Tristan and Madi came to spend the night with the kids tonight and they are all having a ball....they decided to have a pajama party! They all put on footies and slid around the kitchen floor. Then it was off to play Guitar Hero....I loved Tristan singing YMCA! Too cute!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Pajama Party!
Tristan and Madi came to spend the night with the kids tonight and they are all having a ball....they decided to have a pajama party! They all put on footies and slid around the kitchen floor. Then it was off to play Guitar Hero....I loved Tristan singing YMCA! Too cute!
Here's to 2010!
This has to be my absolute favorite post....the reflection post! Here's a look at 2009 answering the same questions that I have answered every year since I have had my blog! 2009 was such an awesome year....
2009--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
2009 saw so many changes in our lives, but I am struggling to figure out something I have NEVER done before...hhhhmmm. Well, in 2009, I don't know of anything I personally did, however Richie has never shot a deer since we have been together (nearly 3 years now). But in 2009, he got his first deer while I've been with him!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My New Year's Resolutions last year were similar to what they have been for the past couple of exercise, get organized, and get involved in a church. I can happily say that I have committed to exercising and even started running! Now since it's been cold, I haven't been able to run as much, but I have gotten on my elliptical as much as possible and I am up to 30 minutes on it....a record for me! Also, I have lost 48 of the 51 pounds I gained during my pregnancy...yeah! As far as organized, I can honestly say that I am giving this my best effort being in our new home. In fact, our attic is going to be organized! It's a slow process, but I just make a big-picture list and then focus on individual tasks. So far, the house is fairly to just get the garage under control.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Baby! Landen cost a whopping $30,000! Thank God for insurance. The rest of the money went to our house and new clothes for my new body I am trying to embrace!
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Waking up each morning to a beautiful little baby that we tried so hard to have. Now that he is smiling and trying to talk, it's such a joy to have him in our lives.
16. What song will always remind you of 2009?
I think the title of Faith Hill's Christmas song fits the year..."A Baby Changes Everything".
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am about the same weight as this time last a few more pounds to lose to actually equal it. But considering I have gained and lost most of the 51 lbs during pregnancy, that's pretty awesome. I am definitely much, much happier. And I would say we are richer--we are still trying to save!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Relaxed. Read books. Spend time with my kiddos.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Less worrying. (Same as last year too!)
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
We are hosting a get-together here at the house this year!
22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
Yes, I did. I fell for a cute little guy named Landen and I couldn't love him more than I do right now!
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Probably 90210, Desperate Housewives and Rachael Ray! I also loved watching Natalie whip Russell's butt on Survivor too!
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nope, I don't bother wasting time on someone if they don't deserve it.
26. What was the best book you read?
I am still reading The Shack and it's great.
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
I love Miranda Lambert's new album.
29. What did you want and not get?
A good night's sleep!
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Loved the new Chipmunk movie!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I am 31. However, I didn't do much on this birthday---I was suffering from some serious morning sickness!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
I love leggings--so comfy! My style in 2009 wasn't very noteworthy since I spent most of the year in maternity! However, here's to 2010! :)
34. What kept you sane?
I think just having a few months with my newborn was the best. I have some really good kids, so knowing that always helps too. I have also tried to just relax and not fret so much--tough for me since that's my middle name!
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I was amazed by the Tiger Woods scandal. Not sure why. I guess I just had hope that there was a celebrity that could stay true to his family. But I was shocked by all of the things he has done. I was also surprised by the way the scandal just kept escalating. Guess it just goes to show that your true colors will shine through one day!
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The economy....I just hate to see so many people suffering so much. I really hope things turn around soon.
37. Who did you miss?
I don't really have anyone I miss--I love the people in my life right now.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Catina and I have bonded over our new bundles of joy. I love her to pieces--such a sweet, sweet girl!
