Well, this will be my last post for 2006!! I can't believe how fast the year flew by. The main highlights of 2006 for me were the following:
Started my Master's degree...again. This time in Leadership and Ethics (and I am still kicking!!)
We started back at 1st Baptist Church and joined a new SS class
The mini horses began their "Operation: Tear Up Satellite" mission
Kyle shaved his beard and mustache--the first time I've seen it completely gone!!
I began another Bunco group w/Andria and Kelley
Kylie and I went to see the Care Bears
Kylie decides to have the "Mother of All Dental Visits"
I celebrated my 28th birthday....30 is getting closer and closer!!
I attended the NASCAR race in Atlanta!
I went to Milestone class for my degree and learned a lot about myself
Kyle and I went to the Dallas NASCAR race
Kyle and I headed to Nashville and attended the Grand Ole Opry
My step-dad has his first heart attack and our family begins a long journey towards getting him better
The family went to Cancun and had a lil' fun in the sun!
Sally has 10 puppies!
Teeball is going strong--Weston's team is undefeated!
I spent most of the month with my nose in a book for school
The fam heads to D.C. and nearly drowns in the never-ending rain storm!
I met SheDaisy in Fayetteville
Started golf lessons (not sure I can tell a difference!!)
Went to Cross Canadian Ragweed Concert at Cain's Ballroom
Went to Tim/Faith Concert
Kyle got bit by 6 Jack Russell Terriers at work
Kylie's 4th birthday party
Jim has successful quadruple bypass
Hogs' 1st game against USC (not a good one!)
Stahl gets married...WOW!
Weston loses his first tooth
Visited my parents' skating rink in Illinois
Hosted BUNCO in the BARN!
Halloween festivities--Weston is Superman and Kylie is a cowgirl
Kyle and I celebrate 1 year of "remarriage"
Our new camper makes it home (and we still haven't had a chance to use it!)
The boys head to deer camp
Thanksgiving is at Big Cedar in '06
Our high school team becomes State Champs
Christmas is great--another one in the barn, but filled with tons of fun and family!
Have a great 2007!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Disclosure Policy
I have joined Pay Per Post so that I can write about consumer issues and receive compensation. This disclosure policy is being added due to that change--I will still have my fun stuff, don't worry, but I want to cover myself on the other stuff.
This policy is valid from 30 December 2006
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
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This policy is valid from 30 December 2006
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
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My new Obsession
So, I have my new i-Pod video--love it! I put 4 episodes of Gilmore Girls on there. I realized that will probably be the only way that I get to watch them since we have a community television in the barn and I am rarely able to stop to watch TV when I am here anyway. So, now between work and class, on the road, or when we venture over to the family's house and I get bored, I can just whip out the 'ole i-Pod and watch TV!!!! This is absolutely crazy! But I love it!
Looks like we will ring in the New Year in the barn w/some company! After 3 years, this is only the 2nd time I have "hosted" company! Mike and Andria are heading over to ring in the New Year tomorrow night--maybe we can break in some of those new games we got.
Last night was game night in the barn as well. The kids wanted to try out some of their new games. We got the electronic version of "Sorry" and it was a lot of fun. We also played Spider-Man Yahtzee and My Little Pony Memory. It was such fun just hanging out with the kids.
Well, back to cleaning--believe it or not, Mike/Andria have never seen the inside of the barn!! I don't want to scare them on their first visit!
Looks like we will ring in the New Year in the barn w/some company! After 3 years, this is only the 2nd time I have "hosted" company! Mike and Andria are heading over to ring in the New Year tomorrow night--maybe we can break in some of those new games we got.
Last night was game night in the barn as well. The kids wanted to try out some of their new games. We got the electronic version of "Sorry" and it was a lot of fun. We also played Spider-Man Yahtzee and My Little Pony Memory. It was such fun just hanging out with the kids.
Well, back to cleaning--believe it or not, Mike/Andria have never seen the inside of the barn!! I don't want to scare them on their first visit!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I have officially crossed over!!
Ok, I told myself a couple of years ago I would not buy an i-Pod....everyone was getting them, so I decided I would resist the bandwagon. I am sorry to report that as of December 26, 2006, I officially joined the club. Yes, I own an i-Pod...an i-Pod video at that! I decided that when I crossed over, I would sprint to the other side. So, I bought the biggest, baddest i-Pod ever. So far, so good! I am still learning how to use it, but I can already tell it's going to change how I travel. No more boring plane rides--now I can watch Lost, Jericho, and all my favorite shows on the plane!
Ok, it's the end of the year and it's time to look back on the year and examine signs of our time! I thought it would be interesting to do this quiz to reflect back on what 2006 meant to me:
2006--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?
This year, I began working on my Master's degree in Leadership and Ethics. Yes, I have started grad school before, but this time I am 4 classes away from a degree!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I honestly don't remember my New Year's resolutions, so I probably didn't keep them. But this year, I will make some. First, I am going to try to exercise on a consistent basis (notice I didn't give a specific consistency). Second, I will finish my Master's degree.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I honestly don't remember anyone close to me having a baby, but I know several, several people pregnant and due in 2007--mostly May and June babies, so I will have some babies to report on next year!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, not this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
I went to Mexico with the fam this year!!!
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A HOUSE!!!! A toned body! Confidence!
7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 8th--the beginning of the end.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
School, surviving another day in this "house"
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Well, I did fall on my face a few weeks ago, but no serious injuries.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Probably my i-Pod video!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I am going to sound a little conceited, but I am giving props to myself. I have really made a concerted effort to "let go" and not get emotionally attached to issues. It's still an effort in progress, but I can definitely tell that things don't bother me as much as they would have.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Too many to list...
14. Where did most of your money go?
Debt. Clothes.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Opportunities! Hopefully this time next year I will get to report about an awesome skating rink.
16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Fergalicious. Rockstar.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am happier definitely. I am fatter though and I guess richer if you view it in terms of paying off some stuff.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Read books. Camping--we didn't get to go at all this year!
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Work. Studied (although it did pay off).
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
Not sure yet--no definite plans.
22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
Already there.
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Definitely Jericho!! Then Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Deal or No Deal.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't "hate" anyone--but there are a few I don't care for.
26. What was the best book you read?
Well, I don't think I read anything but school books--but I definitely wrote enough in this blog to be considered a book.
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
John Mayer. Jack Johnson.
29. What did you want and not get?
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Probably Charlotte's Web. Great message.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 28. I went to work and then went to class...YUCK!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a house, being debt free.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Red high heels! 80's themed--belts, long sweaters, fitted jeans.
34. What kept you sane?
This blog--the ability to write! :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Reese Witherspoon.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The war. The economy. The price of gas (yes, this is political believe it or not).
37. Who did you miss?
No one really--I have everyone I need.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Ananda--she and I have become such great friends! I will be sad when school is over!! :)
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
Letting go--learning to move on.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good"
--John Mayer's "The Heart of Life"
Ok, it's the end of the year and it's time to look back on the year and examine signs of our time! I thought it would be interesting to do this quiz to reflect back on what 2006 meant to me:
2006--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?
This year, I began working on my Master's degree in Leadership and Ethics. Yes, I have started grad school before, but this time I am 4 classes away from a degree!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I honestly don't remember my New Year's resolutions, so I probably didn't keep them. But this year, I will make some. First, I am going to try to exercise on a consistent basis (notice I didn't give a specific consistency). Second, I will finish my Master's degree.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I honestly don't remember anyone close to me having a baby, but I know several, several people pregnant and due in 2007--mostly May and June babies, so I will have some babies to report on next year!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, not this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
I went to Mexico with the fam this year!!!
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A HOUSE!!!! A toned body! Confidence!
7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 8th--the beginning of the end.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
School, surviving another day in this "house"
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Well, I did fall on my face a few weeks ago, but no serious injuries.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Probably my i-Pod video!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I am going to sound a little conceited, but I am giving props to myself. I have really made a concerted effort to "let go" and not get emotionally attached to issues. It's still an effort in progress, but I can definitely tell that things don't bother me as much as they would have.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Too many to list...
14. Where did most of your money go?
Debt. Clothes.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Opportunities! Hopefully this time next year I will get to report about an awesome skating rink.
16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Fergalicious. Rockstar.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am happier definitely. I am fatter though and I guess richer if you view it in terms of paying off some stuff.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Read books. Camping--we didn't get to go at all this year!
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Work. Studied (although it did pay off).
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
Not sure yet--no definite plans.
22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
Already there.
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Definitely Jericho!! Then Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Deal or No Deal.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't "hate" anyone--but there are a few I don't care for.
26. What was the best book you read?
Well, I don't think I read anything but school books--but I definitely wrote enough in this blog to be considered a book.
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
John Mayer. Jack Johnson.
29. What did you want and not get?
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Probably Charlotte's Web. Great message.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 28. I went to work and then went to class...YUCK!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a house, being debt free.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Red high heels! 80's themed--belts, long sweaters, fitted jeans.
34. What kept you sane?
This blog--the ability to write! :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Reese Witherspoon.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The war. The economy. The price of gas (yes, this is political believe it or not).
37. Who did you miss?
No one really--I have everyone I need.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Ananda--she and I have become such great friends! I will be sad when school is over!! :)
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
Letting go--learning to move on.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good"
--John Mayer's "The Heart of Life"
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The Bulging Barn
Well, we got such great gifts from everyone this year--the barn is bulging at its seams!! The kids even got a trampoline, so Kyle will be busy this weekend putting it together. I have spent my entire day off cleaning out the kids' rooms to make room for all of the new toys. Weston has spent the entire day in his Razorback football uniform complete with football shoulder pads--he looks adorable! Of course, Kylie has spent the day on her roller skates and her Razorback cheerleading uniform! I got several gift certificates yesterday, so I am ready to shop, shop, shop!! I am really wanting a video i-Pod, so I am hoping to head to town this evening and buy one with my giftcard. Yesterday was much more relaxed as we spaced things out a bit and had more time to enjoy at each place.
Well, I need to get back to cleaning...after doing it all day, the rest of the house is still a wreck!
Well, I need to get back to cleaning...after doing it all day, the rest of the house is still a wreck!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve in the Barn
It's once again Christmas Eve! The one magical night of the year--presents are under the tree, Santa is on his way, and the kids are tucked in bed awaiting the morning of fun! Weston has been a bit of a toot today. It started off this morning when he and his sister were arguing. She was asking him to give her something of hers and he wasn't cooperating, so Kyle went and got on to them. Well, Weston has developed just a bit of attitude in the past few days. He looks up at his Dad and says, "I hate you." Talk about a blow. Kyle spanked him and put him in time-out for awhile. I was furious...it makes me mad because you want to do for your kids, but at the same time they have to know that it's not acceptable to act that way--so, do you take presents away being that it is Christmas Eve? I didn't...yet. But I got on to him pretty hard and told him that Santa will not tolerate that behavior. The rest of the day progressed with only a few squabbles.
We went to my parents' house this afternoon for lunch. We went to church with them too and the sermon was really good! There was a Christmas theme but the basic message centered around truth and grace. Are you a truth-focused person or a grace-focused person? I can honestly say I didn't know what a grace-focused person was until a couple of years ago. But when you aren't shown grace in a time of need, you soon realize that truth isn't the only thing to use to reach people. A truth-focused person isn't a bad person--it is just a person that is so focused on justice for wrongdoings and sin that they miss an opportunity to share God's grace with others. However, a grace-focused person must also learn to use truth in their message. What happens if you only show grace? A person comes to believe that there is no recourse for their actions. There is a perfect balance that none of us can achieve--we all try, but only God can provide that balance we need.
After church we ate roast, potatoes, and all the fixins' at my parents' house and then opened presents. I got an awesome laptop briefcase for my travels! It's a gorgeous brown color with a few zip pockets that are perfect for carrying my computer and books for class as well as when I travel for work. I am up to about 4 trips per year, so it will definitely come in handy. I was wanting a case on wheels so that I could save my arm from carrying all of my bags! The kids got several goodies such as Nintendo DS games, however "Santa" is bringing their Nintendo DS players tonight, so they weren't very thrilled with their games. But I know that tomorrow it will make more sense to them. Weston got his football he has been longing for--he was ecstatic when he opened it up. They also got roller skates from my parents which they didn't take off until time to go! They are ready for us to get the skating rink up and running!
Then, it was off to my grandparents' house for dinner and presents. The kids got some great things there, but Kylie's face when she opened up her Razorback cheerleading outfit was priceless--that moment is exactly what Christmas is all about. She screamed and jumped up and down. Then, she ran and gave my grandparents a great big hug.
For some reason Weston isn't as excited as I would expect him to be. But, I went back and read myblog from last year and now I remember maybe why that is. I forgot that last year he was beside himself with nerves over the presents, Santa, and all of the hooplah. He just doesn't handle all of the excitement very well. However, that doesn't excuse his attitude. He was warned that he WILL wake up in a better mood tomorrow!
Well, once again, it's time to set out the presents from Santa and get tucked into bed. It's raining here, so the sound of the rain on the metal roof is nice and soothing.
We went to my parents' house this afternoon for lunch. We went to church with them too and the sermon was really good! There was a Christmas theme but the basic message centered around truth and grace. Are you a truth-focused person or a grace-focused person? I can honestly say I didn't know what a grace-focused person was until a couple of years ago. But when you aren't shown grace in a time of need, you soon realize that truth isn't the only thing to use to reach people. A truth-focused person isn't a bad person--it is just a person that is so focused on justice for wrongdoings and sin that they miss an opportunity to share God's grace with others. However, a grace-focused person must also learn to use truth in their message. What happens if you only show grace? A person comes to believe that there is no recourse for their actions. There is a perfect balance that none of us can achieve--we all try, but only God can provide that balance we need.
