loved. So, I decided to get him. Well, we brought him home and he just followed me everywhere I went--such a cutie. Then, he curled up on the couch on Richie's chest. Well, as he was getting settled, he noticed a worm coming out his rear...YUCK. However, it was just one. So, I said I would take him immediately to the vet tomorrow to get him wormed. No worries. Well, it went downhill from there. We noticed another...and another. So we went into the kitchen on the linoleum and checked him out. Well, at that moment like 8 or 10 came out and fell on the floor. I about lost it!!! That is more than I can handle. I told Richie that the puppy had to go back! So, at 10:30 we called the guy and told him the situation. He agreed to let us bring back the puppy (well there wasn't really an option). Needless to say I got in bed at 1 a.m. that morning!
So, I learned a lot that night. KNOW the breeder, SEE the location where the puppy is living, MEET the parents of the puppy, and MAKE SURE IT HAS BEEN WORMED!!
Tomorrow we are going to see the little grey Italian greyhound tomorrow again. We have already seen where they live, met the Mom, and the lady who has them. The place is immaculate...the puppies are healthy and happy. She even said we can't have the puppy for a week or so until she can give it the last round of medications!! That's just her rules before she lets the puppies go. I learned that good things (and wormless dogs) come to those who wait!!
So, I learned a lot that night. KNOW the breeder, SEE the location where the puppy is living, MEET the parents of the puppy, and MAKE SURE IT HAS BEEN WORMED!!
Tomorrow we are going to see the little grey Italian greyhound tomorrow again. We have already seen where they live, met the Mom, and the lady who has them. The place is immaculate...the puppies are healthy and happy. She even said we can't have the puppy for a week or so until she can give it the last round of medications!! That's just her rules before she lets the puppies go. I learned that good things (and wormless dogs) come to those who wait!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
That makes me want to puke!
So today I am home...sick. Read the title--you get the picture. I DO NOT have time for this. I have so much to do with work and home and sitting on the couch and occasionally kissing the throne isn't my idea of accomplishing things!
So still no decisions have been permanently made on the housing. I think buying my parents' property from them is probably not the best decision since it would only add to newlywed stress. But what do I do? I can probably stay in the modular until the house sells, but it is a buyer's market right now, so it could be quick! Guess I will just pray and hope for the best!
So still no decisions have been permanently made on the housing. I think buying my parents' property from them is probably not the best decision since it would only add to newlywed stress. But what do I do? I can probably stay in the modular until the house sells, but it is a buyer's market right now, so it could be quick! Guess I will just pray and hope for the best!
Monday, October 15, 2007
I swear I should submit my life to the plot writers for soap operas. It seems that just when I get settled, someone decides to keep things fresh and switch them up on me. My parents are moving--they have bought a beautiful new home that used to be owned by a doctor. It makes sense for them--my Dad just can't handle the land by himself since his heart attack. But that means I have some decisions to make....do I sell my land too? Do I move out of the modular? I have no clue what the best idea is. Part of me has the answer, then I change my mind. I guess it just surprised me--completely caught me off guard. I JUST got settled in my new home. Oh well, I guess I need drama huh? Good grief...I am just ready to have a home and get comfy. So, now to figure out where my new digs will be. I feel like I have to change my plans and dreams, or do I? I really want my beach wedding, but now I think my money would be well spent toward a new home. I don't know. Damn parents.
So I was watching Rules of Engagement and I just got ticked. I am such a woman because I cannot understand the purpose of lying to your spouse and sneaking off to a strip club...sorry, but I just think it's a 1/2 step away from cheating (and it is when the girl gets off her pole)....I don't understand why we can't be satisfied with what we have. What is it that makes a person get up from the chair in their home next to their beautiful wife and drive down to the titty bar? I honestly think if the tables were turned and there were dick bars, things would be different. But, women don't think that way....we are wired completely different.
So I was watching Rules of Engagement and I just got ticked. I am such a woman because I cannot understand the purpose of lying to your spouse and sneaking off to a strip club...sorry, but I just think it's a 1/2 step away from cheating (and it is when the girl gets off her pole)....I don't understand why we can't be satisfied with what we have. What is it that makes a person get up from the chair in their home next to their beautiful wife and drive down to the titty bar? I honestly think if the tables were turned and there were dick bars, things would be different. But, women don't think that way....we are wired completely different.
Friday, October 12, 2007
It's Friday!
It's Friday! Woo Hoo! Not that I mind working though--my office is now a sleek 2008 Dodge Charger! SWEET! I love it! It's tons better looking than than 'ol blue! I am gonna have to keep it clean though! Black shows everything!! However, it has this glitter paint on it that helps mask road dust. I had so much fun zipping my way to Mt. Ida today in my new car. I have begun deer widow season. It's Friday night and I am sprawled out on the couch catching up on Grey's Anatomy...that's OK though. I really need to get caught up on a few things. I have some office work to do, the house is a wreck, and I need to get some goody bags ready for my clients next week. So, I will try and use my time wisely....ok, I will probably sneak in an episode of Girls Next Door! We had our pictures yesterday--Kylie is SUCH a ham! I know her pictures will be cute. And Weston had some great smiles too--thank goodness because their school pictures are horrible--they both look like toothless old men!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tomorrow is the BIG day--the hearse is dead! I get my new car and I can't wait! I am ready to finally have a cool car that I spend my day in! :) I'll be sure and attach a pic when I get it!
So there's this puppy I have my eyes on...I know, I know--I am a busy girl and I have a new home. BUT he's so cute. I really want him, but I don't know if it's practical or not. Plus, I gotta make sure he'll get along with Andy when he moves in. So, I guess I need to give it some deep thought.
Tomorrow is picture day at an awesome local photographer--I am nervous! I want great pictures! I have waited and waited to book with this lady until I had a house that was suitable for hanging them. I have picked out some cute outfits for the kids and now I need to just pray I don't have a zit pop up and that the kids cooperate!
So there's this puppy I have my eyes on...I know, I know--I am a busy girl and I have a new home. BUT he's so cute. I really want him, but I don't know if it's practical or not. Plus, I gotta make sure he'll get along with Andy when he moves in. So, I guess I need to give it some deep thought.
Tomorrow is picture day at an awesome local photographer--I am nervous! I want great pictures! I have waited and waited to book with this lady until I had a house that was suitable for hanging them. I have picked out some cute outfits for the kids and now I need to just pray I don't have a zit pop up and that the kids cooperate!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Big Fun
Well, our weekend led us to Big Cedar with my work team and we had such a great time! The company provides a yearly "retreat" with the members of the district. You have a little social time with the group and then the rest of the trip is R & R for you and a guest! I love my job! We went to Dogwood Canyon on Saturday and did a tour of the Canyon and it was beautiful!! The kids went with us and had a great time. We stayed in a log cabin and sat out on the deck and looked out over the lake at night and just enjoyed our time away from the busy home life. Sunday was a blast when we went downtown and rode go-carts. Kylie said the go-carts were the "funnest ride she's ever been on"!
Also, I should be getting my new company car any day--a black 2008 Charger! I am SOOO ready to retire the hearse!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Beautiful Disaster
So, yesterday was one sweet mess after another. I won't get deep with the initial details, it was just a "de ja vu" sort of day--let's just say I am not keen about reliving past problems. So, by the end of the day, I was beat. I just get tired of people--meddling people, rude people, and those who think judgementalism gets them somewhere. Why can't we all just get along? Then I get to worrying what's wrong with me? I know my handicap with people--I am a person who is confident in her opinions and feelings. I am not fake. I don't kiss butt and I don't put up with crap. So, that sort of limits me at times. But I won't compromise me. I hate to think that because I don't roll over for others that I am a bad person. I have a small pool of the greatest best friends in the world. I have learned that I am the type that has a few very close friends. Others I am acquaintances with....that's it. So, to Amy W.--you are a jewel. You get me. Why? Because we are SO alike!! It's nice to know that there is no crap in our friendship. I love your candidness, your listening skills, and that you believe in me!! To Richie, it's a blessing to have a man that's got my back. You don't take crap either and for that I admire you. It's so nice to be able to cry on your shoulder and feel you kiss me on the head and say that it's going to be OK. It's sweet to hear you say that even if it's just me and you, that's all you need.
It's those that I am the most alike that I most bond with. I have learned as I age that you can't win them all, so you enjoy the ones that are true.
So, here's how the day ended....we were at Weston's ballgame and I was down. The guys lost the game, the day had been rough, and as we got up to leave, I walked down the bleachers. I made it to the last one and BAM! I feel flat on my rear! I think I would've been more embarrassed if I had been more with it. But instead, my mind was in a fog, so I just got up and walked on. I didn't even care if the whole world saw me! Luckily another Mom was sitting there and she caught me on the way down.