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
The smallest things can bring such great joy. Cherish every moment--it will not be the same forever.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
2009--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
2009 saw so many changes in our lives, but I am struggling to figure out something I have NEVER done before...hhhhmmm. Well, in 2009, I don't know of anything I personally did, however Richie has never shot a deer since we have been together (nearly 3 years now). But in 2009, he got his first deer while I've been with him!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My New Year's Resolutions last year were similar to what they have been for the past couple of exercise, get organized, and get involved in a church. I can happily say that I have committed to exercising and even started running! Now since it's been cold, I haven't been able to run as much, but I have gotten on my elliptical as much as possible and I am up to 30 minutes on it....a record for me! Also, I have lost 48 of the 51 pounds I gained during my pregnancy...yeah! As far as organized, I can honestly say that I am giving this my best effort being in our new home. In fact, our attic is going to be organized! It's a slow process, but I just make a big-picture list and then focus on individual tasks. So far, the house is fairly to just get the garage under control.
As far the church aspect, I have been visiting a new church in town for a couple of months now and really like it. I hope to keep that in my life!
For new resolutions....ok, I am really going to try and make a huge impact in my job with my new product! I have such a great opportunity to make a difference and really want to achieve that. I also want to spend more quality time with the kids--even if that means that other stuff has to wait. I spend time with my kids, but I feel that it is rushed and often not "quality". I would also like to lose that last little bit of baby weight!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! We have a new baby! Landen Sawyer Wolford! Thank you Lord for such an amazing little guy! He was well worth waiting for! Also Catina and Jeremy welcomed Addison, and Heidi and Keith welcomed Luke!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my Aunt Lois passed away this year. I will miss her, but have such great memories of her during my childhood.
5. What countries did you visit?
Well, this is the first year in awhile I haven't visited another country. But, being pregnant sort of kept that from happening. Besides, being pregnant is like being in another country!
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Last year I really wanted a new home and guess what? We have it! I also wanted a toned body (and I didn't get that being pregnant) and hopefully I can get that this year! I think I really want to feel settled finally...we have our house and baby and hopefully this year we can spend more time together! I would love to have some more free weekends to travel in the RV! I can't wait to see Landen traveling with us.
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
September 30, 2009 when Richie and I welcomed our precious baby into the world! Welcome Landen--we are glad you're here!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Surviving pregnancy! Moving during pregnancy! Working during pregnancy! And having an 8 lb 5 oz bundle of joy! Also, I actually made it into the top 10 in the company sales performance for a month...woo hoo--maybe I'll make it to Hawaii one day!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not illness, but definitely some bedrest for a miserable last few weeks of pregnancy. Oh yeah, I forgot the 14 weeks of morning sickness too. UGH!
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I got a new camera for Christmas and I can't wait to have some decent photos from it. I wasn't ever really satisified with my other one, so I hope this one is better. We also got a BluRay player and I can't wait to download movies from Netflix! But the house is the best thing by far that we bought this year--I am loving it!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I really have to give this one to my parents this year....yep, I am proud of them. My step-dad has been great to help hang pictures, install the surround sound, and he is even buying back my land/building that I have been dealing with the past 5 years. Thank you so much for all of your help!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
I am a little frustrated with people who cater to those that won't do for themselves. I won't name names....that wouldn't be nice at this point. But I get frustrated by the fact that Richie and I bust our rear, yet others in the family are spoiled simply because they won't try to do things on their own!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! We have a new baby! Landen Sawyer Wolford! Thank you Lord for such an amazing little guy! He was well worth waiting for! Also Catina and Jeremy welcomed Addison, and Heidi and Keith welcomed Luke!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my Aunt Lois passed away this year. I will miss her, but have such great memories of her during my childhood.
5. What countries did you visit?
Well, this is the first year in awhile I haven't visited another country. But, being pregnant sort of kept that from happening. Besides, being pregnant is like being in another country!
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Last year I really wanted a new home and guess what? We have it! I also wanted a toned body (and I didn't get that being pregnant) and hopefully I can get that this year! I think I really want to feel settled finally...we have our house and baby and hopefully this year we can spend more time together! I would love to have some more free weekends to travel in the RV! I can't wait to see Landen traveling with us.