After church we ate roast, potatoes, and all the fixins' at my parents' house and then opened presents. I got an awesome laptop briefcase for my travels! It's a gorgeous brown color with a few zip pockets that are perfect for carrying my computer and books for class as well as when I travel for work. I am up to about 4 trips per year, so it will definitely come in handy. I was wanting a case on wheels so that I could save my arm from carrying all of my bags! The kids got several goodies such as Nintendo DS games, however "Santa" is bringing their Nintendo DS players tonight, so they weren't very thrilled with their games. But I know that tomorrow it will make more sense to them. Weston got his football he has been longing for--he was ecstatic when he opened it up. They also got roller skates from my parents which they didn't take off until time to go! They are ready for us to get the skating rink up and running!
Then, it was off to my grandparents' house for dinner and presents. The kids got some great things there, but Kylie's face when she opened up her Razorback cheerleading outfit was priceless--that moment is exactly what Christmas is all about. She screamed and jumped up and down. Then, she ran and gave my grandparents a great big hug.
For some reason Weston isn't as excited as I would expect him to be. But, I went back and read myblog from last year and now I remember maybe why that is. I forgot that last year he was beside himself with nerves over the presents, Santa, and all of the hooplah. He just doesn't handle all of the excitement very well. However, that doesn't excuse his attitude. He was warned that he WILL wake up in a better mood tomorrow!
Well, once again, it's time to set out the presents from Santa and get tucked into bed. It's raining here, so the sound of the rain on the metal roof is nice and soothing.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Happy Birthday to My Blog!!
Well, my blog is officially 1 year old today! Can you believe I began these rants and reflections exactly one year ago today? It has been tons of fun writing about my daily grinds and gripes. There have even been tons of grins along the way,too. I have found my "inner" self at times during these writings...and I have found others by having my blog. So, all in all, I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed writing in my blog!
Tonight was Christmas 2006 kickoff for us! We always spend the Saturday before Christmas at my grandparents' house in Oklahoma. My aunt/uncle from Texas come up and some times there are people there I don't even know!! It was pretty uneventful this year compared to last year's party--if you look back at last year's blog, we had to call 911 on the way to my grandparents' house!!
The kids are really getting excited about Christmas--as well as wearing down. We have been going non-stop today and I can say that God was looking out for us a few times. He definitely cut me some slack today!! I found something in storage that I had been searching for the last couple of months. Then, Kyle found himself face to face with our stinky culprit in the storage building! Talk about scared...he was looking right at the skunk and think to himself that he may have to spend Christmas by himself if the skunk decided to spray him! However, he realized the skunk was dead, so he was very relieved (and so was I!). Hopefully this will mean that we won't be scooping poop anymore!
Also, I got an A in my last class! Woo Hoo! I was thrilled to learn the news...So far, all A's except one A-. Plus, no class for a few weeks--talk about a welcomed break!
Tonight, I got a new pair of camouflage coveralls from my grandparents' for Christmas. Stop laughing!! I actually picked them out! You see, I used to have a pair several years ago when Kyle and I were dating, but I let my brother borrow them and haven't seen them since. There have been many times out here that I would've loved to have had them. They are great for a cold day on a four-wheeler or working in the yard.
If I don't make it back here before Christmas, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great 2007!!
Tonight was Christmas 2006 kickoff for us! We always spend the Saturday before Christmas at my grandparents' house in Oklahoma. My aunt/uncle from Texas come up and some times there are people there I don't even know!! It was pretty uneventful this year compared to last year's party--if you look back at last year's blog, we had to call 911 on the way to my grandparents' house!!
The kids are really getting excited about Christmas--as well as wearing down. We have been going non-stop today and I can say that God was looking out for us a few times. He definitely cut me some slack today!! I found something in storage that I had been searching for the last couple of months. Then, Kyle found himself face to face with our stinky culprit in the storage building! Talk about scared...he was looking right at the skunk and think to himself that he may have to spend Christmas by himself if the skunk decided to spray him! However, he realized the skunk was dead, so he was very relieved (and so was I!). Hopefully this will mean that we won't be scooping poop anymore!
Also, I got an A in my last class! Woo Hoo! I was thrilled to learn the news...So far, all A's except one A-. Plus, no class for a few weeks--talk about a welcomed break!
Tonight, I got a new pair of camouflage coveralls from my grandparents' for Christmas. Stop laughing!! I actually picked them out! You see, I used to have a pair several years ago when Kyle and I were dating, but I let my brother borrow them and haven't seen them since. There have been many times out here that I would've loved to have had them. They are great for a cold day on a four-wheeler or working in the yard.
If I don't make it back here before Christmas, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great 2007!!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Bleepin' Bricks!!
Well, Kylie has yet again cracked me up with her interpretations of things said. So, we were watching Christmas Vacation last night with the kids. Well, I forgot how much profanity is in the movie, so Kyle and I found ourselves yelling "Bleep" or "Blah, Blah, Blah" as we anticipated an upcoming word. Well, we missed one. It was the part where Griswold is sitting across from the little girl and she is griping about how she's been good but Santa never makes it to her house. At some point, she says "Sh*ttin' Bricks!" Well, I immediately looked at Kylie and said, "We don't say that, OK?" She said, "I can't say Chicken Bricks? How come?" I started dying laughing...evidently she didn't even understand the word. But, I stuck to my guns and told her that no, she couldn't even say Chicken Bricks. So, she asks, "Can I just say bricks?"
Crazy girl!!!
On another note, Snaptotes (www.snaptotes.com) is remaking my purse at no charge. They are supposed to ship it to my office so that I don't have to worry about a dog chewing it up, however I tracked the shipment yesterday and it looks to be headed to my house again!! So, I'll keep you posted as to if I receive this one minus the slobbers!!
Crazy girl!!!
On another note, Snaptotes (www.snaptotes.com) is remaking my purse at no charge. They are supposed to ship it to my office so that I don't have to worry about a dog chewing it up, however I tracked the shipment yesterday and it looks to be headed to my house again!! So, I'll keep you posted as to if I receive this one minus the slobbers!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Pushy Christians
My daughter has inherited her father's hearing! Here's her conversation with me last night....
Kylie: Mom, wanna know how Ms. Patsy answers the phone at school?
Me: Sure, honey, how?
Kylie: "Lincoln Pushin' School" (note: I did change the name of the city for safety reasons).
Me: (not fully understanding that she said "Pushin'" instead of "Christian") Yes, honey, that's the name of your school.
Kylie: Yeah, but Momma she calls it that because there is a lot of pushing going on there.
Me:(realizing she said "pushin'" instead of Christian) OH! Really? Ok, well, I think she is actually saying "Christian" though, sweetie!
I was dying laughing...
Kylie: Mom, wanna know how Ms. Patsy answers the phone at school?
Me: Sure, honey, how?
Kylie: "Lincoln Pushin' School" (note: I did change the name of the city for safety reasons).
Me: (not fully understanding that she said "Pushin'" instead of "Christian") Yes, honey, that's the name of your school.
Kylie: Yeah, but Momma she calls it that because there is a lot of pushing going on there.
Me:(realizing she said "pushin'" instead of Christian) OH! Really? Ok, well, I think she is actually saying "Christian" though, sweetie!
I was dying laughing...
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A Present...complete with dog slobber!
Well, I am majorly bummed. I ordered my mother-in-law this adorable gift and it arrived via FedEx the other day--but FedEx failed to leave it at my house. Of course, I don't know why I would think they would actually leave it there--they've never done it before! Instead, they always leave it at my neighbor's house (not my parents) and this time disaster struck. The item, a $90 purse, was destroyed by a dog! It chewed through the box and looks as if it took the purse out, ran around the yard dragging the purse threw every piece of red clay, and then proceeded to chew through one handle and part of the top of the bag. Lovely. So, I call FedEx immediately and the guy says he'll take care of it, but to call back everyday to check the status. I call the next day and the lady acts like there's nothing I can do, that the shipper has to initiate the claim, but gives me a number to get started and tells me to set it outside for FedEx to pickup so that they can inspect the damage (how funny, like they are going to miraculously find the house this time??). So, today I take it by a FedEx office--they say they can't help that I have to take it to another office about 20 miles away. This office happens to be closed today. In the meantime, I have emailed the company which is www.snaptotes.com and told them of the situation. They respond to the email today and say that if FedEx will reimburse them, they will be happy to remake the purse at no charge, but if FedEx won't reimburse them, then they could only give me 50% off the reorder. Um, no, I don't think so. I guess Snaptotes needs to read my blog about Bath and Body Works. 50% off? I didn't cause the damage! I agree that Snaptotes wasn't necessarily at fault, but since FedEx won't deal with me and only wants to talk to them, then they need to get their money out of FedEx! So, stay tuned for the results....because unless I get my purse replaced at no charge to me, I'll dispute the charge on my credit card and make sure many more people hear about both FedEx and Snaptotes poor customer service! It's been such a circus and still no one and has bothered to help. Unfortunately, there is no way to get a replacement by Christmas.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
My Manic Monday
I haven't had a chance to really sit down and write about what happened to me Monday. So, I am walking across the parking into work--look cute in my new off-white gauchos, red heels...you get the point. Then, bam out of nowhere my left ankle gives out and I fall flat on my face. I didn't trip on anything, I just crumbled to the ground. I broke this ankle in high school during a cheerleading stunt, so it's never been the same since. Every now and then it will give out, but usually it's in a discreet place. But no, on Monday I have to fall right in the middle of the parking lot where anyone looking out a back window would see me and anyone arriving at work would witness this. Classy. So, I had a bloody knee with a big bruise and a twisted ankle. As I was on the ground, I tried to decide if I should pretend I am looking for a contact or just gracefully collect myself and keep going. I got up brushed my pants off, threw my school bag and purse back over my shoulder and hobbled about another 10 feet before the entire contents of my school bag decided to dump out everywhere. I can barely walk at this point, let alone bend over and pick all of my stuff up. I managed to gather it all back up and get to my cubicle. Needless to say, I got the worst of Monday out of the way before I got in the building!
Today I am fighting a horrible head cold though--I can't breathe, my head hurts, and I am about as deaf as my husband! I am ready for these meds to take effect.
Today I am fighting a horrible head cold though--I can't breathe, my head hurts, and I am about as deaf as my husband! I am ready for these meds to take effect.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Bath and Body Works Redeemed Themselves!
Yes, the fastest way to my heart is a gift card...and Bath and Body Works evidently realized that! They sent an apology email the other day, admitted that I should have been able to use the coupon on the gift set and said that for my troubles they would mail a $25 gift card to me! I was very impressed with their willingness to listen. It was the one thing the store manager had no desire to do whatsoever. So, yeah BBW!
In other news, I am officially done with my class--no more school until January! Thank goodness. This is my first break in a year and I am ready to take a breather from school. I am excited that I will actually have evenings and weekends to rest and get some things done around here.
Thursday evening we are taking the kids to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". I think everyone will really enjoy it. If it's anything like the book, it will be funny!
In other news, I am officially done with my class--no more school until January! Thank goodness. This is my first break in a year and I am ready to take a breather from school. I am excited that I will actually have evenings and weekends to rest and get some things done around here.
Thursday evening we are taking the kids to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". I think everyone will really enjoy it. If it's anything like the book, it will be funny!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Party with the Coworkers
Well, we had our work Christmas party last night--it was actually fun! We had a "Casino Night" where we were able to play various casino games and earn "money" to use for the auction at the end of the evening. I didn't win any prizes, but had some great luck at Texas Hold'em, BlackJack, and some dice game. It was lots of fun...but we didn't stop there! About 6-7 of us went out afterwards to Brannon's and had a few drinks, danced, and laughed our heads off at Cory's antics. My hips are seriously killing me today! I didn't even dance that much--a sure sign I am getting way too old.
Then today was some more Christmas shopping and the Nutcracker. My nerves were fried before we went to the Nutcracker from dealing with the whole holiday shopping experience. I have sworn off Bath and Body for awhile at least after their lack of customer service. I was shocked--I have always had good experiences with them, but not today. First, they wouldn't accept a coupon for a gift set even though it said nothing on the coupon about gift sets. Their explanation was that the coupon is for one free "item" and a gift set (although under the price cap for the coupon) was supposedly counted as more than one item--even though it is sold as one!! What a crock of crap. Then, I don't find this out until after 15 minutes of standing in line to purchase it. I was furious...so I complain to a lady who worked there--she was so sweet. She went and got the manager and it went downhill from there. The manager was such a horrible witch. She gave the "that's corporate's rules" spill and just walked off. She didn't even apologize, look at me, or try to do anything about it. So, I am not going anymore!
However, the Nutcracker was a lot of fun. Kylie really enjoyed herself! She watched the show so intently--she loved the part w/the lady on the stilts and the little kids come out from under her dress. I think she had a great time.
Well, I am going to go eat dinner. I have a paper to finish tomorrow for the last class this year--Hallelujiah!
Then today was some more Christmas shopping and the Nutcracker. My nerves were fried before we went to the Nutcracker from dealing with the whole holiday shopping experience. I have sworn off Bath and Body for awhile at least after their lack of customer service. I was shocked--I have always had good experiences with them, but not today. First, they wouldn't accept a coupon for a gift set even though it said nothing on the coupon about gift sets. Their explanation was that the coupon is for one free "item" and a gift set (although under the price cap for the coupon) was supposedly counted as more than one item--even though it is sold as one!! What a crock of crap. Then, I don't find this out until after 15 minutes of standing in line to purchase it. I was furious...so I complain to a lady who worked there--she was so sweet. She went and got the manager and it went downhill from there. The manager was such a horrible witch. She gave the "that's corporate's rules" spill and just walked off. She didn't even apologize, look at me, or try to do anything about it. So, I am not going anymore!