I was ready to go to bed last night when it was time!
It's those that I am the most alike that I most bond with. I have learned as I age that you can't win them all, so you enjoy the ones that are true.
So, here's how the day ended....we were at Weston's ballgame and I was down. The guys lost the game, the day had been rough, and as we got up to leave, I walked down the bleachers. I made it to the last one and BAM! I feel flat on my rear! I think I would've been more embarrassed if I had been more with it. But instead, my mind was in a fog, so I just got up and walked on. I didn't even care if the whole world saw me! Luckily another Mom was sitting there and she caught me on the way down.
I was ready to go to bed last night when it was time!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Of Mice and (Wo)Men
Ok, I love my new house--but the uninvited guests have gotta go! I HATE mice! But when you live smack dab in a pasture, well you get lots of "field" mice. So, I have these glue traps set out to catch them. I hate the sound of the SNAP! old-timey mousetraps, but I think I might hate the squeal of a stuck mouse even worse.
I took the day off today and was standing in my kitchen when I hear "EEE! EEE! EEE!" coming from my laundry room. ICK-a mouse! I am petrified of them being in the house. I just hate the thought of something having the run of the house and catch stand them!
So, I call Richie, but it was about 1:30 and he wasn't going to be off work for a few more hours. Well, I couldn't stand the noise, plus I couldn't leave my house or go outside because I have to go through my laundry room to get to my car. So, I called my Papaw to see if he was out and about and would be willing to kill him. Luckily they were on their way to town and came by to get it.
By the way, called the pest company and made an appointment for first thing Monday morning to spread some poison. It's me or them and since I pay the bills, they gotta go!!
Ok, so I am chasing mice, but that's all I am chasing right now. Rumors and old friends are not on my list. I find it humorous that old colleagues won't talk to me, but I don't let it bother me. I am not interested in someone else's selfish perspective. I don't have a beef with their life or issues that they are currently experiencing against their wishes. My life is just that-all mine. I couldn't be happier right now! AWESOME job, AWESOME fiance, and an AWESOME house with lots of mice! Who could ask for more??
I took the day off today and was standing in my kitchen when I hear "EEE! EEE! EEE!" coming from my laundry room. ICK-a mouse! I am petrified of them being in the house. I just hate the thought of something having the run of the house and catch stand them!
So, I call Richie, but it was about 1:30 and he wasn't going to be off work for a few more hours. Well, I couldn't stand the noise, plus I couldn't leave my house or go outside because I have to go through my laundry room to get to my car. So, I called my Papaw to see if he was out and about and would be willing to kill him. Luckily they were on their way to town and came by to get it.
By the way, called the pest company and made an appointment for first thing Monday morning to spread some poison. It's me or them and since I pay the bills, they gotta go!!
Ok, so I am chasing mice, but that's all I am chasing right now. Rumors and old friends are not on my list. I find it humorous that old colleagues won't talk to me, but I don't let it bother me. I am not interested in someone else's selfish perspective. I don't have a beef with their life or issues that they are currently experiencing against their wishes. My life is just that-all mine. I couldn't be happier right now! AWESOME job, AWESOME fiance, and an AWESOME house with lots of mice! Who could ask for more??
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Little Rock
Guess what? I am engaged! Yes, engaged. So, you ask--who is the lucky guy and why haven't we heard about him? Richie is his name--no, you haven't heard about him on my blog yet. Not because he was a secret from the world--we've been together for awhile, but because I wanted some parts of my life to remain intimate, unknown. But, in the process it appears as if I have been hiding a part of my life. So, I starting today, I am gonna include that aspect of my life in my blog.
Ok, on with the engagement. Totally romantic! I am sucker for someone who puts thought into a romantic event! So, last Sunday, was the big day. We had spent the last two weeks frantically working on my house--painting, cleaning, and hanging pictures and curtains to get ready for game day--Razorback game day that is! After all of the work, we were exhausted. So, Sunday he suggests that we "go somewhere". I was all for it--I had seen enough angles of my house to make me want to run! We headed out to the Nature Center first and walked along the paths outside. Then, I suggested that we go to Mt. Magazine to check out the new lodge. When we got there, we stopped at the hang gliding ledge. There was a guy that was about to glide, so we decided to check out the lodge and then come back and watch him take off. When we got to the lodge, we went and sat out on a large rock overlooking the valley. We sat there and just talked and hung out. Then he said, "Well, we better get going." We don't want to be late." We stood up and hugged and enjoyed one more last view of the valley. Then, he started talking and honestly it gets blurry from here. I just remember hearing "best friend" and "the rest of my life" and that was enough to let me know what was going on. He got down on his knee and proposed. I started bawling! I couldn't even talk! I was so surprised and so excited. Oh, and when I was able to talk--I said yes! We plan on wedding next April--I really want a beach wedding, so I think we are going to wait on the weather and head south! Anyway, I am thrilled!
Ok, on with the engagement. Totally romantic! I am sucker for someone who puts thought into a romantic event! So, last Sunday, was the big day. We had spent the last two weeks frantically working on my house--painting, cleaning, and hanging pictures and curtains to get ready for game day--Razorback game day that is! After all of the work, we were exhausted. So, Sunday he suggests that we "go somewhere". I was all for it--I had seen enough angles of my house to make me want to run! We headed out to the Nature Center first and walked along the paths outside. Then, I suggested that we go to Mt. Magazine to check out the new lodge. When we got there, we stopped at the hang gliding ledge. There was a guy that was about to glide, so we decided to check out the lodge and then come back and watch him take off. When we got to the lodge, we went and sat out on a large rock overlooking the valley. We sat there and just talked and hung out. Then he said, "Well, we better get going." We don't want to be late." We stood up and hugged and enjoyed one more last view of the valley. Then, he started talking and honestly it gets blurry from here. I just remember hearing "best friend" and "the rest of my life" and that was enough to let me know what was going on. He got down on his knee and proposed. I started bawling! I couldn't even talk! I was so surprised and so excited. Oh, and when I was able to talk--I said yes! We plan on wedding next April--I really want a beach wedding, so I think we are going to wait on the weather and head south! Anyway, I am thrilled!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I am cutting back on some things in my life. School is done for me, but now my kids are knee deep in homework. So, my life has to be simplified--I need to change my focus. Sure, it's hard.
I have found myself really tired again--it's actually a welcomed thing though. I feel like I have relaxed in order to feel that way. Sure, I'm stressed right now, but I think there's a peace about me that comes from knowing I have to let go of some things. I have to kick the "I can handle it all" attitude. I find that I am not as strong as people think I am--I am so weak. So imperfect. But in the same respect it doesn't seem as if transparency has gotten me anywhere lately either. I find that exposing myself to be honest and open has only caused more problems. It just doesn't make you want to put yourself out there...only to get hurt.
I have found myself really tired again--it's actually a welcomed thing though. I feel like I have relaxed in order to feel that way. Sure, I'm stressed right now, but I think there's a peace about me that comes from knowing I have to let go of some things. I have to kick the "I can handle it all" attitude. I find that I am not as strong as people think I am--I am so weak. So imperfect. But in the same respect it doesn't seem as if transparency has gotten me anywhere lately either. I find that exposing myself to be honest and open has only caused more problems. It just doesn't make you want to put yourself out there...only to get hurt.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Opposites Attract
Well, I thought Weston would be my shining star when school started back and I figured I would have a permanent seat at the Principal's office for Kylie--but no! Kylie has been an angel since school has started and has gotten ALL green notes. Definitely a record for her. Weston has gotten all green notes too, however he has brought home 3 F's in the last two days! Nothing like him whatsoever. He is such a smart kid, but something's not clicking for him. I know it's not the teacher--he's had her before. So, I just have to assume that he's just not into school this year.
As for fall baseball, the team is showing signs of life. They won a game this evening! Weston made contact with every ball and although he was thrown out, he was helping to get runners in.
Well, the Ambien is setting in, so I guess it's time to shut the computer and get some shut eye.
As for fall baseball, the team is showing signs of life. They won a game this evening! Weston made contact with every ball and although he was thrown out, he was helping to get runners in.
Well, the Ambien is setting in, so I guess it's time to shut the computer and get some shut eye.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Well, I have completed my Master's degree....I am thrilled! This past Thursday night is when it hit me. I was sitting on the couch, it was 7:30 or so and I was at home. No books to read this week, no papers to write. Hey, maybe I'll have time to blog again!
Kylie has started cheerleading class w/gymnastics mixed in. She is awesome! She's a natural entertainer who has the drive to learn. She also started kindergarten--that was hard for me! I walked them to the bus stop and anyone who knows Kylie knows she isn't scared of anything. Well, when she saw the big bus rounding the corner, she grabbed her brother's hand. She didn't say a word, just grabbed a hold of his hand and watched it come to a stop. I cried. Then, Weston was sweet to her and on the way home he told her where to sit and that he would be in the back of the bus and not to worry that he was there.
Well, I am going to get a nap in before her practice is over....that's all for now!
Kylie has started cheerleading class w/gymnastics mixed in. She is awesome! She's a natural entertainer who has the drive to learn. She also started kindergarten--that was hard for me! I walked them to the bus stop and anyone who knows Kylie knows she isn't scared of anything. Well, when she saw the big bus rounding the corner, she grabbed her brother's hand. She didn't say a word, just grabbed a hold of his hand and watched it come to a stop. I cried. Then, Weston was sweet to her and on the way home he told her where to sit and that he would be in the back of the bus and not to worry that he was there.
Well, I am going to get a nap in before her practice is over....that's all for now!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I am pathetic...
Nearly a whole month without a post? Plain awful! I guess I have a few excuses though....I finally moved! WOOHOO! Ok, now back to reality--the place is filthy (former owners were probably pigs). So, in order to put ANYTHING away, I have to scrub, yes scrub the cabinet! So, it is snail speed on the getting settled aspect. But, hey--there is a door on my bedroom.
Ok, also, my life is complete--I shook FAITH HILL AND TIM MCGRAW'S HANDS--TWICE!!!! Went to see them again in concert and it was AWESOME! I had such a blast. (No I wasn't at the Lafayette one!!)
Well, Kylie starts kindergarten in 1 1/2 weeks. I am so nervous...for her teacher. And Weston got the same teacher he had for kindergarten--he loves her so we were thrilled!!
Ok, also, my life is complete--I shook FAITH HILL AND TIM MCGRAW'S HANDS--TWICE!!!! Went to see them again in concert and it was AWESOME! I had such a blast. (No I wasn't at the Lafayette one!!)
Well, Kylie starts kindergarten in 1 1/2 weeks. I am so nervous...for her teacher. And Weston got the same teacher he had for kindergarten--he loves her so we were thrilled!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Well, Weston got back from church camp and guess what? He got saved! I thought that was totally awesome. He is such an old soul and I truly know he understands the commitment he has made. Even more news, my house is finished--YES FINISHED! Ok, well, there are a few minor details, but it is liveable! Can you believe it? So, I will begin the fun journey of moving this weekend--UGH and YIPEE in one!
And, only 5 more weeks of school left--and we actually have a professor who can teach. She is awesome! She really puts thought into her message and I have learned more in this class than I have in the last 4-6 classes combined. I am impressed. We just finished reading the John Marshall book, "There's No Such Thing as Business Ethics" and it was just a great book--the Golden Rule is truly a way of life if we choose it. I can promise you I haven't lived it like I should have, but I have definitely learned a lot in this class.
Well, gotta get "movin"!! :)
And, only 5 more weeks of school left--and we actually have a professor who can teach. She is awesome! She really puts thought into her message and I have learned more in this class than I have in the last 4-6 classes combined. I am impressed. We just finished reading the John Marshall book, "There's No Such Thing as Business Ethics" and it was just a great book--the Golden Rule is truly a way of life if we choose it. I can promise you I haven't lived it like I should have, but I have definitely learned a lot in this class.
Well, gotta get "movin"!! :)
Friday, June 29, 2007
My daughter never ceases to amaze me with her personality. You know, I prayed that God would bless me with a strawberry blonde little girl that had attitude and was willing to fight for what she was passionate about--note to self...don't pray for something unless you know what you are asking for!!
Anyway, the other day at teeball practice, she was hanging out with one of the teeball Moms. I wasn't there yet, but here's how the conversation supposedly went:
Kylie: Hey, Laura, do you like my skinny jeans (poses with hip popped out and hands on hips).
Laura: (trying desperately to not laugh outloud...) Yes, Kylie I love them!
Kylie: My Momma has a pair of dark skinny jeans and she wears them with her brown shoes and she looks SNAP!
Laura: (deciding she can't contain the laughter and is rolling at this moment...) Really? Well, I bet she does!
A few moments later...
Kylie: Hey Laura, check out how pretty my Mom looks as she gets out of the car (I have pulled up at this point)....
Laura: (Deciding that my daughter is a hoot)...Yes, she does, Kylie!
That girl is crazy!!
Anyway, the other day at teeball practice, she was hanging out with one of the teeball Moms. I wasn't there yet, but here's how the conversation supposedly went:
Kylie: Hey, Laura, do you like my skinny jeans (poses with hip popped out and hands on hips).
Laura: (trying desperately to not laugh outloud...) Yes, Kylie I love them!
Kylie: My Momma has a pair of dark skinny jeans and she wears them with her brown shoes and she looks SNAP!
Laura: (deciding she can't contain the laughter and is rolling at this moment...) Really? Well, I bet she does!
A few moments later...
Kylie: Hey Laura, check out how pretty my Mom looks as she gets out of the car (I have pulled up at this point)....
Laura: (Deciding that my daughter is a hoot)...Yes, she does, Kylie!
That girl is crazy!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Testament of Love
I recently read an article called, “Scenes From a Marriage” in which a lady shares a journal of happy moments that she collected during her second marriage. It was important for her to document these memories because it helped her to stay on course during tough times. I thought it was a testament of love, a representation of commitment, and a document of faith. She writes down small things, however it was in the small things that she found joy. She calls these memories, “The List.” It included moments such as her husband teaching his daughter to change a tire or how when she got mad, her husband would kiss her. It seems that in life it is so much easier to remember the bitter moments while we let the best ones slip our mind. She sums up love perfectly—being appreciated for appreciating her husband. Simple, but true. No one is perfect—but we are still lovable.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Please Pray
My Uncle Greg was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. He's pretty beat up evidently. I don't know all of the details, but he is in intensive care. He was comatose last night, has a neck fracture, had to have some of his intestines removed, and a broken arm. My Mom said he is talking today and doesn't know what hit him or even happened. Anyway, I was very worried last night--very scared he wouldn't make it. He sounds like he is going to pull through this, but they did have to do another surgery last night to remove some blood clots, so I know he's still pretty serious. So, please pray that he's alright!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A Day Off!
Well, I took the day off today...I really need to catch up on so much stuff....however, I haven't accomplished much. I did go watch Weston's baseball camp today--that was worth it. He had a great time and is improving so much! Friday night's game against IC will be our toughest game yet! Our team has been the focus of controversy as other teams have tried their hardest to get us out of their way...and this is church league TEEBALL! It's funny!
Anyway, I am playing catch up today--although I have a feeling I am still going to be very behind at the end of the day....
Anyway, I am playing catch up today--although I have a feeling I am still going to be very behind at the end of the day....
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Progress...Well, sort of!
Ok, I have made progress first of all...but, not as much as I had anticipated! The living room/dining room is COMPLETELY painted--trim and all!! Yeah! Weston's room is COMPLETELY painted--Woo Hoo! However, I didn't get to setup the furniture and organize his room. The rails to his bed haven't made it in yet, so really it wasn't possible, but I did run out of time too. Oh well. I do want to scrub his windows and get the floor vacuum first anyway. That way, it's clean....for the last time! :)
The weekend went well besides painting--lots of teeball games, too.
I am so ready to move--it feels so good to have rooms w/doors, painted walls, and plenty of space.
My class is going alright. I just don't have the time/energy to put in it as I should, but I am managing to survive at least. Only 2 more weeks. Can you believe this class has passed this fast. THEN, I have ONE more course left and it's only SIX weeks long--I am ALMOST DONE!!! YIPPEE! I am SOOOO ready.
Well, I have some work to do, so that's it for this evening!
The weekend went well besides painting--lots of teeball games, too.
I am so ready to move--it feels so good to have rooms w/doors, painted walls, and plenty of space.
My class is going alright. I just don't have the time/energy to put in it as I should, but I am managing to survive at least. Only 2 more weeks. Can you believe this class has passed this fast. THEN, I have ONE more course left and it's only SIX weeks long--I am ALMOST DONE!!! YIPPEE! I am SOOOO ready.
Well, I have some work to do, so that's it for this evening!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Viva Las Vegas!