However, the Nutcracker was a lot of fun. Kylie really enjoyed herself! She watched the show so intently--she loved the part w/the lady on the stilts and the little kids come out from under her dress. I think she had a great time.
Well, I am going to go eat dinner. I have a paper to finish tomorrow for the last class this year--Hallelujiah!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Here Comes the Estrogen Bus!!!!
I take a lot--but I can only handle so much! Today was one of those days. I had had enough of whining, moping, cranky people and it all came out today. I am just ready for the weekend I guess--but it only puts me that much closer to Monday. I just hate that by the time the holidays finally get here, we find ourselves so pissy with each other that I begin to wonder, "what's the bother?" So, it starts like this--my work group was to go to lunch today for our Christmas lunch with each other. We drew names a couple of weeks ago for a Secret Santa gift exchange. Well, it's been a rather stressful week and was a stressful morning for some of us. So, by the time it came to choose a place to eat, someone says, "I couldn't care less if we just walked over to such and such place--that's the kind of mood I am in". Well, a bad attitude can spread faster than the flu. Not to mention, the week seemed to have been going bad enough. So, it was my last straw. I was really looking forward to lunch and exchanging gifts. But, I found myself irritated at the crankiness in our group. So, we get in the car--no one wants to speak up to where to go. So, I head over to the last place suggested, very irritated. Well, I get behind slow grandpa and someone makes a comment in the backseat about me riding their rear. Not a good time to criticize my driving. Trust me. I hate when people mutter their comments under their breath--you got something to say, say it. Still, I try to be "accomodating" so I move over to the left lane to go around the car. Grandpa decides to lovingly remind me of the speed limit--35 mph, but flashing 3 fingers and then 5 fingers. I wasn't flying down the road, but between all the crap--my gasket blew. So, I decided that I would just slam on my brakes, move back behind Grandpa, and ride his rear the whole way. That way the backseat driver and Grandpa could both shove it at once. Well, grandpa drives SLOW and then gets ready to turn--I'm fuming at the crap STILL. So, at the time I pass him in the turn lane, I decided to spread my holiday cheer. I honked a few times, waved my hands, and lovingly (HA) yelled, "MERRY CHRISTMAS--LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!" Oh I was so pissed by this point. So, then I say, "Let's have some Christmas music to go along with the Christmas mood!" and I turn on my Christmas CD. The car was silent--I don't think anyone knew what to do. Looking back, my tantrum was hilarious now.
THEN, on the way home, someone forgot to warn the owner of a big Ford truck (not my husband's) about my day. Because he decides to turn left out of a parking lot and jump right in front of me. I wouldn't let him in which hacked him off. So, gets behind me and starts flashing his lights. Not good, bud. So, when we get to the stop light, I put my car in reverse--tempting him to flash those lights again. (Has anyone seen Fried Green Tomatoes??--that was my feeling today) I guess he got the point. He didn't do it again.
So, I am taking a sleeping pill tonight and getting a good night's sleep. I have learned from today, I still have work to do in containing my emotions. I am frustrated that I have done so well this past 18 months only to let someone get the best of me.
Just pray that I don't injure somebody tomorrow.
THEN, on the way home, someone forgot to warn the owner of a big Ford truck (not my husband's) about my day. Because he decides to turn left out of a parking lot and jump right in front of me. I wouldn't let him in which hacked him off. So, gets behind me and starts flashing his lights. Not good, bud. So, when we get to the stop light, I put my car in reverse--tempting him to flash those lights again. (Has anyone seen Fried Green Tomatoes??--that was my feeling today) I guess he got the point. He didn't do it again.
So, I am taking a sleeping pill tonight and getting a good night's sleep. I have learned from today, I still have work to do in containing my emotions. I am frustrated that I have done so well this past 18 months only to let someone get the best of me.
Just pray that I don't injure somebody tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wednesday in my world

Here's a picture from Thanksgiving in our condo--we were being totally nuts! Then, there's Kylie standing there with a smirk on her face as to say, "My family, what can I say--they're crazy!"
Well, today was not so bad...I had a job offer, a free lunch, dinner w/my Mom and brother, and my church agreed to help raise funds for my Guatemala trip! Pretty eventful.
Ok, to settle your curiosity--no, I am not interested in the job that was offered to me. I'll leave it at that.
Secondly, I went and visited with the Pastor of my church about my upcoming Guatemala trip. He asked if I would present in front of the church in January about the upcoming trip in hopes of people donating toward the trip. I told him if the church would donate, I wouldn't mind to pay my own way--I am willing to let 100% of those donations go toward the 3-5 projects we are going to do while we are there. He then asked me to put together a slideshow when I returned to share with the church about my trip--I was thrilled! AND, this is all to be done during the morning service--I know that sounds small, but actually it's huge. Pulpit time on a Sunday morning is not given out lightly!
My Dad went to Illinois (purely coincidental) to purchase about 200 or so pairs of skates for our rink! They are brand new and were such a great price. Then, he's head to Kentucky to pick up a few hundred more that are used, but will be great to have on hand if we get swamped on the weekends. Then, he found an M-4 machine (simulator ride) for our rink!! It will be such fun for the kids!
I am ready to get started on some of this stuff!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I Give....
I give up. My daughter is just a demon sometimes! We didn't go to the parade last night because she got a red note, then she comes home with another one today. It was for hitting a kid, yelling at the teacher, and then yelling when she got the red note! AAAAHHHH! I totally give up. I bribe her, I reprimand her, I spank her, I hug her, I encourage her. Now, I am going to just scream! I have no clue what to do. We were supposed to go see the Nutcracker this weekend, but what do you do? I can't take her anywhere. I was so looking forward to the Nutcracker.
Then, I was late to work this morning because the lady that opens the daycare on rare occasions wasn't there on time. She's never there on time when she opens--this is the 3rd time I have been late to work because of her. I give up! So, I called the director and complained. I hated to do it--part of me was even mad that I had to do it. But I can't be late.
So, now I just finished my test in class. I totally bombed the thing. It's just too much right now w/our house (or sorry excuse for a house) in shambles w/the flooding, the holidays, work, and a bratty kid. I give up!
So, I think I am going to spike my hot chocolate w/amaretto!
Then, I was late to work this morning because the lady that opens the daycare on rare occasions wasn't there on time. She's never there on time when she opens--this is the 3rd time I have been late to work because of her. I give up! So, I called the director and complained. I hated to do it--part of me was even mad that I had to do it. But I can't be late.
So, now I just finished my test in class. I totally bombed the thing. It's just too much right now w/our house (or sorry excuse for a house) in shambles w/the flooding, the holidays, work, and a bratty kid. I give up!
So, I think I am going to spike my hot chocolate w/amaretto!
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kylie's Christmas program was tonight. She looked absolutely adorable! She wore her big fancy dress, her hair was rolled, and she shined during the program! Their skit was so funny! However, I ran out of DVD's for the video camera and didn't get a single bit recorded! ARGH! I was furious with myself. I can't believe that I did that. I guess the last one I used must've been at her birthday party, so I guess I never bought any new ones. But, I am glad I found out before Christmas morning! Although, I wanted to test my abilities at adding video to this blog and share a clip of the program with you. I'll be prepared next time though. Tomorrow is our town parade, so we are going to take the kids to watch it. I am going to try to remember to take a Thermos of hot chocolate and some cups so we can stay warm!
Kylie's room flooded during the heavy rains last week and we have such a mess on our hands. We are going to have to remove all of the carpet from her room, air it out and then put new carpet down. I don't think the walls are damaged though. What a mess--I am SO ready for a house. I have contacted my builder and he is going to email plans to me this week. I hope to start a house in the next 90 days--cross your fingers, say a prayer. I am ready. It's time.
On a final note, Kyle's cousin, Tim, has been dealt some bad news. He was diagnosed with cancer--they removed part of it that was contained, however another test revealed a 2 inch piece under his kidney. That means he will have to undergo chemotherapy. He's only 24. It's devastating to hear about because his daughter is less than a year old. He's a good kid. Not that he would deserve it if all of these things were different, but still, it's just sad. The good news is a 99% recovery chance, so hopefully he will come through this with flying colors. Keep him in your prayers!
Kylie's room flooded during the heavy rains last week and we have such a mess on our hands. We are going to have to remove all of the carpet from her room, air it out and then put new carpet down. I don't think the walls are damaged though. What a mess--I am SO ready for a house. I have contacted my builder and he is going to email plans to me this week. I hope to start a house in the next 90 days--cross your fingers, say a prayer. I am ready. It's time.
On a final note, Kyle's cousin, Tim, has been dealt some bad news. He was diagnosed with cancer--they removed part of it that was contained, however another test revealed a 2 inch piece under his kidney. That means he will have to undergo chemotherapy. He's only 24. It's devastating to hear about because his daughter is less than a year old. He's a good kid. Not that he would deserve it if all of these things were different, but still, it's just sad. The good news is a 99% recovery chance, so hopefully he will come through this with flying colors. Keep him in your prayers!
State Champs!
I must say yesterday's state finals football game was the most edge-of-your-seat, nail-biting, anxiety-ridden, stressful game! Boy, was that close. We won by 1 point with 12 seconds left--and those 12 seconds were enough for that team to even score again! They were that good. But, our team hung in there and fought to the bitter end. It was mostly an outscoring game since both teams are so good. We had a great time! And the night was capped off with an awesome dinner at Johnny Carino's! What more could a girl ask for??
But today is study day as I have a test in my class on Tuesday--yuck. But this is the last test and next week is the final class. I am ready for a break--we have went non-stop since January, so I am ready for a few weeks without class, homework, and papers. Only 4 more classes to go after this one! I am so close to finishing my degree. Only 8 more months--August '07 here I come!
The skating rink is still progressing as planned. I am going to try and set-up a website in the next few weeks so that we will be ready to go once the building is complete. I am also working on a few Yellow Pages ads as well, so hopefully we will have some great advertisement in place--that's my specialty! :) Word of mouth is spreading quickly about the rink, so people are starting to talk--it's all really positive support as the entire community has really voiced their opinion that our kids need something to do and something that is positive, fun, and entertaining!
My Christmas shopping is nearing a finish. I only have a couple of people left! I am ready for the holidays!
But today is study day as I have a test in my class on Tuesday--yuck. But this is the last test and next week is the final class. I am ready for a break--we have went non-stop since January, so I am ready for a few weeks without class, homework, and papers. Only 4 more classes to go after this one! I am so close to finishing my degree. Only 8 more months--August '07 here I come!
The skating rink is still progressing as planned. I am going to try and set-up a website in the next few weeks so that we will be ready to go once the building is complete. I am also working on a few Yellow Pages ads as well, so hopefully we will have some great advertisement in place--that's my specialty! :) Word of mouth is spreading quickly about the rink, so people are starting to talk--it's all really positive support as the entire community has really voiced their opinion that our kids need something to do and something that is positive, fun, and entertaining!
My Christmas shopping is nearing a finish. I only have a couple of people left! I am ready for the holidays!
Friday, December 01, 2006
To the Rock!
Well, we are headed to the "Rock" tomorrow for the State Finals game! Go Bulldogs! I hope the team wins. Although they are the reigning state champs, they still deserve to win again and stay atop the rock. But I know the competition will be tough tomorrow--and it's going to be cold at the game! I borrowed some bib-coveralls from a friend of ours-Jeb, so hopefully I can stay warm. I HATE being cold. But I want to go to the game. Kylie opted out this year. She said she'd rather stay at Mei-Mei's house. So, hopefully she'll be good. Weston's all in though--he wouldn't miss it this year. Boy, how my kids have changed in a year. Weston is such a sports nut now, whereas last year he had no interest in going (and Kylie went).
I just got my Christmas cards back--they are great! Kyle and I finally made the card...before the kids were born, we just sent regular cards. Well, after we had the kids, we started sending "picture" cards with the kids on them. I decided this year that we would include a family picture (actually I wanted to last year, but the picture we had taken was horrible). So, we are finally going to be on the card!
Some news--Kylie's room "flooded" with the heavy rains we had. In fact, it soaked a 3 ft x 2 ft section of her carpet, her mattress and under the toys. So, we are going to have to replace the carpet in her room. But, that's not the worst of it--our driveway washed away in 2 places! So, now the only way I can get my car out is to go out the back way. What a mess!
Well, it's a busy day tomorrow and I'm exhausted, so that's all for tonight.
Go Bulldogs!! 48 Minutes!!
I just got my Christmas cards back--they are great! Kyle and I finally made the card...before the kids were born, we just sent regular cards. Well, after we had the kids, we started sending "picture" cards with the kids on them. I decided this year that we would include a family picture (actually I wanted to last year, but the picture we had taken was horrible). So, we are finally going to be on the card!
Some news--Kylie's room "flooded" with the heavy rains we had. In fact, it soaked a 3 ft x 2 ft section of her carpet, her mattress and under the toys. So, we are going to have to replace the carpet in her room. But, that's not the worst of it--our driveway washed away in 2 places! So, now the only way I can get my car out is to go out the back way. What a mess!
Well, it's a busy day tomorrow and I'm exhausted, so that's all for tonight.
Go Bulldogs!! 48 Minutes!!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
It's All About Your Presentation
Ok, so today's theme was "presentation"...and would you believe most people just don't have it. Actually, this theme started last night. Kyle and I had a discussion about the way he presents things to people. Then today, it was both of my bosses. The thing to keep in mind is that there are several ways to say the same message....but usually there's the best way to say it that would not only accomplish what you want, but also not leave a bad feeling between you and the other person. It's something I have been really trying to work on myself--it's not easy. And there are times that you just can't take what someone says personally....so, it really works both ways, ya know?