Now how many people would say they would rather be at home instead of Las Vegas? I am one...why? Well, our conference was shortened, so for one thing, I didn't even get to see Vegas. Secondly, my new house is almost done, so I am READY TO MOVE! Plus, I've been to Vegas 4 other times, so I don't feel like I am missing out. Anyway, I started painting on the new house last weekend...slowly but surely I will get it renovated. Weston's bedroom suite has arrived, so I plan to put his room together this weekend--that's my big goal, to have his room painted and set-up by Sunday evening--I'll report back on that. Don't hold your breath either!! :)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Look Ma, No Hands!
My kids experienced a milestone together this weekend!! They can both ride their bikes without training wheels! You should've seen Kylie's face--she was SO excited! She had the biggest smile on their face as she rode by me! Weston was so happy to learn as well--it's been so hard to have any practice time since we leave on a gravel road, but now that their Dad has a concrete parking lot, they have been able to practice a lot more. I am so glad they both learned--it's neat to experience a milestone with someone else!
Well, as stated earlier, my job is keeping me extra busy. Between work, school, and the kids, I have been stretched to death! But the kids will be done with school soon, so hopefully that will help ease the burden of Weston's homework load. However, in August, they will BOTH be in school!
Kylie graduated from preschool last week--she was hilarious during her performance! She has so much soul and groove in her that during the performance, she looked like she was in a gospel choir! It's awesome to see that much spirit in someone!
Well, as stated earlier, my job is keeping me extra busy. Between work, school, and the kids, I have been stretched to death! But the kids will be done with school soon, so hopefully that will help ease the burden of Weston's homework load. However, in August, they will BOTH be in school!
Kylie graduated from preschool last week--she was hilarious during her performance! She has so much soul and groove in her that during the performance, she looked like she was in a gospel choir! It's awesome to see that much spirit in someone!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Various Rants

I haven't had a lot of free time lately...can you tell? I certainly don't get to blog near as much as I want to. So, I will try and sum up a few funnies as quick as possible to catch ya up....
First off, I got my grade from my last class. EVEN THOUGH I DID AN ENTIRE EXTRA ASSIGNMENT THAT I REALLY DIDN'T HAVE TO DO HE GAVE ME A B+!!! I am sure it's his way of trying to get even at me for not caring for him, but frankly I didn't really care. I am ready to be done with school!! Hey, as long as I pass, it's good with me! There's no place on my degree that prints my grades--the degree still looks the same! In fact, I am proud of the B+ considering everything I did in the last 8 weeks. So, Harper, I don't really mind the B+, sorry! His only way to even justify the B+ was to give me a 75% on my final paper. Funny how I have gotten A's on every paper I have done in grad school (including his classes). Anyway, as I remember Harper, you were never invited to this blog, so kindly quit reading.
The new job is going well! I love being out and meeting people--so far everyone is very nice. I get to bring people lunch and drinks and have made so many new friends. Best of all, no boss worrying about my personal business or breathing down my neck. In fact, my boss at my old job doesn't even speak to me anymore--too funny. Guess it drives her nuts she can't give me fits about my personal life anymore. Poor baby. She ignores me at our kids' teeball games. I guess she hopes it will bother me? Actually, kind of nice. Sorry.
Tonight is Kylie's graduation from pre-school! I actually get to go--I was afraid I wouldn't because of class, but I am able to skip tonight. She had dance recital the other night. I have attached a picture from it--she was absolutely beautiful! The dance was precious too! My baby is growing up!
Well, enough griping--I sound mean today, so I better wrap it up before I really go off on someone.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Neighborly Love
What fun...I have decided that country living is about as dramatic as the suburbs...so my neighbors decided they don't want me to use the road behind my house to get to my house (remember my driveway cuts right through the infamous horse pasture with the even more infamous gates)...so, I politely (ok, with a little bluntness) told the neighbor that he needs to not let himself on to my property and brush hog. Now I know you are thinking I am just shooting myself in the foot, however the guy is 80 plus years old and if I am a liability on their road, then he is DEFINITELY a liability on a big mower on my property. Hey, forgot to mention, the road they don't want me to drive on is a COUNTY ROAD!!! What idiots...but, I will play by their rules. So, I need to get down my driveway--well, Daddy decided to padlock the gate where I can't get on it. UGH! But, I got a copy of the key and went on down the driveway--hey, I am the one who paid $10,000 to build it and the easement for MY driveway is written on the deed to MY land. I am so sick of crap!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Mean People
Ok, the kicker to this job....being nice to people that are rude to you! You guys know me...I treat people the way they treat me. Sooooo... a nasty nurse ain't gonna score no brownie points, ya know? That means I need to work on the "forgive and forget" theory and keep my chin up. One thing I have realized is that in this profession, people take advantage of others.
Today was such a rainy day! Trying to do this job in the rain was such a chore. Especially since it was my first day doing the job myself. I still have a Trainer in my car, but I was actually performing instead of shadowing. There are so many things to do and trying to remember them all (and in the rain) is a chore!
Today was such a rainy day! Trying to do this job in the rain was such a chore. Especially since it was my first day doing the job myself. I still have a Trainer in my car, but I was actually performing instead of shadowing. There are so many things to do and trying to remember them all (and in the rain) is a chore!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Workin' for a Livin'
Well, it's day two out in the field (a.k.a. real world)...and so far, it's going pretty good. Just a TON of stuff to remember and do. I am still riding with my partner, so it's been an easy couple of days--it'll get interesting when I am on my own on the 11th!
I am so stressed and so tired! Tomorrow is the final day of my Global Leadership class and we have a paper and presentation due...I haven't started! I am frantically trying to get everything done that's required of me, but I'm stretched pretty thin!
I am READY for the weekend!
I am so stressed and so tired! Tomorrow is the final day of my Global Leadership class and we have a paper and presentation due...I haven't started! I am frantically trying to get everything done that's required of me, but I'm stretched pretty thin!
I am READY for the weekend!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I have a job!!
Well, I passed all of my tests! Now I will drive my company car! HA! :) Today is the last day and we are practicing our doctor calls. I have completed one, only 6 more to go!
Tomorrow I am headed home--I am ready to get back! Hopefully I will get to move in the next few weeks...I am so ready for some extra space--I will need it with this job and all of the materials we have to store!
Tomorrow I am headed home--I am ready to get back! Hopefully I will get to move in the next few weeks...I am so ready for some extra space--I will need it with this job and all of the materials we have to store!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Passed the First Test
So, I passed my first test, but tomorrow there's another one and it's a biggie! I really hope I pass it! Nothing like spending 1 1/2 weeks here and then bombing a test...it's got so many numbers on it--I just hope I can keep them straight! I am ready to come home...it's been a long 1 1/2 weeks and I know the kids are missing me (well, I hope at least!)...
Well, I gotta get back to studying...I HAVE TO PASS THIS TEST!!
Say a little prayer--it's at 8 a.m. Wednesday!
Well, I gotta get back to studying...I HAVE TO PASS THIS TEST!!
Say a little prayer--it's at 8 a.m. Wednesday!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Tomorrow is Test #1!!
Well, I have spent today studying...hoping to pass my first test tomorrow! I am so nervous--I hope I can remember all of this stuff! I am about to go to the bookstore and buy the "Diabetes for Dummies" book so that maybe some of the basics will click! I feel like such a Dummy!
I still have some papers to write for Harper's class too but I have had ZERO free time! I REALLY hope he's understanding...this is such an intense 2 weeks. After this, I think things will be a lot better! I am on the home stretch...only one week left here--but it's our busiest week!
I bought the kids some Chicago postcards yesterday and I think they will enjoy the pictures! Weston's is of course Wrigley Field since it's teeball season and he is engrossed in teeball. Kylie's is just a picture of downtown Chicago, but I think she will like seeing where Mommy is at.
On a personal note, I am growing and coming to some realizations...but I am trying to keep a steady pace at them. I can't afford any distractions while I am here--this is my job, my livelihood...So, please pray that my eyes will be opened as well as my heart in a few areas.
Well, it's back to the books--I tried osmosis already and it didn't work!! :)
I still have some papers to write for Harper's class too but I have had ZERO free time! I REALLY hope he's understanding...this is such an intense 2 weeks. After this, I think things will be a lot better! I am on the home stretch...only one week left here--but it's our busiest week!
I bought the kids some Chicago postcards yesterday and I think they will enjoy the pictures! Weston's is of course Wrigley Field since it's teeball season and he is engrossed in teeball. Kylie's is just a picture of downtown Chicago, but I think she will like seeing where Mommy is at.
On a personal note, I am growing and coming to some realizations...but I am trying to keep a steady pace at them. I can't afford any distractions while I am here--this is my job, my livelihood...So, please pray that my eyes will be opened as well as my heart in a few areas.