Ok, enough of that. I am trying to wrap up some Christmas shopping--I am having better luck online than in the stores, but it's just not as fun to not walk around and look at stuff. But it's definitely much easier--no long lines, no cranky people! And you know me--I am known to voice my opinion when someone gets me started!
I am feeling much better today--I broke down a took a headache pill and it worked (should've done it 4 days ago...) Tonight, we went to Wal-Mart and picked out a gift for our Angel Tree baby and also picked up a few things for the kids for "stocking stuffers". The kids can hardly stand it--I put presents under the tree and they are dying to get into them! I remember as a kid, Christmas seemed a long time away at this time. But as an adult, it's here and gone before you know it!
Well, I have to go watch the fall finale of Jericho--that show is SO addicting!!
Ok, enough of that. I am trying to wrap up some Christmas shopping--I am having better luck online than in the stores, but it's just not as fun to not walk around and look at stuff. But it's definitely much easier--no long lines, no cranky people! And you know me--I am known to voice my opinion when someone gets me started!
I am feeling much better today--I broke down a took a headache pill and it worked (should've done it 4 days ago...) Tonight, we went to Wal-Mart and picked out a gift for our Angel Tree baby and also picked up a few things for the kids for "stocking stuffers". The kids can hardly stand it--I put presents under the tree and they are dying to get into them! I remember as a kid, Christmas seemed a long time away at this time. But as an adult, it's here and gone before you know it!
Well, I have to go watch the fall finale of Jericho--that show is SO addicting!!
Ok, have you ever had one of those headaches that lasts for days? (Now when I say headache, I am not referring to a husband, boss, kid, etc; I mean the real deal....) That's where I am at. I am going on 4 days now--it's not getting better. I think it's the weather, but who knows.
So, sorry for not updating this sooner, but as you can see, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. Hopefully it lets up soon. We are planning to go to the State Finals football game and I know it's going to be extremely cold, so I really need to feel better first. I begged Kyle to pull our new trailer down there--there is a lovely campground outside of town and I would love to stay there, but with the weather as well as his unfamiliarity with how everything works, he said that he is too scared to try it. I guess I can't blame him--my secret motive though was that the Hogs game comes on at 5 or so and we'll be on the road instead of watching it on TV! Actually, we'll be in a restaurant eating for part of the game....guess we'll have to hit somewhere that has TV's!!
Well, it's back to work--see ya!
So, sorry for not updating this sooner, but as you can see, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. Hopefully it lets up soon. We are planning to go to the State Finals football game and I know it's going to be extremely cold, so I really need to feel better first. I begged Kyle to pull our new trailer down there--there is a lovely campground outside of town and I would love to stay there, but with the weather as well as his unfamiliarity with how everything works, he said that he is too scared to try it. I guess I can't blame him--my secret motive though was that the Hogs game comes on at 5 or so and we'll be on the road instead of watching it on TV! Actually, we'll be in a restaurant eating for part of the game....guess we'll have to hit somewhere that has TV's!!
Well, it's back to work--see ya!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Have You Heard the News???

Well, if you get the Times Record, you probably know by now....but for those of you who don't read the newspaper, let me fill you in on the latest. We are opening a skating rink!! In Sunday's paper is an article and interview with my Dad (except they spelled his last name wrong!!) about a skating rink that my parents, Kyle, and I are opening in the spring! This is my first business venture and I am thrilled. I honestly didn't think the cat would be out of the bag until mid-December when zoning approval was completed by the city council, but the mayor thought the town should know about the exciting opportunity for its residents. My Dad and I have talked at length about a business venture; I have even proposed several, but they have never really been the right idea for all of us. Then, after they bought the one in Illinois, it just seemed logical to bring the same fun to our town. So, that is actually why I went to Illinois a couple of months ago--it was actually a "business" trip. My parents wanted me to see how the rink up there operated and get my input on how we could all bring the same fun home. So, there you have it! But, it's going to be much more than a skating rink--it will rival Chuck E. Cheese in the fun aspect because we are putting in an indoor 3 level playroom complete with balls, bounce arounds, and tons of tubes. There will also be a Mach-3 which is a simulation ride that does 360-degree loops. There is also plans for a laser tag room as well as an arcade room. So, there should be something for the whole family to do! We will also have birthday party rooms, so hopefully everyone can come celebrate their birthday with us. My kids are ecstatic! They have loved roller skating these past few months as we have introduced them to it. This means TONS of work for Kyle and I. I will still have my fulltime day job for now, so we will spend every moment around that helping to build the rink and then working it once its complete. So, come out and join us when it opens!!!
On another note--our Thanksgiving trip was such fun--I can't believe the weekend is over!! We had a ball. Kyle didn't know how much fun my family could be. My cousins that came in and their kids and all of us hung out playing poker and washers. Can you believe my 9 year old cousin won the poker game?? In fact, it was down to him and Keenan (my other older cousin who is a dentist) and Keenan lost--well, they bet on the last hand. Soooo....Keenan had to get up in front of a crowd at Dogwood Canyon and do the hula. It was hilarious! The bet was that the hula dance could be requested in the following 24 hours at anytime by the winner. Well, "little" Kyle (the 9 year old cousin) waited until the prime moment! Dogwood Canyon was tons of fun too. We all went out there and ate dinner, then visited the chapel where a couple sang several Christmas songs for all of the guests (this was where the hula took place). After that, we rode the tram back and made s'mores around a campfire. We had such a good time. It was a lot of fun to hang out with all of them. We don't see them much, so this holiday was very memorable!
Well, back to today--gotta get the tree down and starting getting ready for Christmas!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
A Much-Needed Break!!
Yeah, tomorrow is the beginning of 5 days away!! Woo Hoo! I am ready to just chill out, relax, and enjoy the holidays....wait, I forgot, I am taking my work with me and now my grandparents decided they want the 2nd bedroom in my condo instead of the one with my cousin from Missouri! So, guess what that means...my kids will be bouncing off of the walls because my Grandpa will be antagonizing them the entire time....I can hear it now--screaming, running....GREAT. And the reason my grandparents want to stay with us is because my cousin has a couple of kids so they don't want to be bothered at night by them. So, I am the one who is forced to argue with my kids at night about going to bed and listening to the wildness. Plus, I have some much needed work that needs to be completed before I come back as well as a paper for class that is due next Tuesday. Here's to the holidays. I wonder if I can find a way to sneak some amaretto in my hot chocolate??? :)
Oh well....(here comes the cliche)...my grandparents won't always be around, my kids won't always be young, and school will be over soon.
Ok, I promise to work on the attitude on the way to Big Cedar.
Oh well....(here comes the cliche)...my grandparents won't always be around, my kids won't always be young, and school will be over soon.
Ok, I promise to work on the attitude on the way to Big Cedar.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I am drowning in chapter after chapter of leadership! This study guide has every page of the book on it I think!! I don't feel very motivated this week--the holidays are occupying my free time. Between cooking for Weston's party, packing, planning our meals for our vacation (we have a kitchen in our condo), and trying to get client's pictures ready, I am stretched very thin. I shouldn't even be writing in my blog! But I really need a break from "charisma, Quadrant A, attitude, extroversion....." well, you get the point!!
I am ready for Wednesday morning! No work....well, I am taking it with me. I guess there never really is an escape from reality, ya know?
I am ready for Wednesday morning! No work....well, I am taking it with me. I guess there never really is an escape from reality, ya know?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Santa's Little Helper
On Friday night, when we went to the mall, we let the kids pick an angel off of the Angel Tree. Well, Weston got to pick the gender and Kylie picked the age range. We ended up with a 1 year old baby boy named James. He wants learning toys and ride-on toys as well as clothes. It was so sweet though when we were trying to determine which kid to pick....Weston says, "Daddy, I wish we could just buy presents for all of these kids!" It was the most precious thing in the world to see a 6 year old feel that type of compassion for others. I think he was amazed that there were that many kids who might not have Christmas presents without the help from others!
I haven't studied yet for my test! I really have to get going, but things have been so busy with the holiday weekend coming up. We are going to spend it at Big Cedar with my parents and brother, grandparents, my great-aunt and uncle, their two grown sons and families. Altogether, there will be around 21 of us with kids included! I think it will be a nice relaxing time away--much needed! :)
I haven't studied yet for my test! I really have to get going, but things have been so busy with the holiday weekend coming up. We are going to spend it at Big Cedar with my parents and brother, grandparents, my great-aunt and uncle, their two grown sons and families. Altogether, there will be around 21 of us with kids included! I think it will be a nice relaxing time away--much needed! :)
Sunday's Agenda--enough to cover a week!
Today is going to be busy! We are going to try and make it to Sunday School this morning since we haven't been in a few weeks. From there, Kobe's birthday party is today, so we are going straight to the party after church. Then, I have pictures to take for a client today, so I am actually leaving the party early to do that. Afterwards, the kids are dying to go back and see Santa Claus so we may have to swing by the mall. My Mom also called and said they got all of their stuff out of the 5th wheel that's ours, so we could start moving our stuff over to the new one now. We really need to get that done soon because I want to get our other one sold ASAP! Oh yeah, I have a test Tuesday which means I need to find time to study at some point! Did I mention the house is a wreck??? Like I said, this is enough to keep someone busy for at least a week. We also need to get started packing for our Thanksgiving vacation!
Well, I purchased my Guatemala ticket yesterday--so it's more than official now! I am so pumped about going. We are going to be there for 10 days--no phone, no way to contact my family! I will dearly miss the kids, but I hope when they look back on me being gone, they realize that their Mommy went to help others and they find admiration in that--enough that maybe they will want to help others....
Well, I purchased my Guatemala ticket yesterday--so it's more than official now! I am so pumped about going. We are going to be there for 10 days--no phone, no way to contact my family! I will dearly miss the kids, but I hope when they look back on me being gone, they realize that their Mommy went to help others and they find admiration in that--enough that maybe they will want to help others....
Friday, November 17, 2006
Two in a Row
Well, guess what? Weston is Student of the Month again!!! Two months in a row! I honestly thought it was a mistake. He told me this evening that he had another form for us to fill out for his breakfast at school and that he was called to the office for his picture to be taken for Student of the Month. I assumed that maybe it was a retake on his picture or he was accidentally listed and they just messed up. But no! He actually got it again. I went through his backpack and found his certificate, breakfast reservations, and other information! We were so proud of him. He is such an awesome kid and if anyone deserve the award, he definitely does. So, we took him to Logan's for a celebration dinner and invited my parents to join us.
Tomorrow, Weston has basketball evaluations for basketball season. He is excited and I am glad he has finally getting into sports. After the evaluation, Kylie is going to ride one of Mom's little horses! She has been wanting to ride for awhile now, so I told her we would go down there and ride on one.
Oh, we tried to go see Santa at the mall tonight--and so did the rest of the city and surrounding areas! The interstate was at a complete stop about 1 1/2 miles from the exit. Then, the mall was so crowded, you couldn't even move. We were about 30 minutes late and found out that Santa isn't actually taking requests tonight, he is just performing a magic show. So, since we missed the magic show, we missed Santa completely. Poor kids, I had been pumping them up for this for 2 days. Oh well, we'll try again this weekend I guess.
Tomorrow, Weston has basketball evaluations for basketball season. He is excited and I am glad he has finally getting into sports. After the evaluation, Kylie is going to ride one of Mom's little horses! She has been wanting to ride for awhile now, so I told her we would go down there and ride on one.
Oh, we tried to go see Santa at the mall tonight--and so did the rest of the city and surrounding areas! The interstate was at a complete stop about 1 1/2 miles from the exit. Then, the mall was so crowded, you couldn't even move. We were about 30 minutes late and found out that Santa isn't actually taking requests tonight, he is just performing a magic show. So, since we missed the magic show, we missed Santa completely. Poor kids, I had been pumping them up for this for 2 days. Oh well, we'll try again this weekend I guess.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Thanksgiving Feast
Tonight we went to Kylie's Thanksgiving feast at school. They sang 2 songs and performed a cute little skit in which Kylie was a pilgrim girl. I thought it was so nice of her preschool to feed all of us a turkey dinner!
Well, as you may notice, there are some changes on my blog! Blogger started a "Beta" version awhile back and I finally switched. It's a nicer, easier version. It's just funny though that all of the stuff I learned to do in HTML, now can be done with a click of a button!
I found out a made a 91% on my test from last week's class! Evidently though there were several low scores....he said he was even considering a curve! I am going to have to study a lot this weekend for the next test. I just don't feel prepared for it. I have to say that with this class, I don't feel I have had any downtime. I have spent each weekend either writing a paper or studying for a test. Plus, next Tuesday I am going to miss Weston's Thanksgiving program at school! :( I will be glad when I am finally finished. Only 4 1/2 more classes to go! I am almost there!! So far, still all A's too!
Well, it's official! I am going to Guatemala in March. However, due to the busy season, the trip dates have changed to the Friday before Spring Break all the way until the following Monday. I have to use 7 days of vacation all at once, but I really think it will be worth it. I talked with Joe (the team leader) for about 30 minutes and I think I am going to have a great experience. He said we might even take a day off and climb a volcano. I am going to have to buy more camera memory cards!!
That's a wrap for tonight.....
Well, as you may notice, there are some changes on my blog! Blogger started a "Beta" version awhile back and I finally switched. It's a nicer, easier version. It's just funny though that all of the stuff I learned to do in HTML, now can be done with a click of a button!
I found out a made a 91% on my test from last week's class! Evidently though there were several low scores....he said he was even considering a curve! I am going to have to study a lot this weekend for the next test. I just don't feel prepared for it. I have to say that with this class, I don't feel I have had any downtime. I have spent each weekend either writing a paper or studying for a test. Plus, next Tuesday I am going to miss Weston's Thanksgiving program at school! :( I will be glad when I am finally finished. Only 4 1/2 more classes to go! I am almost there!! So far, still all A's too!