Well, it's back to the books--I tried osmosis already and it didn't work!! :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
The Windy City
Well, I am still here...it's Friday night and I am just trying to "veg" out and relax. It has been so busy and demanding this past week. But it has flown by. Our test is Monday a.m. I am going to try and study a little bit at a time and hopefully I will get it by then! We have 7 diagrams to draw, essays, fill in the blank, and multiple choice...I am petrified!!
So, today I found a horrible varicose vein on my leg. YUCK. Might as well turn 30 right now if I am going to get all the "kodger" benefits early!! I can tell what my first bonus check will be used for!! :)
It's weird sitting here all by myself...the gang went downtown tonight to eat and have a few drinks, but I just didn't have it in me. I guess all of the stress has just drained me. I've also been sick this week, so I guess I am just worn out. I am behind on my school work too...I pray Harper is forgiving. I will have to show him our binder of study material for this test--that will evoke empathy in anyone!!
So, today I found a horrible varicose vein on my leg. YUCK. Might as well turn 30 right now if I am going to get all the "kodger" benefits early!! I can tell what my first bonus check will be used for!! :)
It's weird sitting here all by myself...the gang went downtown tonight to eat and have a few drinks, but I just didn't have it in me. I guess all of the stress has just drained me. I've also been sick this week, so I guess I am just worn out. I am behind on my school work too...I pray Harper is forgiving. I will have to show him our binder of study material for this test--that will evoke empathy in anyone!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Training in Chicago
Well, I am on Day 2 of training here in Chicago! It is going wonderfully--I think I am really, really going to like this company and like my new job! The company's culture is very relaxed and family-oriented. They want you to feel comfortable, enjoy yourself, and have fun. Why? Because they know that you will do a great job! So, I am glad that this opportunity came my way!
We just got back from dinner--some Bob Chinn's Restaurant? Anyway, it was great! I had tilapia (of course)!
On a personal note, I am ready to get into my new home, have an office (which is vital for this job), and spread out a bit. I am ready for my space, ready for some windows!
We just got back from dinner--some Bob Chinn's Restaurant? Anyway, it was great! I had tilapia (of course)!
On a personal note, I am ready to get into my new home, have an office (which is vital for this job), and spread out a bit. I am ready for my space, ready for some windows!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Leadership Assessment
Well, I am busy writing my leadership assessment for class. I have been so frantically busy this week--and I haven't even left my home! Crazy! But between the two beasts (school and work), I have been reading and typing my little fingers to the bone. Anyway, I have been doing my leadership assessment and amazingly (ha) I scored low in the balancing tensions area. HHHMM...Ok, so it's probably right. With questions like "Do you embrace uncertainty?" and "I don't like my job to have too much structure." it's obvious that I am going to score low. I like knowing the future, having a handle on things. It's just my comfort level. I don't like surprises...hey, I was the kid that knew all of my Christmas presents BEFORE Christmas. Why? Not because I was nosey, but because I couldn't stand the thought of getting something I didn't like--my disappointment would be written on my face. So, I would peek, practice my surprise (that masks the disappointment) and go on. Anyone that knows me knows that my feelings are usually written ALL OVER MY FACE!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Quote of the Day
"If you think the grass is greener on the other side...maybe you should water your lawn."
Without a Doubt
Doubt--it's such an awful feeling. It creates anxiety, fear, and is just plain miserable. It's this small burning feeling that something isn't as it seems, that you just can't take someone at their word. It's an emotional roller coaster--because your body literally tries to fight it. Your mind says, "No really, it's OK." But, your heart says, "Yeah right, you fool." Doubt is that friend that keeps you from making the biggest mistake of your life. Doubt is also the enemy that won't let you relax and enjoy the view.
I have doubt. Doubt about a lot of things. And this doubt won't leave. I ask one person about my doubts and they affirm them. I ask another and they say I am just overreacting. Why? Because only I can face doubt on my own. Doubt won't back down to someone else's rationale.
So, I will fight my battle until I can't fight anymore. Then, I will look my doubt in the face and walk away from it. Because the truth about doubt--I can only take so much.
I have doubt. Doubt about a lot of things. And this doubt won't leave. I ask one person about my doubts and they affirm them. I ask another and they say I am just overreacting. Why? Because only I can face doubt on my own. Doubt won't back down to someone else's rationale.
So, I will fight my battle until I can't fight anymore. Then, I will look my doubt in the face and walk away from it. Because the truth about doubt--I can only take so much.
I swear I am a day late and a dollar short these days...geez. I can't seem to get ahead--I might get close to catching up at times, but I don't do that most days. So, today I am buckling down and kicking it into gear--I have to catch up on my reading for work, I have laundry that is clean, folded and ready to be put away that WILL be put away today!
This past weekend was quite interesting. We went to Branson to Big Cedar for Easter and I felt like I was running in circles the entire time. Between the two kids, I was exhausted. First Weston puked his way to Branson on Friday--boy, was that fun. About every 10 miles, we were stopping for him to try and throw up. Funny thing was he never did--until we couldn't pull over. I heard it coming--the big burp was the clue! So, I threw a sack back at him just in time and here it came! I felt so bad for him--but happy, too. He had been trying for 70 miles to get it out!
Once we got there, he felt better--but then Kylie decided to show her true colors and act like a toot. So, I was off to my next battle. The rest of the weekend was a little better, but I was so far behind on rest and relaxation that by the time Sunday got here--I had no nerves. Not a one.
So, here I am--alone and ready to study, maybe I can catch up today!!
This past weekend was quite interesting. We went to Branson to Big Cedar for Easter and I felt like I was running in circles the entire time. Between the two kids, I was exhausted. First Weston puked his way to Branson on Friday--boy, was that fun. About every 10 miles, we were stopping for him to try and throw up. Funny thing was he never did--until we couldn't pull over. I heard it coming--the big burp was the clue! So, I threw a sack back at him just in time and here it came! I felt so bad for him--but happy, too. He had been trying for 70 miles to get it out!
Once we got there, he felt better--but then Kylie decided to show her true colors and act like a toot. So, I was off to my next battle. The rest of the weekend was a little better, but I was so far behind on rest and relaxation that by the time Sunday got here--I had no nerves. Not a one.
So, here I am--alone and ready to study, maybe I can catch up today!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Drowning in diabetes
I know I said this post would be about Guatemala, but I really want to discuss that when I have more time to do so. Right now, I am in a break between writing a paper for class and studying my work stuff. I am really panicking on this test--there is a TON, I mean a TON of information!!! I am drowning in diabetes. I can't keep all of the "G" words straight--guess I'll have to make myself some flashcards. I really need to soak this stuff up! So, if you are reading this, please say a little prayer for me--specifically pray for peace (in all areas of my life right now), good study habits, retention, and an awesome test score!! Thank you in advance.
So, anyway, it's day 4 of home study. I am enjoying the time outside of the corporate environment and I know that I will really enjoy this job. It will be so nice to be out and about and meeting new people. The demand of school and studying for this work test is killing me though. But I can't quit school now--I am way TOO close. So, I just have to use my time wisely!
Well, that's all for now--it's back to studying for me.
So, anyway, it's day 4 of home study. I am enjoying the time outside of the corporate environment and I know that I will really enjoy this job. It will be so nice to be out and about and meeting new people. The demand of school and studying for this work test is killing me though. But I can't quit school now--I am way TOO close. So, I just have to use my time wisely!
Well, that's all for now--it's back to studying for me.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Ok, SO sorry about the extremely long delay between posts--it won't happen again, I promise. I has just been crazy, crazy busy lately. So much tell, but I don't know if I have enough time to get it all in. So, we'll start with my birthday weekend. I had my official "last" birthday on March 9th--no more. I REFUSE to turn 30. I'm not joking, so quit snickering. No more. 29 is enough. My birthday was pretty good I must say. I got $50 from my little brother (I'm still trying to determine what he is sucking up for!!) My parents got me a portable printer for 4x6 prints--it's awesome! No more driving to Wal-Mart for ONE print--I can do it at home! :) BUT, the best birthday present of all....a NEW job! YEAH ME! Yes, I finally landed the coveted drug rep position that I have been desiring for a long time. No more corporate life for me. So, I put my notice in first thing Monday after I found out (on my birthday) and that's when the fun began...talk about black-balling. I was not Miss Popular that's for sure. My boss was mad because "she was the last to know." HHMMM, let's see I think she was warned twice about being cut off from my personal life. Plus, who tells their boss they are looking for other employment?? So, my last day was last Friday and NO going-away party!! What jerks. I thought it was rude....well, let me clarify one thing first. My coworkers wanted to do something for me, however my boss (who I guess was offended by the "last to know" syndrome) told them no. So much for 6 loyal years. I'll remember that. OH well...it made leaving all the easier--I checked out of there around 2 that day. No need staying for that stuff. Ok, back to birthday weekend. So anyway, went to dinner and a movie (I didn't pick the movie and it was obvious--Reno 911! Hey, I thought it was MY birthday weekend??) Jokes aside, I did have a good time on my birthday--it will be a memorable one. 29 isn't so bad, but signs of 30 are already creeping in. I guess I will live it up while I can.