Well, it's official! I am going to Guatemala in March. However, due to the busy season, the trip dates have changed to the Friday before Spring Break all the way until the following Monday. I have to use 7 days of vacation all at once, but I really think it will be worth it. I talked with Joe (the team leader) for about 30 minutes and I think I am going to have a great experience. He said we might even take a day off and climb a volcano. I am going to have to buy more camera memory cards!!
That's a wrap for tonight.....
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tomorrow, Tomorrow....
Well, tomorrow I am going to meet with Joe about the Guatemala trip for Spring Break. Kyle has given me his blessing to go! I am excited and hope to finalize some details about the trip and have some questions answered. My first professor that I had this year went and she had some powerful stories about the kids and the hunger issues. She told us about how the kids huff solvents to curb the pain of hunger. It's very sad to think that they have to resort to such measures, but there are so many orphans that just roam the streets. All of my friends told me I will probably try to adopt everyone of them. Knowing me, I will probably have a hard time with it (yes, I DO have emotions!!!) and want to bring one back. So, hopefully the meeting will go well. From there, it's fundraiser time! I need to raise about $1000 to fund my trip. Wish me luck!!
Well, it's late and rainy, so I am off to bed!
Well, it's late and rainy, so I am off to bed!
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Hunters are Back!

Well, the hunters are back from the woods...here's a group photo of them. Poor Weston has battle wounds though! Evidently he rode his four-wheel through a briar patch! He has a cut on his face and hands...but I am proud--he didn't cry! I think he had a great time though. He seemed to really enjoy the deer woods, so I am sure that Kyle has a lifelong hunting partner in him. I'll post the rest of the photos at the link on the right.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ok, so I had a "shopping" party this evening and we had a blast...there were about 8 of us girls and we spent some serious money! I won't reveal my total since Kyle reads this and I have a feeling I would not be alive tomorrow (although I have to admit I would look good in my casket!!). But, all in all it was a fun time.
Weston called today and said he is really enjoying his time in the woods. He saw a doe the first time they went out! Even though it's not legal, I am glad he saw something! I think he has spent most of his time on his 4-wheeler. Kyle said he took tons of pics, so I will get them posted soon.
Well, I am worn out--shopping is tough on a girl!
Weston called today and said he is really enjoying his time in the woods. He saw a doe the first time they went out! Even though it's not legal, I am glad he saw something! I think he has spent most of his time on his 4-wheeler. Kyle said he took tons of pics, so I will get them posted soon.
Well, I am worn out--shopping is tough on a girl!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Luxury of Two!
Well, you get the luxury of two blogs in the same day! But I have to vent....So, I am curled up on the couch thoroughly engrossed in the game--we're up by 21 points. It's going great--it's 3rd quarter, we catch an interception and he takes off to run, then suddenly the satellite goes out. What? I am thinking that this is weird--there is no wind, it's calm, what could it be?? HORSES! But, I decide to wait a few minutes to see if the satellite came back up--I mean, why blame the four-legged pests if it is really just a fluke? SO--30 minutes later and NOTHING. I am fuming. But I am too scared to go check it for myself. So, I call a buddy of mine and he and his wife head over here. Sure, enough, I open the door and head out and there's all 6 of the girls running next to my car! So, we chase them back down the driveway and head back for the house to see if we can possibly figure out the satellite. We walk back there and it's just laying on the ground--they have completely knocked it off of the pole. AAAHHHH!!!!! I was livid. I mean-come on! The Razorbacks were playing! Why couldn't they have done this at say 2 a.m. when I am fast asleep and could care less about watching TV. No, they wait until the prime moment!
So, needless to say we tried to fix it, but to no avail. It wouldn't even stay on the pole. I can't get a hold of Kyle obviously to ask what to do, so I am without TV. This is just downright crappy. Thank goodness for internet.
So, needless to say we tried to fix it, but to no avail. It wouldn't even stay on the pole. I can't get a hold of Kyle obviously to ask what to do, so I am without TV. This is just downright crappy. Thank goodness for internet.
Weekend Update....
Well, I am worn out--shopping is so exhausting. Ok, give me credit, with a 4 year old in tow, it can wear you out. However, we had a fun time! Kylie was very well-behaved for 8 hours of shopping!
So, Bunco last night was hilarious! I was crowned queen last night...no, not Bunco. They crowned me Queen of Willing to Try Anything! Not sure how I got that tag?? I think the Altoids and ice knowledge must have helped that one along! But we had a great time--I am bummed though because it looks like I will have to miss next month's since our company party is that night. Hopefully they can work something out!
Well, the hogs play in about 15 minutes, so I have to wrap this up so I can switch out the laundry that's washing and warm up some snacks. GO HOGS GO!!
So, Bunco last night was hilarious! I was crowned queen last night...no, not Bunco. They crowned me Queen of Willing to Try Anything! Not sure how I got that tag?? I think the Altoids and ice knowledge must have helped that one along! But we had a great time--I am bummed though because it looks like I will have to miss next month's since our company party is that night. Hopefully they can work something out!
Well, the hogs play in about 15 minutes, so I have to wrap this up so I can switch out the laundry that's washing and warm up some snacks. GO HOGS GO!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
My Home Away From Home
Well, our new camper is FINALLY home!! I promise to post some pictures soon. It's been dark at the times I have been home, so I haven't had an opportunity to take any good shots. But Kylie and I went inside it and looked around last night--she was stoked! It's 38 feet long, so it's massive. When all 3 slides are out, it's about 14 foot wide. I am so ready to camp! So, once we get the guys back from the woods, we are going to have to head out. Now we just need to sell our old camper--so if you know of anyone in the market for a 1997 30 foot bumper pull camper in great shape, let me know.
Anyway, Kylie and I are doing the girl thing tomorrow. We are heading to Holiday Market. She is so excited! We are getting up early and getting ready so that we can beat the crowd. It may not be that bad though w/the game going on. I wish I was going to the Hogs game!! ESPN is coming! But I am sure it will be so crazy up there. Oh well, Kylie and I will just watch it on TV at home or one of our friend's houses.
Well, I have yet ANOTHER friend that is pregnant! Plus, her husband will be gone for the next couple of months for work. So, I think Kylie and I are going to try and go visit her as much as possible so that she doesn't get lonely. I remember how incredibly sick I was during my 1st trimester--it was horrible. She has a little girl Kylie's age, so we are going to plan a "slumber party" one evening and hang out. It should be a blast.
Well, I need to get some sleep-I have a big day tomorrow with Miss Kylie-bug. Then tomorrow evening (after the game of course), I have a paper and some discussion questions for my class to get finished.
Anyway, Kylie and I are doing the girl thing tomorrow. We are heading to Holiday Market. She is so excited! We are getting up early and getting ready so that we can beat the crowd. It may not be that bad though w/the game going on. I wish I was going to the Hogs game!! ESPN is coming! But I am sure it will be so crazy up there. Oh well, Kylie and I will just watch it on TV at home or one of our friend's houses.
Well, I have yet ANOTHER friend that is pregnant! Plus, her husband will be gone for the next couple of months for work. So, I think Kylie and I are going to try and go visit her as much as possible so that she doesn't get lonely. I remember how incredibly sick I was during my 1st trimester--it was horrible. She has a little girl Kylie's age, so we are going to plan a "slumber party" one evening and hang out. It should be a blast.
Well, I need to get some sleep-I have a big day tomorrow with Miss Kylie-bug. Then tomorrow evening (after the game of course), I have a paper and some discussion questions for my class to get finished.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Broken Promise
Ok, so it's Day 3 (yesterday doesn't count because of class) with my elliptical and I am going to skip exercising tonight. I am just exhausted! Last night I didn't get to bed until 11:45 or so and then was back up at 5:30. Then, we have been down at my parents' house tonight visiting with them because they have been out of town. Now that I am home, I am working on some pictures for a client, so it's after 9 and I am technically still busy! So, in about 2 minutes when the CD has finished burning, I am plopping down on the couch!
But I have to tell one quick funny story--So, Kyle always conveniently can't hear me and I decided last week that I had had enough of his selective hearing. It was time to put this so-called hearing problem to the test. So, being the loving wife that I am and wanting to show my deep concern for any physical ailment, I scheduled a him a hearing test for today. Well, he received good news and bad news! The good news was that he was able to tell me I was right--he doesn't have selective hearing. The bad news--he really can't hear! Supposedly (I am going to try and confirm this somewhere) he has trouble hearing "high frequencies". These are typically women's voices, etc. HHHMMM!!! Convenient. Plus, he supposedly can't hear out of his right ear as well as his left (my place in bed and on the couch is to his right). So, he was referred to a specialist! So, honey, I want you to know I will support you entirely. We will do whatever is necessary to help you hear me again one day. I will make sure you have the most technologically advanced hearing aid out there!!! :)
But I have to tell one quick funny story--So, Kyle always conveniently can't hear me and I decided last week that I had had enough of his selective hearing. It was time to put this so-called hearing problem to the test. So, being the loving wife that I am and wanting to show my deep concern for any physical ailment, I scheduled a him a hearing test for today. Well, he received good news and bad news! The good news was that he was able to tell me I was right--he doesn't have selective hearing. The bad news--he really can't hear! Supposedly (I am going to try and confirm this somewhere) he has trouble hearing "high frequencies". These are typically women's voices, etc. HHHMMM!!! Convenient. Plus, he supposedly can't hear out of his right ear as well as his left (my place in bed and on the couch is to his right). So, he was referred to a specialist! So, honey, I want you to know I will support you entirely. We will do whatever is necessary to help you hear me again one day. I will make sure you have the most technologically advanced hearing aid out there!!! :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
A little testy today....
So, I took my test in class today. I guess it wasn't that bad. A few tricky questions. I hate that because you study, study, study and know the material, but you have no way of proving it if you get stumped by semantics. So, Harper and I discussed this--guess what, he's cool w/proving your knowledge! I was pleased by that. To me, a test is not supposed to be impossible--it's supposed to be a checks-n-balance for material retention, application, etc. As long as I know he's willing to be open-minded in allowing us to demonstrate our knowledge, I am fine.
Well, I am a "deer widow" this weekend! Kylie is stoked though. She's ready to go shopping. Kyle and Weston are heading to the deer woods. Weston has asked about a trillion questions...Will there be bears? Will the bear tear down our tent? Where will we sleep? Where do we go to the bathroom? Can we shoot our BB guns? Will my BB gun kill a deer? Overall though--he is thoroughly ecstatic! Kylie is stoked b/c she gets to sleep in Daddy's place. She is read to go do "girl stuff". Also, this weekend is Bunco weekend! Maybe I can win a little $$ for shopping! HA! I won't hold my breath!
Well, I am a "deer widow" this weekend! Kylie is stoked though. She's ready to go shopping. Kyle and Weston are heading to the deer woods. Weston has asked about a trillion questions...Will there be bears? Will the bear tear down our tent? Where will we sleep? Where do we go to the bathroom? Can we shoot our BB guns? Will my BB gun kill a deer? Overall though--he is thoroughly ecstatic! Kylie is stoked b/c she gets to sleep in Daddy's place. She is read to go do "girl stuff". Also, this weekend is Bunco weekend! Maybe I can win a little $$ for shopping! HA! I won't hold my breath!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Well, I finally got my grade in my last class.....an A! Yeah! So far--all A's! I hope I can keep up this trend. I'm over halfway there. However, tomorrow we have a test in our class. This is my first test in the entire grad program. I'm about to study my booty off in hopes of passing this thing.
There's also an opportunity to go to Honduras, Guatemala, or Nicaragua for Spring Break--it's like a Mission Trip. I REALLY want to go. I wasn't able to go on Mission Trips growing up because I was always working, so it won't be so awesome to go now. This will be my last chance to do something like this. So, hopefully it'll work out--and that Kyle will let me go! :)
Well, we finally got the elliptical machine put together last night. It took over 2 hours! But, it's done. Although, I must say it kicked my rear!! It's definitely better than the one at the gym in terms of keeping me going....so hopefully we'll see some results! I have a reward for myself at the end of the week if I can keep it up all week--cookies and ice cream!! :)
There's also an opportunity to go to Honduras, Guatemala, or Nicaragua for Spring Break--it's like a Mission Trip. I REALLY want to go. I wasn't able to go on Mission Trips growing up because I was always working, so it won't be so awesome to go now. This will be my last chance to do something like this. So, hopefully it'll work out--and that Kyle will let me go! :)
Well, we finally got the elliptical machine put together last night. It took over 2 hours! But, it's done. Although, I must say it kicked my rear!! It's definitely better than the one at the gym in terms of keeping me going....so hopefully we'll see some results! I have a reward for myself at the end of the week if I can keep it up all week--cookies and ice cream!! :)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Happy Anniversary!!
Well, today is mine and Kyle's 1 year "re-marriage" wedding anniversary!!! For those of you that are clueless as to what I am talking about--here's a little explanation. Kyle and I divorced in September of 2004. However, we remarried November 5, 2005. We had a few hiccups that needed attention. The struggles weren't easy, but we decided that WE would confront them. We realized that a family functions as a unit, not single entities. It's not easy to remember sometimes that you lose your identity when you marry. I think that learning to "leave and cleave" was vital to our marriage. So, it was fitting when Bro. Will remarried us and spoke on that. So, we get to celebrate two anniversaries now. We have decided that we will keep our January 17th anniversary as the main one, but hey it's always fun to celebrate milestones and that is what today is. A milestone.