So, this new job--I started today!! I really think I am going to like it. I just have to get past the first month of training and the exam. You are required to make an 85% or you are terminated. No pressure. I have two weeks of "home study" where I get to study on my own and then I go to Chicago for two weeks. If I can just pace myself, I think I will be fine. Well, that's enough for now. I still have school homework to do not to mention that studying I just told you about. Ok, I promise my next post will be about Guatemala and I will put a picture in there too!
That's it for now--I promise no more delays!!
So, this new job--I started today!! I really think I am going to like it. I just have to get past the first month of training and the exam. You are required to make an 85% or you are terminated. No pressure. I have two weeks of "home study" where I get to study on my own and then I go to Chicago for two weeks. If I can just pace myself, I think I will be fine. Well, that's enough for now. I still have school homework to do not to mention that studying I just told you about. Ok, I promise my next post will be about Guatemala and I will put a picture in there too!
That's it for now--I promise no more delays!!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Organizational Skills
I got a new cell phone today! I had to because my phone decided it wouldn't hold a charge at all. So, I got a Palm Treo 650. I hope I like it--it's a little bulkier than the Razor, so I am worried I won't like it as much since I can't stick it in my pocket, etc. But the organizational features rule! I used to have a Palm and it suddenly decided to quit working...I didn't realize it at the time, but it was defective. So, I lost out on that one. I got a great deal on this though, so hopefully it will last.
I am in a slump--fighting the uncertainty. I think this Guatemala trip will be so good for me--I hope it helps my perspective, I hope it defines my path for the future. I want to relax and enjoy myself.
I am in a slump--fighting the uncertainty. I think this Guatemala trip will be so good for me--I hope it helps my perspective, I hope it defines my path for the future. I want to relax and enjoy myself.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I've Got Wings
Well, I am going to spend my next month on an airplane. I am flying to Dallas on my birthday for an exciting day (I might share details later)....then, I am off to Guatemala on the 16th for 10 days. From there, I get back and will probably leave for Alabama about a week later. It's going to be a busy month! I like to keep busy, but I know it will be draining as well. My birthday is Friday--my last birthday. I'll be 29!! This is it...this is my last year of glory. It's all over after this. No really, I'm not kidding. It is. I will have no more birthdays! I DON'T want to get old. I can already see signs of aging setting in and I haven't even hit the big 3-0! So, I hope this birthday is a memorable one! I am going to see Dierks Bentley on Saturday, but I have been so busy that I haven't even really had time to think about it. It's my birthday present to myself...and Miranda Lambert is opening for him. I hope it's a good show. I love Dierks!
Well, there has been a very small amount of progress down at the new house. They have marked the area for the septic tank--now we need the Health Dept to do their part. Maybe when I get back from Guatemala I'll have a new home (remember, my hopeful goal was my birthday and that's quickly approaching...). Oh well, on the bright side--I don't have to pay to heat/cool that big place just yet!
Well, that's it for the weekend. I am off to get a few things done around here...like lay on the couch, eat, and watch TV! :)
Well, there has been a very small amount of progress down at the new house. They have marked the area for the septic tank--now we need the Health Dept to do their part. Maybe when I get back from Guatemala I'll have a new home (remember, my hopeful goal was my birthday and that's quickly approaching...). Oh well, on the bright side--I don't have to pay to heat/cool that big place just yet!
Well, that's it for the weekend. I am off to get a few things done around here...like lay on the couch, eat, and watch TV! :)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Suffering From TMI
You know there's some people you just can't share with--they use it to their advantage. I really feel like that with someone I work with. I got my annual review yesterday and my boss marked me down in areas that I felt I have really improved. But because I vented to her about some stuff, it's like I get the punishment. Well, I hve already cut her off from personal information about me--she totally ripped me about my divorce last time (I have some points to make about that later)...but I thought I could still discuss work aspects with her. But, I am a strong personality and my boss doesn't really go for that much. It's funny how men can have that type of personality, however in a woman, it makes you a b*tch. But, you know--it's this personality that has gotten me further than most people around me, so I won't give it up. What was funny though was that it wasn't 10 minutes after my review and a friend who is pregnant called to tell me she is having a boy and after I hung up from talking to her, my boss had the nerve to ask me who was pregnant...HELLO--you are cut off from my personal life!!!
Anyway, I listened to a sermon by Ed Saucier yesterday that was absolutely awesome! It was about divorce and the way the faith community reacts to it--what a great sermon. I admit, my toes were stepped on a bit, but I was definitely uplifted by some great points that he made.
Here's the link:
If you listen to the sermon, please listen to the entire thing--it's important you hear the whole message. That's part of our problem today--we listen until we hear what we want, but forget there are things we probably need to hear as well.
Anyway, I listened to a sermon by Ed Saucier yesterday that was absolutely awesome! It was about divorce and the way the faith community reacts to it--what a great sermon. I admit, my toes were stepped on a bit, but I was definitely uplifted by some great points that he made.
Here's the link:
If you listen to the sermon, please listen to the entire thing--it's important you hear the whole message. That's part of our problem today--we listen until we hear what we want, but forget there are things we probably need to hear as well.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Paper is Done!
Well, I gave my presentation and turned in my paper last night--YEAH! That's a definite load off of me. I am seriously burnt out on school. We still have one more class meeting to go before this class is officially over, but I have got the worst out of the way. I CONSTANTLY remind myself that I have just 3 more classes to go...just 25 class meetings, just 6 more months. I try to phrase it any way possible to make it easier to swallow. It's still hard.
I only got to watch half of Grey's Anatomy--loved it though. McDreamy's passion for Meredith is worth envying. He never gave up on her. Even when she gave up on herself. Everyone needs their own McDreamy. That's what I want--a McDreamy!
Weston is doing so awesome in basketball! He's a regular little pro! I couldn't believe how well he handles the ball, how well he dribbles. But it's his focus that makes him so good. His determination. I am so proud of him. He has also become a regular little helper around the house. He does his "chores" and never complains (sure wish Kylie would catch that bug). I couldn't do it without him. If I had two Kylie's, I would shave my head like Britney Spears and check in/out of rehab 3 times, too!
The weekend is here--Thank God. I need a breather from work, but there's so much to do around the house--new one and old one. I would love to paint and get started at my new one, but of course the ONE day that it is going to storm like there's no tomorrow would be on Saturday. Sooo...not sure how much progress I will make down there. Plus, they haven't made any progress on utilities and finishing it inside. I guess I feel like if I do something down there, then I can at least document some sort of change, ya know?
I only got to watch half of Grey's Anatomy--loved it though. McDreamy's passion for Meredith is worth envying. He never gave up on her. Even when she gave up on herself. Everyone needs their own McDreamy. That's what I want--a McDreamy!
Weston is doing so awesome in basketball! He's a regular little pro! I couldn't believe how well he handles the ball, how well he dribbles. But it's his focus that makes him so good. His determination. I am so proud of him. He has also become a regular little helper around the house. He does his "chores" and never complains (sure wish Kylie would catch that bug). I couldn't do it without him. If I had two Kylie's, I would shave my head like Britney Spears and check in/out of rehab 3 times, too!
The weekend is here--Thank God. I need a breather from work, but there's so much to do around the house--new one and old one. I would love to paint and get started at my new one, but of course the ONE day that it is going to storm like there's no tomorrow would be on Saturday. Sooo...not sure how much progress I will make down there. Plus, they haven't made any progress on utilities and finishing it inside. I guess I feel like if I do something down there, then I can at least document some sort of change, ya know?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Ready for the Weekend...to be over!
Well, this has been a hectic weekend. On Friday night, Weston asked if he could have a corn dog for supper. Well, when I opened up the deep freeze the tub of ice cream fell out and dumped everywhere--it wasn't frozen either! I was covered in a chocolate milkshake....along with the floor and the bottom of the deep freeze. Apparently, the breaker tripped and the freezer was off. Everything was thawed out--meat, ice cream, french fries--you name it. If it was frozen, it was in there! So, I tried to figure out what was going on. I messed with the breakers and made a few phone calls. I finally found out the breaker was tripped and fixed it. But, now I had to throw out 6 bags of ruined food. So, I tried to turn on the internet--didn't work. Great. Round two. After 30 minutes, and again some more phone calls, I finally figured out the phone line was unplugged. Duh. Then, my daughter decides that I needed to be tortured with horrible behavior--so she unleashed. Not to mention, I was starting to feel ill. By this point, I was SCREAMING for some of that 1980 Calgon stuff. Do they still make it??
Saturday was better--Weston had an early morning basketball game. There was a kid on the other team that was such a trash talker!! I couldn't believe 1st graders could be that way (not to mention this is church-league!!)...Well, I couldn't control my fury with the kid when he hit my boy. That was enough--I told Kyle he either needs to switch Weston from guarding the kid or I was gonna go off. Well, he had his hands full with some other players, so he didn't get around to it. But the kid decided to take his anger out on another one of our players and practically choked him. This is why I don't coach.
But the weekend got somewhat better. We finally sold our camper--full price. And we collected on it and delivered it, so it is official!!
So, here's to a better week. I need it. My paper and presentation is due Thursday, so I have to get busy and finish it up.
Saturday was better--Weston had an early morning basketball game. There was a kid on the other team that was such a trash talker!! I couldn't believe 1st graders could be that way (not to mention this is church-league!!)...Well, I couldn't control my fury with the kid when he hit my boy. That was enough--I told Kyle he either needs to switch Weston from guarding the kid or I was gonna go off. Well, he had his hands full with some other players, so he didn't get around to it. But the kid decided to take his anger out on another one of our players and practically choked him. This is why I don't coach.
But the weekend got somewhat better. We finally sold our camper--full price. And we collected on it and delivered it, so it is official!!
So, here's to a better week. I need it. My paper and presentation is due Thursday, so I have to get busy and finish it up.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Not So Good Day
Well, today was a gloomy day....not sure why, but I have just been feeling icky. Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of the death of my Auntie Karen. It's the first anniversary of her death since my Uncle remarried. And,for some reason, it was hard. I guess as I go through these changes in my life, I can't help but think of other losses I have experienced. Friendships, relationships with relatives, dreams, hopes... Then, I get mad--mad that people who are still living can walk away from others. Then, I get sad. Sad that I have experienced several "lasts" in my life. And the circle of emotion continues. So, I guess today is just an emotional hangover from yesterday. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
My new house is coming along...I got a quote to have my cabinets in the kitchen painted--HOLY COW! The guy wanted $2800 to paint the exterior of the cabinets. Um, no. I have so much to do such as buy Weston a new bed, buy bedding for all of our rooms, buy a carport...well, you get the picture. So, I guess I will scrub the ones I have and call them good. I really hope to be in the new place by my birthday--what a great present that would be!!
My new house is coming along...I got a quote to have my cabinets in the kitchen painted--HOLY COW! The guy wanted $2800 to paint the exterior of the cabinets. Um, no. I have so much to do such as buy Weston a new bed, buy bedding for all of our rooms, buy a carport...well, you get the picture. So, I guess I will scrub the ones I have and call them good. I really hope to be in the new place by my birthday--what a great present that would be!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Lyrical Thoughts
Cross Canadian Ragweed's "Breakdown"
"I can't be the rock, not today
Sometimes I want to pop,
sometimes I want to say
I'd like to breakdown,
but I can't find the time.
You're all looking to me
to keep it in line,
I hope I can keep it in line."
"I can't be the rock, not today
Sometimes I want to pop,
sometimes I want to say
I'd like to breakdown,
but I can't find the time.
You're all looking to me
to keep it in line,
I hope I can keep it in line."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Press Release
I think it's best to release a "statement" about some changes in my life. But know that this information is all I will say....why? Because in certain areas of my life, I want some privacy and respect. So, you can read the following information, but if you know me well enough to contact me, don't ask anymore questions because I won't answer them. I refuse to explain my situation in order for someone to feel better about it.
Kyle and I have separated. It is a mutual decision. There is nothing to hide. It didn't work out.
Please respect me, respect Kyle and know that if I want to talk about it any further, I will come to you.
Thank you in advance for your friendship and your support.
Kyle and I have separated. It is a mutual decision. There is nothing to hide. It didn't work out.
Please respect me, respect Kyle and know that if I want to talk about it any further, I will come to you.
Thank you in advance for your friendship and your support.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sunday Soup
Guess how much of my research paper I have gotten done since my last post? NONE! I am such a procrastinator when it comes to this paper--I really need to get something done on it. Hopefully I can wipe out a chunk this week. Our professor is considering a make-up class for last Thursday--WHAT?? Now when would any of us have extra time to squeeze another class in? I vote we write a 2 page paper over our presentation sections and go on....but we'll find out Thursday I guess!
So, I made some soup today--I have never made it before. It's a recipe from an old friend. Hopefully it's good!
And today's Super Bowl Sunday! I guess I will be sitting here watching the game at home...nothing really to go do. I'm not complaining--I am trying to make some headway on this messy house and get things ready for the new one. I bought a new chandelier for the new house since the one in the dining room is broke and definitely out-dated! I also picked out some paint yesterday--the colors are very similar to my old home, but that's OK. I really loved the look of that house.
Well, I am going to start on this paper while the kids watch their movie!
So, I made some soup today--I have never made it before. It's a recipe from an old friend. Hopefully it's good!
And today's Super Bowl Sunday! I guess I will be sitting here watching the game at home...nothing really to go do. I'm not complaining--I am trying to make some headway on this messy house and get things ready for the new one. I bought a new chandelier for the new house since the one in the dining room is broke and definitely out-dated! I also picked out some paint yesterday--the colors are very similar to my old home, but that's OK. I really loved the look of that house.
Well, I am going to start on this paper while the kids watch their movie!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Snow Machine
The first snow of the season--it was beautiful! There were big, fluffy flakes and the town is white. And...the roads were messy. But, the good news is I made it home safely--by the time work was over, the roads had cleared up a bit. The kids had a great time playing in the snow--Kylie said she caught snowflakes on her tongue. She's a girl after my own heart!
I like snow days because I can wear jeans to work and the whole day just seems laid back and relaxed. It's nice to have a break from "corporate world" every now and then. Plus, class was canceled tonight! WOO HOO!!
So, tonight I am going to play catch-up on my homework. I really need to knock this research paper out before I start moving!
I like snow days because I can wear jeans to work and the whole day just seems laid back and relaxed. It's nice to have a break from "corporate world" every now and then. Plus, class was canceled tonight! WOO HOO!!
So, tonight I am going to play catch-up on my homework. I really need to knock this research paper out before I start moving!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Shots from the Bargain Bin
Since I am going to Guatemala in March, there are several vaccines recommended for me to ensure I don't get sick--so I started checking into them. I didn't realize how expensive shots can be! To top it off, insurance doesn't cover my shots, some girls at work recommended I go to the Health Dept to get as many as I could. Ok, what an eye-opener first of all! I couldn't believe the conversations I overheard--people planning ways to NOT work! I guess I am just not dependent enough on anything--especially someone to care for me and my kids. Anyway, I ended up getting 2 shots and a TB screening--all for $5! Woo hoo! Normally, this would've cost $300-400. So, I was grateful to get a break. However, I still have plenty of shots left to get. Evidently, since I am over 18, I am not allowed to get certain ones from the Health Dept--who knew?
Then, today I had to fill out a form for my trip about my insurance--talk about eye-opener as to what I am headed for. There were 2 questions:
1) If you need medical assistance, will your insurance pay for treatment outside of the US?
2) If you die while out of country, will your insurance cover to have your body sent home?
Talk about morbid. Not really things I wanted to think about. But, it's part of the package--this isn't a resort, it's not a vacation. It's reality. But I am excited--knowing I will get to experience servant leadership firsthand--I will get to make a difference to people who are grateful for the most simplistic aspects of life.
Well, the roads are horrible here! I couldn't believe that it took us over 2 hours to get home from work today. Talk about a long commute. Just proof that I would not survive in LA. And tomorrow, it looks like we will all be skiing to work again!
Then, today I had to fill out a form for my trip about my insurance--talk about eye-opener as to what I am headed for. There were 2 questions:
1) If you need medical assistance, will your insurance pay for treatment outside of the US?
2) If you die while out of country, will your insurance cover to have your body sent home?
Talk about morbid. Not really things I wanted to think about. But, it's part of the package--this isn't a resort, it's not a vacation. It's reality. But I am excited--knowing I will get to experience servant leadership firsthand--I will get to make a difference to people who are grateful for the most simplistic aspects of life.