Yesterday, we went to our nephew's birthday party and had a great time. The kids love to bowl, so they really enjoyed themselves!
Well, my anniversary present was my very own elliptical machine--I get to cancel my gym membership and workout at home! So, that's a wrap here--I've got to get my new machine put together.
Yesterday, we went to our nephew's birthday party and had a great time. The kids love to bowl, so they really enjoyed themselves!
Well, my anniversary present was my very own elliptical machine--I get to cancel my gym membership and workout at home! So, that's a wrap here--I've got to get my new machine put together.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Red means no blue!

Sometimes being a parent stinks. Because when you punish your kids, evitably you end up punished as well. I told the kids they both have to get "green" notes today to be able to go to the Bulldog game tonight. Well, Weston does it. No big surprise there. However, Kylie, who is on a "red" note roll this week, brings home another red note. So, I am trying to stick to my guns and told them we aren't going to the game (I told Kyle and Weston they could go if they wanted to). But it just stinks. I cannot understand why she can't be good for ONE day!!! However, my Cross Canadian Ragweed "Live at Cain's Ballroom" (which I attended IN PERSON) CD/DVD package came in the mail today, so at least I have some sort of entertainment! On that note, let me just say--the CD and DVD are awesome! Poor Kyle, he's still moping because I ordered a concert T-shirt for me and not him. In my defense, they didn't have his size, so I couldn't help it. But, that won't stop me from wearing mine!!! :)
Oh yeah, here's another picture from the recent photo shoot. Just thought I would share. Well, back to the DVD!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Earthly Possessions

Ok, now to the storage building story....So, Kyle went to get something out of our storage that is down at my parents' barn about a week or so ago and evidently an animal has gotten in there somehow and pooped everywhere. Well, he comes home and informs me which sends me into a fit. You see, my formal dining table and china cabinet are in there as well as about 50-75 boxes of stuff, a small couch, Kylie's bedroom furniture and various other pieces of my house. So, the last thing I want to hear is that my "free" storage building is going to cost me more than renting one would have. So, I went and rented a huge storage unit at our local facility and told Kyle that we would spend the weekend consolidating all of our stuff (we have items in 3 different locations--2 storage buildings and a loft here in the building) into one huge storage unit. Well, Saturday morning we head down there to clean up the mess and load up the truck with some stuff. We open the door and sure enough there was a pile of poop right in the door. Gross. Kyle swept out as much as possible (it stunk so bad in there!) and then we started trying to clean off items and load them up. Then, we pull the plastic cover off of my small "snuggler" couch and a mouse has eaten a huge hole right smack dab in the middle of it! I was just sick! It will definitely have to be recovered based on where it chose to chew. It gets worse. So, we load the couch and several boxes up. Then, we spot another huge pile of poop. Right about this moment, my mood was rather ugly--this is all of my earthly possessions being ruined by a bunch of varmits! So, I step in the building to look for a particular box and we move some items and find a snake skin right on top of the other pile of poop. Ok, at this point, I am mad, horrified, and freaked out all in one! I am absolutely petrified of snakes (and yes, I live out in the country!) and the thought of one slithering around all of my stuff (and possibly still in there) sends me into hysteria. It was like throwing salt into the wound. Hey, isn't it bad enough that I STILL live in the metal building?? I don't need any help here.
We take that one load over to the storage building and I make Kyle beat the snuggler couch with a broom to make sure something hasn't decided to move in. So, when you look around your house and think, man, this house stinks, give me a call. Trust me, I've got you beat. I still live in a barn and my other stuff now smells like animal crap.
Tomorrow night we play Alma--Go Dogs! The kids want to go to see the Bulldogs play, so we are going to the football game. I sure hope it's not as cold as it is tonight!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!

Well, the kids had a wonderful Halloween! Here's a picture of me and the kids that morning...Weston couldn't wear his costume to school. Evidently, they can't wear their costumes to school because it may offend someone. Another example of good kids being punished! Most people said Kylie looked like Annie Oakley! Everyone thought her horse costume was the greatest! We went to the fall festival at the Fair Grounds, and people would stop her and tell her how cute she looked. Weston looked adorable in his Superman costume--he was so strong!
Of course, to be able to "dress down" at work, I had to "dress up". So, I am a Hog Fan!
Weston also had his Student of the Month breakfast this morning which was a real treat to be able to spend some time with him at school and congratulate him on his honor. I am very proud of him! Tomorrow, I will have to fill you in on the experience I had with checking in on our storage building down at my parents' house. Let's just say it was rather eye-opening and horrifying.
Next week is "All About Kylie" week at school. She has a survey of questions to answer and then she can bring pictures, etc to decorate the bulletin board at school! Here's a few of her answers to her questions:
Favorite place to go to vacation: Mexico--to swim in the water
Favorite thing to do with Mom: Shopping!
What I want to be when I grow up: Ballerina
Favorite sport: Bowling and Cheerleading
Well, it's late, so I guess that's all for tonight. Don't forget to check back for the "spooky" storage building story!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Cute Kids

Warning: This picture does not represent actual life! However, I have decided they get along better than a lot of brothers and sisters!
I am making "photo quilts" for the grandparents this year and for my family, this is my favorite picture to use! They look so sweet, so innocent!
Weston got Student of the Month for October at his school! We are SO proud! He's such a great little guy! Tomorrow, the school is having a breakfast to celebrate the students chosen, so me and my parents are going to help him celebrate. Plus, tomorrow is Halloween and the kids are pumped about trick-or-treating, wearing their costumes, their class parties, and the fall festival. Hopefully, the dental bill doesn't escalate after tomorrow!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Fast Forward to Next Weekend
Well, this week wasn't that busy, so that's not my reason for not writing sooner--I guess it's just been a quick week. Ok, ok. I have no excuse. So, now I have to remember all the fun stuff!
Well, how about the funny stuff first? Weston is such a matter-of-fact person. And with that means a no-holds-barred perspective. So, first Weston story: Kyle went to pick-up the kids at school the other day. Kylie has been growing a plant for me and it had reached the status of "being brought home", so Kylie runs over to Kyle and shows it off and tells him, "Daddy, here's my plant I made for Mommy!" Weston chimes in with, "You better not give it to Mom, she'll kill it!" So true. I admit it. I do not have a green thumb....I don't even have a green pinky finger! Then the next morning he proceeds to tell me about how his class gets to bring ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree this year. He tells me about being able to do this last year and then describes one of the ornaments his buddy brought.
Weston: "Mom, Haeven brought an ornament of a naked person last year!"
Me: (trying to hide my curiosity and fear of what was about to be told to me) "Really?"
Weston: "Yeah, his boo-hind was hanging out between the sheets!"
Me: (hoping this story has a G-rated ending) "Was it Baby Jesus in the swaddling clothes?"
Weston: "Yep." (as if it would have any other ending besides a G-rated ending!)
My son isn't the only funny one around here...Kylie's story probably tops the two combined. She was in the shower Thursday evening when the following plays out:
Kylie: (in a slightly scared voice) "Daddy."
(She gets no answer from Dad).
Kylie: (a little louder and a little more distressed) "DADDY."
(Still no answer from Kyle).
Kylie: (in a blood-curtling, terrified beyond belief, ear-drum busting scream) DAAAAADDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
At this point, Kyle takes off in a full-throddle sprint to the bathroom to find out what is going on.
I immediately thought she had probably just bumped the knob that adjusts the water temperature to hot. However, I hear the following:
Kyle: (in a voice that stressed mess and clean-up was going to be involved) "Kylie, what have you done??!!??"
Kylie doesn't immediately respond which isn't unusual when she's in trouble.
Kyle: "Well, you've gone and just slit your butt open good, huh??"
This was enough to send me flying into the bathroom to figure out what happened. Kylie had tried to shave her butt cheek with my razor!! She had about a 2 inch cut down her right cheek and blood running down her leg! The sad part is, the razor had been put out of her reach and she was warned to not touch anything in the shower. But the poor girl has a serious case of curiosity, so she had proceeded to get the razor down and try to use it. So, a dab of Neosporin and two band-aids later, she was good to go--with a lesson learned.
Last night we went roller-skating with the kids. They had such a great time and they can really skate well! They go and go until they just pass out. The poor things never want to go home but they can't even hold themselves up on the skate floor! I fell once and it hurt! I didn't remember skating hurting that bad--a sure sign of aging I guess.
Well, Kyle is prodding me to hurry this up. He wants to get out storage buildings cleaned out which can't be done without me approving the disposal of the items! Then this afternoon I am going to attempt to take the Cumbie grandkids picture with my two kids and Kyle's sister's two kids. This is the first time I have tried to get 4 children to pose in a shot together--wish me luck!
Well, how about the funny stuff first? Weston is such a matter-of-fact person. And with that means a no-holds-barred perspective. So, first Weston story: Kyle went to pick-up the kids at school the other day. Kylie has been growing a plant for me and it had reached the status of "being brought home", so Kylie runs over to Kyle and shows it off and tells him, "Daddy, here's my plant I made for Mommy!" Weston chimes in with, "You better not give it to Mom, she'll kill it!" So true. I admit it. I do not have a green thumb....I don't even have a green pinky finger! Then the next morning he proceeds to tell me about how his class gets to bring ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree this year. He tells me about being able to do this last year and then describes one of the ornaments his buddy brought.
Weston: "Mom, Haeven brought an ornament of a naked person last year!"
Me: (trying to hide my curiosity and fear of what was about to be told to me) "Really?"
Weston: "Yeah, his boo-hind was hanging out between the sheets!"
Me: (hoping this story has a G-rated ending) "Was it Baby Jesus in the swaddling clothes?"
Weston: "Yep." (as if it would have any other ending besides a G-rated ending!)
My son isn't the only funny one around here...Kylie's story probably tops the two combined. She was in the shower Thursday evening when the following plays out:
Kylie: (in a slightly scared voice) "Daddy."
(She gets no answer from Dad).
Kylie: (a little louder and a little more distressed) "DADDY."
(Still no answer from Kyle).
Kylie: (in a blood-curtling, terrified beyond belief, ear-drum busting scream) DAAAAADDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
At this point, Kyle takes off in a full-throddle sprint to the bathroom to find out what is going on.
I immediately thought she had probably just bumped the knob that adjusts the water temperature to hot. However, I hear the following:
Kyle: (in a voice that stressed mess and clean-up was going to be involved) "Kylie, what have you done??!!??"
Kylie doesn't immediately respond which isn't unusual when she's in trouble.
Kyle: "Well, you've gone and just slit your butt open good, huh??"
This was enough to send me flying into the bathroom to figure out what happened. Kylie had tried to shave her butt cheek with my razor!! She had about a 2 inch cut down her right cheek and blood running down her leg! The sad part is, the razor had been put out of her reach and she was warned to not touch anything in the shower. But the poor girl has a serious case of curiosity, so she had proceeded to get the razor down and try to use it. So, a dab of Neosporin and two band-aids later, she was good to go--with a lesson learned.
Last night we went roller-skating with the kids. They had such a great time and they can really skate well! They go and go until they just pass out. The poor things never want to go home but they can't even hold themselves up on the skate floor! I fell once and it hurt! I didn't remember skating hurting that bad--a sure sign of aging I guess.
Well, Kyle is prodding me to hurry this up. He wants to get out storage buildings cleaned out which can't be done without me approving the disposal of the items! Then this afternoon I am going to attempt to take the Cumbie grandkids picture with my two kids and Kyle's sister's two kids. This is the first time I have tried to get 4 children to pose in a shot together--wish me luck!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The End of the Weekend
Well, yet another weekend has come to an end. Hey, but at the end of this weekend, my house is clean! Bunco went great--the food tasted wonderful. Everyone seemed to have a good time and I think people were amazed at the "barn". I think they thought it was going to be really awful and then realized that you could actually make a metal building interior look like a house! Overall though, we had a great time!
Saturday's Razorback game was great! Kyle and I drove north to the game and had a blast. I was glad to find out I am not a jinx on the Hogs! :) We had fun although I was asleep by 7 pm and Kyle and the kids shortly followed at 9 pm! We were all exhausted from the busy week and crashed the first moment we sat down.
I had to work today, but it wasn't that bad...waiting until the fall to pull my Sunday "shift" was a smart move! I also took some pictures for a friend. I am really booking up this fall w/pictures--and they are all "new" clients! I really need to get some business cards developed--but I am so busy taking the pictures, I don't have time to design one!
Well, Desperate Housewives is on, so I am off to catch up on the saga!
Saturday's Razorback game was great! Kyle and I drove north to the game and had a blast. I was glad to find out I am not a jinx on the Hogs! :) We had fun although I was asleep by 7 pm and Kyle and the kids shortly followed at 9 pm! We were all exhausted from the busy week and crashed the first moment we sat down.
I had to work today, but it wasn't that bad...waiting until the fall to pull my Sunday "shift" was a smart move! I also took some pictures for a friend. I am really booking up this fall w/pictures--and they are all "new" clients! I really need to get some business cards developed--but I am so busy taking the pictures, I don't have time to design one!
Well, Desperate Housewives is on, so I am off to catch up on the saga!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Ready for the Weekend
Well, the menu is finalized (and halfway cooked already) for Bunco tomorrow night...we are having Swiss steak, my "special" mashed potatoes, and corn, rolls, and some chocolate chip cookies! Hopefully everyone likes it! Now, I just have to finish up the house cleaning before they show up tomorrow evening.
I get to go to the Hog game Saturday! After having tickets all season, I finally get to go. However, I haven't been since the USC game, and well, that is the only game they lost. So, Kyle is really trying to find something for me to do though--for some reason he thinks I am bad luck?? :)
Well, Grey's Anatomy is on, so gotta go!
I get to go to the Hog game Saturday! After having tickets all season, I finally get to go. However, I haven't been since the USC game, and well, that is the only game they lost. So, Kyle is really trying to find something for me to do though--for some reason he thinks I am bad luck?? :)
Well, Grey's Anatomy is on, so gotta go!
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Countdown to Bunco
Bunco is at my house Friday night...and I am not ready. The house itself is a wreck, I still can't decide on a menu that I have enough time to cook AND tastes good, and did I mention that I live in a barn? Yeah, so this whole thing of having 11 other women come over is a little unnerving. I have tried to lighten the whole evening--my "invitations" joked about the ambiance and how we would be listening to the Deliverance soundtrack. I assured Andria that the snakes/spiders would be out of the area for her visit, and I let them know that although Kyle wouldn't reveal the species of meat we would be eating, that the shish-ka-bobs would still be tasty!
But my jokes are more to hide my fears. What if they die when they see this metal barn? What will they think about the rather simplistic structure and decor?
Ultimately, I know that it is what I call home for now (and have for 2 1/2 years now!), so hopefully they will go easy on me!
Well, it's late (as usual) and I really need some rest. The tsunami that blew through last night kept me awake--keep in mind you can hear the slightest raindrop on this metal roof. It's soothing at times, but after hours and hours of pouring down rain, it just gets annoying!
But my jokes are more to hide my fears. What if they die when they see this metal barn? What will they think about the rather simplistic structure and decor?
Ultimately, I know that it is what I call home for now (and have for 2 1/2 years now!), so hopefully they will go easy on me!
Well, it's late (as usual) and I really need some rest. The tsunami that blew through last night kept me awake--keep in mind you can hear the slightest raindrop on this metal roof. It's soothing at times, but after hours and hours of pouring down rain, it just gets annoying!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
From a Distance
I'm back. I made it home safely, although there were several slippery moments driving from XNA. I seriously thought I would hydroplane on at least 4 different occasions! But, luckily I made it home safely. My parents were about 4 hours behind me, so they should be getting home this evening as well.
The trip home wasn't that eventful except for the two people that were sitting behind me on the plane. They were from London and were coming here for business. Anyway, I got a kick out of listening to the guy explain to the lady that was with him about marriage, traveling, and then our area. The explanations about what the area I call home were the best though! She evidently was originally from Nigeria, however from what I could tell, she calls London home these days. Anyway, he asked her what she wanted for dinner and she told him she wanted something very American. Well, he tells her that they need to eat BBQ and fried chicken. He tells her he will take her to KFC because it will be really American and she'll enjoy it while she eats it, but won't want it ever again! As I sat there and continued to listen to him describe the Ozarks to her, I couldn't help but realize how much he knew about this area. He had evidently done his homework and maybe he has visited before. I looked out the window as he showed her a chicken house and described it to her. He told her about the lakes and showed her how the leaves were changing. As he continued, I knew that he knew more about where I lived than I did!
Ok, you know me--I got to thinking. There are times we can learn something about ourselves from others. At times, we think we know ourselves better than anyone. We are taught that we are our own experts. But his descriptions of the Ozarks showed me that sometimes an outside opinion is refreshing. There are times we can be enlightened by another person's perspective. Sometimes their views and perception are so different than anything we could have seen from our own view. It's not that they are necessarily right, (hey, the guy thinks we are all a bunch of rednecks that would shoot anyone that stepped on our property!) but it at least challenges us to learn more about ourselves!
Well, it's Desperate Housewife time...gotta go!
The trip home wasn't that eventful except for the two people that were sitting behind me on the plane. They were from London and were coming here for business. Anyway, I got a kick out of listening to the guy explain to the lady that was with him about marriage, traveling, and then our area. The explanations about what the area I call home were the best though! She evidently was originally from Nigeria, however from what I could tell, she calls London home these days. Anyway, he asked her what she wanted for dinner and she told him she wanted something very American. Well, he tells her that they need to eat BBQ and fried chicken. He tells her he will take her to KFC because it will be really American and she'll enjoy it while she eats it, but won't want it ever again! As I sat there and continued to listen to him describe the Ozarks to her, I couldn't help but realize how much he knew about this area. He had evidently done his homework and maybe he has visited before. I looked out the window as he showed her a chicken house and described it to her. He told her about the lakes and showed her how the leaves were changing. As he continued, I knew that he knew more about where I lived than I did!
Ok, you know me--I got to thinking. There are times we can learn something about ourselves from others. At times, we think we know ourselves better than anyone. We are taught that we are our own experts. But his descriptions of the Ozarks showed me that sometimes an outside opinion is refreshing. There are times we can be enlightened by another person's perspective. Sometimes their views and perception are so different than anything we could have seen from our own view. It's not that they are necessarily right, (hey, the guy thinks we are all a bunch of rednecks that would shoot anyone that stepped on our property!) but it at least challenges us to learn more about ourselves!
Well, it's Desperate Housewife time...gotta go!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
My Day in Illinois
Well, it's Saturday night--time to wind down from a busy day in Peoria. We went and visited my parents' new business. Kaylee, you said you were curious what kind of business they have. Well, they bought a skating rink up here! It's very similar to the one back home and seems to be a thriving rink. We visited each session--at one point there were 7 birthday parties going on! Talk about busy. Anyway, it appears to be a wise choice for them. I have had fun learning how it operates, meeting the people who work up here, and seeing some of the town. It was a nice little getaway this weekend! However, tomorrow is another flying day for me--hey, say a prayer that the flights go well AND that they run on time! :)
Kylie went to her first Razorback football game today. I think she had a great time from what Kyle has told me, however he is exhausted. She rode on his shoulders the entire walk to the stadium. Then, Miss Diva made her Dad stand in line for 30 minutes for a snack, plus take her potty two times. See Kyle, I'm not that high maintenance (or at least you can say she comes by it natural!)....
Kylie went to her first Razorback football game today. I think she had a great time from what Kyle has told me, however he is exhausted. She rode on his shoulders the entire walk to the stadium. Then, Miss Diva made her Dad stand in line for 30 minutes for a snack, plus take her potty two times. See Kyle, I'm not that high maintenance (or at least you can say she comes by it natural!)....
Friday, October 13, 2006
Finally Made It!
Attention Everyone: If I at any time I invite you to fly with me somewhere, DON'T DO IT! It's not me that's necessarily bad, it's the fact that every flight I step on is delayed. I hurried out of work this afternoon to try and get to XNA on time for my flight. I walk in right on time and sit down thinking I had about 5 minutes before the plane would start boarding. All of the sudden I hear a lady complaining about her flight being delayed...I looked around and noticed the New York flight was runnning a couple of hours behind. "Good," I thought--for a moment I was afraid it was mine. But a minute later, I noticed a line forming at the desk for my flight. I got up and looked at the screen--a 3 HOUR DELAY! I couldn't believe it. So, I spent the next 3 hours listening to two teenage girls cut down their parents about how they were treated by each when they traveled between homes (divorced family obviously). From there, it was a stale pretzel at the snack bar, some weirdo who would not quit staring at me (luckily he boarded the New York flight), and the constant fight to keep myself awake (see the last two blogs to understand my dreariness). I checked w/the desk about my connecting flight in Chicago--the last thing I wanted was an overnight stay at that airport. Luckily Chicago was causing the delays (40 mph winds), so my connecting flight was behind schedule. After reading my entire Glamour magazine, the 1st 2 chapters in my next school book (brownie points Mr. Harper??), and walking through the gift shop and reading about Tara Reid's horrible boob job, I was just ready to get out of there!
I finally made it to Peoria about 10:45 this evening! I am beat. Luckily, Jim said we don't have to leave until 10 am in the morning, so I am going to sleep in a bit!
How about Grey's Anatomy last night? Let me tell you, they are cranking out some great messages (either that or I am in a really thematic mood lately)....I loved the message about making a choice between something you really want and what you probably need. I've been there a few times in life. It's hard. People get hurt. You hurt as well for two reasons--the person you hurt doesn't understand, so they are mad. As well as you make a choice that isn't necessarily what you want to do, but for some reason God has given you the end of the storyline and not everyone else. Plus, you don't know when the other person (or people) will understand or if they ever will. You feel cruel. You are mad. But in the end (whenever "the end" gets here), you know you have made the best decision for all involved. When does the epiphany occur in the other person though? You just pray it happens soon.
Well, that's enough jabber from me tonight--good night. And may tomorrow's choices bring you happiness in "the end".
I finally made it to Peoria about 10:45 this evening! I am beat. Luckily, Jim said we don't have to leave until 10 am in the morning, so I am going to sleep in a bit!
How about Grey's Anatomy last night? Let me tell you, they are cranking out some great messages (either that or I am in a really thematic mood lately)....I loved the message about making a choice between something you really want and what you probably need. I've been there a few times in life. It's hard. People get hurt. You hurt as well for two reasons--the person you hurt doesn't understand, so they are mad. As well as you make a choice that isn't necessarily what you want to do, but for some reason God has given you the end of the storyline and not everyone else. Plus, you don't know when the other person (or people) will understand or if they ever will. You feel cruel. You are mad. But in the end (whenever "the end" gets here), you know you have made the best decision for all involved. When does the epiphany occur in the other person though? You just pray it happens soon.
Well, that's enough jabber from me tonight--good night. And may tomorrow's choices bring you happiness in "the end".
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I'm Spent
It was another long day, but we were very productive! I woke up this morning to the cold chill in the air and knew I had to make another Starbucks run before heading to the shot location. Kyle, I'm sorry! It was so incredibly cold outside today during the shoot--I felt like a human popsicle....But, everything went smooth today and ultimately I think our shoot was a success!
Well, tomorrow is my travel day--after a busy week, I will spend my weekend completely occupied as well! But, I haven't been to Illinois (other than driving through it I'm sure), so I am anxious to see the Peoria area. My Mom called and said it is really cold up there though (guess so if it's freezing here), so all of the clothing that I packed and sent with them to wear won't do me much good now. So, just pray for a safe flight for me and that they will allow my carry-on bag since I have 4 oz lotion! ;) The terrorists sure put a damper on smelling good while you travel!
Well, Grey's Anatomy is starting and I plan to get in bed on time, so that'll have to do it for now.
Well, tomorrow is my travel day--after a busy week, I will spend my weekend completely occupied as well! But, I haven't been to Illinois (other than driving through it I'm sure), so I am anxious to see the Peoria area. My Mom called and said it is really cold up there though (guess so if it's freezing here), so all of the clothing that I packed and sent with them to wear won't do me much good now. So, just pray for a safe flight for me and that they will allow my carry-on bag since I have 4 oz lotion! ;) The terrorists sure put a damper on smelling good while you travel!
Well, Grey's Anatomy is starting and I plan to get in bed on time, so that'll have to do it for now.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
That's a Wrap!
Whew! I am beyond exhausted. We had our commercial photo/video shoot for work. That is some long hours and we were constantly busy. Luckily, I drove through Starbucks on the way to work and got a White Chocolate Mocha, otherwise I wouldn't have made it through the day. My ankles hurt. My feet hurt. My back hurts. And I'm tired. I didn't end up leaving until after 6 pm tonight. And guess what? Tomorrow is Day 2 of the shoot! I will sleep like a baby tonight!
Well, Kylie is waiting patiently for me to rock her to sleep. She has gotten back into the habit of having me rock her to sleep lately--I can't complain because some day she won't want to crawl up here with me. I am not sure who will rock who to sleep tonight. Chances are she will need to put me in bed!
Well, I am outta here to catch some Z's!
Well, Kylie is waiting patiently for me to rock her to sleep. She has gotten back into the habit of having me rock her to sleep lately--I can't complain because some day she won't want to crawl up here with me. I am not sure who will rock who to sleep tonight. Chances are she will need to put me in bed!
Well, I am outta here to catch some Z's!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Only 5 more to go...
Well, another class under the belt. I have 5 more to go and this degree is complete. Let's hope Mr. Harper gives me a decent grade in the last one! :) This next class will be painful though (see previous blog on possible benefits of pain--I have to keep reading it to remind myself it will be worth it). He's got case studies, exams, and a final presentation! Keep in mind the class is only 8 weeks. He's a Timmons prodigy for sure!
I think I will take this early time at home to catch up on some shows on my DVR. What About Brian? premiered last night for this season--I am glad they picked it back up!
I think I will take this early time at home to catch up on some shows on my DVR. What About Brian? premiered last night for this season--I am glad they picked it back up!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Had a Bad Day
I am glad this day is over. I am glad it was labeled "Monday". Because had it been any other day, I wouldn't have seen it coming. However, when you start a day called Monday, you know it's not going to be fun. So, let's just hope it was only a bad Monday and not a sign of days to come this week. I don't have the patience for it. I am still trying to wrap up my final paper for class tomorrow night. It's one of those papers "about yourself" so you feel guilty about anything nice you write!
Please say a prayer for me Friday (the 13th) as I fly to Illinois to visit my parents'. They are up north checking in on their new business and wanted me to get a chance to see it up close and personal. So, they bought me a plane ticket and are flying me up there this weekend. However, I don't have a seat on the last leg of the trip, so let's hope someone's plane is delayed in Chicago (besides mine). I need to get to Peoria and I really don't feel like driving the 130 miles. I don't understand why airlines overbook their flights?
Well, I better get back to my grammatical endeavors--my paper is not getting written here.
P.S. I have opened up the comments section on my blog for anyone who wants to comment. I am going to give this a try. This may change at a later date, but we'll try it out for now.
Please say a prayer for me Friday (the 13th) as I fly to Illinois to visit my parents'. They are up north checking in on their new business and wanted me to get a chance to see it up close and personal. So, they bought me a plane ticket and are flying me up there this weekend. However, I don't have a seat on the last leg of the trip, so let's hope someone's plane is delayed in Chicago (besides mine). I need to get to Peoria and I really don't feel like driving the 130 miles. I don't understand why airlines overbook their flights?