Well, the roads are horrible here! I couldn't believe that it took us over 2 hours to get home from work today. Talk about a long commute. Just proof that I would not survive in LA. And tomorrow, it looks like we will all be skiing to work again!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Avoiding Illness
Well, we are desperately trying to avoid illness in our house. The kids each have a cold--Weston's in his sinuses and Kylie's in her chest as usual. So, Kylie and I stayed home from Weston's basketball game to avoid her getting any worse. I have been pumping medicine in them for 2 days now. Let's just cross our fingers that they stay well! It's rather boring around here--everyone's asleep! I should be using this time to study and work on my research paper, but I am just not in the mood, plus I would have to turn some lights on around here and well, that's not really convenient in the BARN. The crew didn't come back on Friday to piece the new home together. Hopefully we'll see some progress next week! I am ready. It's time. I went shopping today--trying to find colors and decorating ideas. There's so much to choose from! I just can't decide what to do!
My class is becoming easier although I must admit, I almost missed Harper at first! It started off demanding, but I am getting used to the pace I guess. As long as I have a little time on the weekend and devote some time to our presentations during the week, it seems to be going alright. However, the research paper guidelines are out, so I really need to get started on that. Things are going to get hectic around here soon, so I need to get ahead. I have to keep reminding myself--only 7 more months of school!!! Hallelujiah!! :)
My class is becoming easier although I must admit, I almost missed Harper at first! It started off demanding, but I am getting used to the pace I guess. As long as I have a little time on the weekend and devote some time to our presentations during the week, it seems to be going alright. However, the research paper guidelines are out, so I really need to get started on that. Things are going to get hectic around here soon, so I need to get ahead. I have to keep reminding myself--only 7 more months of school!!! Hallelujiah!! :)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
The Last Half
Well, the last half of my new "home" came today. Kyle says I can't officially say that I live in a "building" anymore. So, I went to Lowe's today at lunch and found some paint samples. I can't decide what to do! It's been 3 years since I have decorated my living quarters--I think I have lost my touch! I don't know what's in style and what colors "go together" anymore. But, I think I have decided on colors for the master bedroom-chocolate, teal, and khaki. I love those colors together! Now, to figure out the rest of the house! I think I am going to have the cabinets painted in the kitchen--such a stretch for me. I never thought I would like painted cabinets until I saw it in a house. BEAUTIFUL! So, those are my initial ideas--I can't wait to get started.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Your Thing is Big!
Poor Weston--oh to be a child and innocent! One of Weston's spelling words this week is "YOUR". So, he has to write a sentence for each word showing its use in context. Well, he sat down and wrote the sentence, "Your thing is big." I about died laughing when I read it. But, trying to maintain some sort of innocence in my child, I told him to re-write the sentence because that one wasn't good. So, I went back to eating my peanuts and watching American Idol. A few minutes later, he brings back his new version. It says, "I like your nuts." OH DEAR!! I think I only made the situation worse! Well, at this point, two sentences being rejected alerted Weston that something was going on. He asked why this sentence wouldn't work either. I had to explain the situation to him as nicely as possible. When I was finished, his eyes were big and he just said, "OH." Poor kid.
Today, my manager experienced a Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" moment. She was in the closet where we keep our promotional items moving some boxes. Well, she bent over and the skirt she was wearing split from the bottom all the way to the waistband down the back. You could see her panties! Poor girl, she had to drive home (she lives 30 minutes from work one way) and change clothes. The bad thing was having to explain to our vice-president why she was missing his meeting!
Today, my manager experienced a Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" moment. She was in the closet where we keep our promotional items moving some boxes. Well, she bent over and the skirt she was wearing split from the bottom all the way to the waistband down the back. You could see her panties! Poor girl, she had to drive home (she lives 30 minutes from work one way) and change clothes. The bad thing was having to explain to our vice-president why she was missing his meeting!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Cold Rain
You know, it's such a waste to have all of this rain in January! It could've been snow...instead, it's just a cold, dreary rain. So, I guess it can be a viewed as a great opportunity to get some things done "inside". However, I dread cleaning inside--there's stuff in there I don't want to deal with. But, it's inevitable and no one else is going to do it.
So, my new home is being delivered on Tuesday--kind of weird and surreal. First of all, I never really thought I would get excited about a home that could be "delivered". Ya know? Secondly, it means I must now move out of this building. I can honestly say it'll be hard to move out of here. I was a completely different person when I first moved in than I am today. It's like being locked away for so long and suddenly being pushed out to face the world. Don't get me wrong, I am excited--there's 3 years worth of boxed goodies waiting to be opened. But, I must admit I am scared to. Scared to face what's in those boxes. Scared to face the future.
So, my new home is being delivered on Tuesday--kind of weird and surreal. First of all, I never really thought I would get excited about a home that could be "delivered". Ya know? Secondly, it means I must now move out of this building. I can honestly say it'll be hard to move out of here. I was a completely different person when I first moved in than I am today. It's like being locked away for so long and suddenly being pushed out to face the world. Don't get me wrong, I am excited--there's 3 years worth of boxed goodies waiting to be opened. But, I must admit I am scared to. Scared to face what's in those boxes. Scared to face the future.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Starting Again
Well, tomorrow night means school once again--I am dreading it. I am ready to graduate and have some finality to school. I feel like I have been in school my entire life!
Once again our housing situation is up in the air. I know, I am just really commitment-phobic when it comes to houses. There is a finality in it that I just can't swallow. This new housing situation developed in the last 24 hours--it involves no commitment on my part, but gets me 2600 square feet of living quarters--for free. So, I think I am in! More details to come.
Once again our housing situation is up in the air. I know, I am just really commitment-phobic when it comes to houses. There is a finality in it that I just can't swallow. This new housing situation developed in the last 24 hours--it involves no commitment on my part, but gets me 2600 square feet of living quarters--for free. So, I think I am in! More details to come.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Black is Out!!
So, last night I sat down and thought I would try out my new black nail polish I bought about 2 months ago. Seeing Jennifer Nettles and LeAnn Rimes wearing it in recent videos gave me the courage to try it out. It took several coats to get it dark enough and when I had about finished up, Kyle says, "Hey, black nail polish--that's supposed to be in for 2007!" I smugly replied, "Yeah, I know, that's why I am wearing it!!!" Then, I became curious as to how my husband would have a clue about what color of nail polish is in style. So, I asked him where his beauty knowledge came from....he said he had read it in today's local newspaper. Evidently, there was a section about what's out with 2006 and what's in for 2007.
So, a few minutes later, he got up and grabbed the page that he read it in. All of the sudden, he starts laughing. Evidently, his mind wasn't quite as sharp as he thought it was--black nail polish was out with 2006 and "natural" colors were in for 2007!! All of this great knowledge as my nails are drying a deep, deep black!
I couldn't handle it--I didn't want 2006 nails! So, I ran and grabbed the nail polilsh remover and took it off. Well, that blew Kyle's mind even more! He couldn't believe I would actually take it off based on the newspaper.
I couldn't believe he knew what color of nail polish was in for 2007 before me.
So, a few minutes later, he got up and grabbed the page that he read it in. All of the sudden, he starts laughing. Evidently, his mind wasn't quite as sharp as he thought it was--black nail polish was out with 2006 and "natural" colors were in for 2007!! All of this great knowledge as my nails are drying a deep, deep black!
I couldn't handle it--I didn't want 2006 nails! So, I ran and grabbed the nail polilsh remover and took it off. Well, that blew Kyle's mind even more! He couldn't believe I would actually take it off based on the newspaper.
I couldn't believe he knew what color of nail polish was in for 2007 before me.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
The Diet Challenge
Ok, the diet challenge is really difficult!!! Everything good for me practically makes me sick to my stomach! :) Tonight was Bunco and Trish fixed fajitas...my weakness! So, I just tried to eat a feasible portion...until I went for my 2nd plate. Where is my willpower? Yesterday, I couldn't move from exercising 2 days in a row--my body for life is turning out to be one that won't last much longer! :)
So, I am working myself into this change of diet and exercise.
I start class again on Thursday night...I found my syllabus when I was cleaning out my car--there are 97 pages to read by Thursday. Holy Cow! I do have a life, ya know? (which consists of eating wheat and exercising to the point of severe pain)
So, I am going to try and break it into manageable reading sections. I just really hope this class isn't that painful. With kids, a job, and school--it's so stressful.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though-2 more semesters! YIPPEE!
So, I am working myself into this change of diet and exercise.
I start class again on Thursday night...I found my syllabus when I was cleaning out my car--there are 97 pages to read by Thursday. Holy Cow! I do have a life, ya know? (which consists of eating wheat and exercising to the point of severe pain)
So, I am going to try and break it into manageable reading sections. I just really hope this class isn't that painful. With kids, a job, and school--it's so stressful.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though-2 more semesters! YIPPEE!
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