Well, I better get back to my grammatical endeavors--my paper is not getting written here.
P.S. I have opened up the comments section on my blog for anyone who wants to comment. I am going to give this a try. This may change at a later date, but we'll try it out for now.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
How About Them Hogs?
Oh my! Can you believe it???? We BEAT Auburn!!! Yes, Auburn! Kyle is jumping through the roof. And, so am I! I was completely shocked--it just proves we can win if we play hard. We're a good team--we just have to play as a team!
This weekend went by entirely too fast...Quick recap:
Friday evening: CROSS CANADIAN RAGWEED! Yes, my boys were back in Tulsa, so we made the drive for an awesome concert. Well, they were awesome, but the wasted chick in front of me who was puking up her overdone alcohol binge was rather disgusting! She puked for about 45 minutes. Her man needs a lesson in taking care of his woman. He should've gotten her out of there and saved face for her. (Of course, I can't blame the guy for wanting to stick around for a good concert, so maybe he should've just left her at home!)
Saturday: Well, we were supposed to go get our new camper, however Jim still isn't 100%, so we headed home and listened to the game on the radio (don't worry Kyle recorded it so that we could watch it at home). Saturday evening, Kyle and I went out on a "date"! Ha! Well, the two of us did go out to dinner and a movie. We saw The Guardian. It was a pretty good movie!
Sunday: HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK, and MORE HOMEWORK! AAHH! I have been typing all day long on my two final papers for class. I am exhausted! And I still have a little bit left to do!
Well, Desperate Housewives is on, so I better get back to it....it's going to be a busy week at work, so I need my beauty rest tonight!
This weekend went by entirely too fast...Quick recap:
Friday evening: CROSS CANADIAN RAGWEED! Yes, my boys were back in Tulsa, so we made the drive for an awesome concert. Well, they were awesome, but the wasted chick in front of me who was puking up her overdone alcohol binge was rather disgusting! She puked for about 45 minutes. Her man needs a lesson in taking care of his woman. He should've gotten her out of there and saved face for her. (Of course, I can't blame the guy for wanting to stick around for a good concert, so maybe he should've just left her at home!)
Saturday: Well, we were supposed to go get our new camper, however Jim still isn't 100%, so we headed home and listened to the game on the radio (don't worry Kyle recorded it so that we could watch it at home). Saturday evening, Kyle and I went out on a "date"! Ha! Well, the two of us did go out to dinner and a movie. We saw The Guardian. It was a pretty good movie!
Sunday: HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK, and MORE HOMEWORK! AAHH! I have been typing all day long on my two final papers for class. I am exhausted! And I still have a little bit left to do!
Well, Desperate Housewives is on, so I better get back to it....it's going to be a busy week at work, so I need my beauty rest tonight!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Pain's Purpose
Well, I just finished watching this week's Grey's Anatomy and I loved one of the messages....Why do we feel pain? We all struggle with this at some point in our lives. We wonder why we have to deal with difficult situations and what good could possibly come from them. I can think of plenty of times I have experienced pain and found myself questioning why I was having to experience it--ultimately, it's the most painful experiences that leave the best impressions on us. Without pain, we wouldn't feel anything! The little girl on Grey's Anatomy that the pain storyline was developed around had people keep punching her in the stomach to prove to others that it didn't hurt. She thought she was invincible....she soon learned she was more damaged on the inside than she could imagine. But without feeling, she didn't understand that. Sometimes we pretend we don't feel the pain--only to find out we are damaging ourselves internally. We want to think we are invincible--nothing can happen to us.
I know pain hurts, but in the end it's feeling the pain that can ultimately take the hurt away.
I know pain hurts, but in the end it's feeling the pain that can ultimately take the hurt away.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Manual Labor

Kay Lynn and I spent the better part of our morning today loading our container that will be heading to a tradeshow next week. Talk about manual labor. This morning further developed my appreciation for a good college education!
Well, 3 more days until the CCR concert. I am still pouting over being in the same town as them last week and not being able to go to the concert, so hopefully Friday will clear my system!
Today was 50's day at school...Weston wore his hair slick, his jeans rolled, and the classic white tee for school. Here's a picture of him this morning--he was a cutie! Speaking of Weston, Parent-Teacher conferences went awesome last night--his teacher raved about how good he was! He had awesome grades as well. Don't worry, we'll pay next year when Miss Thang hits the doors of kindergarten!
Well, I spoke w/my professor tonight. He read my blog and knows my thoughts about the class thus far. Now you might think "Oh no, he READ your blog! Aren't you worried about what you wrote?" (Ok, you probably aren't thinking that if you really know me.) But, I'll humor you and answer that anyway--No, I am not worried. I have been clear that these are my thoughts here. You are welcome to read them all you want. But remember, you showed up at my "house". Anyway, back to the story. He apologized for the situation a few weeks ago-a noble and appreciated gesture I must say. Why? Because I appreciate his honesty and ability to rectify the situation. He exemplified emotional intelligence to its core. I appreciate an adult who can approach someone and attempt to discuss a situation w/humility and respect. So, Mr. Harper--welcome to my blog and thanks for the discussion. It was much appreciated. (I'm still right by the way--EVOLVE and CHANGE are not the same! :) )
Sunday, October 01, 2006
We've Got Spirit!
Well, it's Spirit Week at school and Weston is ready for all of the fun days of dress up....Crazy Hat Day, 50's Day, Wild Hair Day, Backwards Day, and Bulldog Day. I will do my best to get some pictures of his week on here. Tomorrow is also parent/teacher conferences. I am not anticipating anything major with him. He has great grades and has only gotten a couple of red notes.
Last night Weston sent his Dad in to a laughing fit. It all started with Kylie and I singing and dancing around the living room. Well, Kyle said, "Get me out of here!" when Kylie started shaking her booty. Weston said, "Then I'm going with you!" Then he followed it up with, "Hey, let's just take these girls over to Oklahoma and leave them!" I guess the funniest part was the double entendre that he doesn't even know he said!
Today we had Alyssa's 18th birthday party at Mei-Mei's house. I can't believe she's already 18! I am getting incredibly old! These were kids I changed diapers and babysat growing up. Now she's LEGAL! :)
Well, it's off to the couch to get ready for Desperate Housewives!
Last night Weston sent his Dad in to a laughing fit. It all started with Kylie and I singing and dancing around the living room. Well, Kyle said, "Get me out of here!" when Kylie started shaking her booty. Weston said, "Then I'm going with you!" Then he followed it up with, "Hey, let's just take these girls over to Oklahoma and leave them!" I guess the funniest part was the double entendre that he doesn't even know he said!
Today we had Alyssa's 18th birthday party at Mei-Mei's house. I can't believe she's already 18! I am getting incredibly old! These were kids I changed diapers and babysat growing up. Now she's LEGAL! :)
Well, it's off to the couch to get ready for Desperate Housewives!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
She Made IT!!!!
Can you believe it? A record 5 green notes in one week! Kylie did it! I was so proud of her...she FINALLY got to pick a toy from the "treasure chest"....(the treasure chest is a box of leftover Christmas presents from last year that my kids never even knew they got due to the absorbent amount of junk we receive at Christmas. Therefore, we put the gifts up and give them to the kids on "special occasions." That way it is Christmas all year!)
However, when one kid does good, the other seems to falter. I guess they play tug-of-war with the "good" fairy. Weston ended up with a red note for talking on Friday!
We are busy trying to clean our building...it is so cluttered and yucky. I want to get the bathroom painted and things organized before Bunco, so I am up to my ears in dust, boxes of junk, and spackle. Hopefully we can get this building in order before the girls show up!
Well, I am off to shower and take some pictures for a friend of mine and his family. Like I said, it's starting to get busy with the photography business!
However, when one kid does good, the other seems to falter. I guess they play tug-of-war with the "good" fairy. Weston ended up with a red note for talking on Friday!
We are busy trying to clean our building...it is so cluttered and yucky. I want to get the bathroom painted and things organized before Bunco, so I am up to my ears in dust, boxes of junk, and spackle. Hopefully we can get this building in order before the girls show up!
Well, I am off to shower and take some pictures for a friend of mine and his family. Like I said, it's starting to get busy with the photography business!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Toothless Wonder
Well, Weston lost his 1st tooth! He has been working on this loose tooth for months now, but it just wouldn't budge. The new one was already coming in behind this one. Poor thing though...he swallowed it! After all of that, he swallowed his tooth. So, last night he didn't know what to do to make sure the tooth fairy would come to see him. Well, I had him write a letter to the tooth fairy and leave it under his pillow. After he went to bed, it dawned on me--we don't have any cash in the house (note to robbers in case they thought the barn was some sort of deterrent and lavishly rich people were living here)! So, Kyle and I scrounged up 8 quarters and stacked them under his pillow. We couldn't put them in a Ziplock baggie or envelope because Weston is the type that would question where she got it from!
He went to the dentist today and got a great report--except for the needing braces thing. But, I expected that since I had to have them as well.
Ok, Kylie has 4 green notes so far this week, can she make it 5? Cross your fingers. It will be her first full week of green notes since she started her new school. So, I'll keep you posted.
It seems like everyone I know is having babies! It must be that season again. A lot of the same friends that were pregnant when I was pregnant are having their 3rd and 4th kids. But, I missed this round and I have to say I have NO baby fever whatsoever! So, good luck to all of you out there expecting little ones. It looks like May and June will be busy in the hospitals!
He went to the dentist today and got a great report--except for the needing braces thing. But, I expected that since I had to have them as well.
Ok, Kylie has 4 green notes so far this week, can she make it 5? Cross your fingers. It will be her first full week of green notes since she started her new school. So, I'll keep you posted.
It seems like everyone I know is having babies! It must be that season again. A lot of the same friends that were pregnant when I was pregnant are having their 3rd and 4th kids. But, I missed this round and I have to say I have NO baby fever whatsoever! So, good luck to all of you out there expecting little ones. It looks like May and June will be busy in the hospitals!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Skipper
So, I skipped class tonight....ok, didn't "skip" but I didn't go. Mom and Jim needed me, so I stayed home to be with them. Can't complain though...my first Tuesday evening in 6 weeks without that icky professor! :)
I am bummed tonight though...Cross Canadian Ragweed is in town, playing RIGHT NOW and I am at home, in the recliner, typing on my computer!!! This just sucks. Pardon me, but it does. I LOVE'em! But, two kids and a week night don't make a great combination for sitters, etc. But we are going to see them in Tulsa in about a week and a half, so I guess that's what will get me through the night. I can hear it now though....
"Maybe I miss your lovin
Maybe I miss your kiss,
Just a little bit
Maybe I miss your body lying right next to mine
Maybe I miss your touch
A little too much"
Ok, enough whining. Sorry. Well, that's a wrap....
I am bummed tonight though...Cross Canadian Ragweed is in town, playing RIGHT NOW and I am at home, in the recliner, typing on my computer!!! This just sucks. Pardon me, but it does. I LOVE'em! But, two kids and a week night don't make a great combination for sitters, etc. But we are going to see them in Tulsa in about a week and a half, so I guess that's what will get me through the night. I can hear it now though....
"Maybe I miss your lovin
Maybe I miss your kiss,
Just a little bit
Maybe I miss your body lying right next to mine
Maybe I miss your touch
A little too much"
Ok, enough whining. Sorry. Well, that's a wrap....
Monday, September 25, 2006
Where's My Daughter?
Ok, I can't find my daughter...before you panic, there is a little girl living in my house. She looks a whole lot like Kylie (even dances like her), however she doesn't act like Kylie! No! This little girl is polite, she told me to "enjoy my sleep" last night when she went to bed as well as "don't let the bug bites". (No, that's not a typo, she said bug bites!!) Anyway, I don't know what happened to my Kylie? This little girl brings home 4 out 5 green notes again this week, she picks up her room AND keeps it clean. She even wants to help out with chores that I am doing. What do I do? I mean, should I panic and worry about my little Kylie? Or should I just let this little girl stay in my house?? I guess I should just wait and see if she hangs around or not!! :)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Weekend Update

Well, I had a great weekend. Just short. On Friday night, we went to Landry's and ate. That's the first time I have ever eaten there. It was pretty good! We stayed for awhile to hear Chris play as well since our movie didn't start for a couple more hours. He made my evening when he covered a John Mayer song....my FAVORITE John Mayer song that is! I told him I am forever his groupie after that! :) We then went to see Fly Boys. It's a WWI movie about the aviators. It was pretty good. I still want to see several other movies that are playing, but we had to appease the boys (Bret and Kyle), so we made sure the movie was "manly" enough. Saturday was Hog game day, however I had a birthday party to photograph, so Kyle and Bret went and Kylie and I went to the party. Weston stayed at Mei-Mei's house instead of going with me...I can only handle 1 kid while I'm trying to work. Kylie had fun at the party though! She got to slide on the huge slide, eat cake, and swing at a Pinata. It's nice when you can "take your kids to work". Here's a picture of Kylie going down the slide. She was scared at first, but after I slid down with her once, she wouldn't stay off of the slide! We watched United 93 last night after the party when Kyle got back from the game. The movie is good in terms of documenting the lives of the people on the plane, but it was sad. Sad to know it could've easily been someone I knew. Sunday has been spent cleaning and working. Bunco is at my house in two weeks and I want to have this place somewhat presentable! The girls are going to have a rude awakening as it is, so hopefully it'll be a clean one!
Well, Desperate Housewives season premiere is tonight, so I am going to get a couple more things accomplished before it starts. The first accomplishment--getting the kids to bed!
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