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
September 30, 2009 when Richie and I welcomed our precious baby into the world! Welcome Landen--we are glad you're here!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Surviving pregnancy! Moving during pregnancy! Working during pregnancy! And having an 8 lb 5 oz bundle of joy! Also, I actually made it into the top 10 in the company sales performance for a month...woo hoo--maybe I'll make it to Hawaii one day!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not illness, but definitely some bedrest for a miserable last few weeks of pregnancy. Oh yeah, I forgot the 14 weeks of morning sickness too. UGH!
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I got a new camera for Christmas and I can't wait to have some decent photos from it. I wasn't ever really satisified with my other one, so I hope this one is better. We also got a BluRay player and I can't wait to download movies from Netflix! But the house is the best thing by far that we bought this year--I am loving it!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I really have to give this one to my parents this year....yep, I am proud of them. My step-dad has been great to help hang pictures, install the surround sound, and he is even buying back my land/building that I have been dealing with the past 5 years. Thank you so much for all of your help!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
I am a little frustrated with people who cater to those that won't do for themselves. I won't name names....that wouldn't be nice at this point. But I get frustrated by the fact that Richie and I bust our rear, yet others in the family are spoiled simply because they won't try to do things on their own!
14. Where did most of your money go?
Baby! Landen cost a whopping $30,000! Thank God for insurance. The rest of the money went to our house and new clothes for my new body I am trying to embrace!
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Waking up each morning to a beautiful little baby that we tried so hard to have. Now that he is smiling and trying to talk, it's such a joy to have him in our lives.
16. What song will always remind you of 2009?
I think the title of Faith Hill's Christmas song fits the year..."A Baby Changes Everything".
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am about the same weight as this time last a few more pounds to lose to actually equal it. But considering I have gained and lost most of the 51 lbs during pregnancy, that's pretty awesome. I am definitely much, much happier. And I would say we are richer--we are still trying to save!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Relaxed. Read books. Spend time with my kiddos.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Less worrying. (Same as last year too!)
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
We are hosting a get-together here at the house this year!
22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
Yes, I did. I fell for a cute little guy named Landen and I couldn't love him more than I do right now!
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Probably 90210, Desperate Housewives and Rachael Ray! I also loved watching Natalie whip Russell's butt on Survivor too!
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nope, I don't bother wasting time on someone if they don't deserve it.
26. What was the best book you read?
I am still reading The Shack and it's great.
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
I love Miranda Lambert's new album.
29. What did you want and not get?
A good night's sleep!
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Loved the new Chipmunk movie!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I am 31. However, I didn't do much on this birthday---I was suffering from some serious morning sickness!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I think being able to be a stay-at-home mom would be the best! I have never really wanted that before, however having a new baby always brings out the desire to stay home with my kiddos!
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
I love leggings--so comfy! My style in 2009 wasn't very noteworthy since I spent most of the year in maternity! However, here's to 2010! :)
34. What kept you sane?
I think just having a few months with my newborn was the best. I have some really good kids, so knowing that always helps too. I have also tried to just relax and not fret so much--tough for me since that's my middle name!
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I was amazed by the Tiger Woods scandal. Not sure why. I guess I just had hope that there was a celebrity that could stay true to his family. But I was shocked by all of the things he has done. I was also surprised by the way the scandal just kept escalating. Guess it just goes to show that your true colors will shine through one day!
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The economy....I just hate to see so many people suffering so much. I really hope things turn around soon.
37. Who did you miss?
I don't really have anyone I miss--I love the people in my life right now.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Catina and I have bonded over our new bundles of joy. I love her to pieces--such a sweet, sweet girl!
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
The smallest things can bring such great joy. Cherish every moment--it will not be the same forever.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I would have to say Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This for Long"
He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all night
Layin' there in bed listenin'
To his newborn baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
It's gonna be OK
It won't be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laughin'
At the week we brought him home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on
'Cause it won't be like this for long
Cherish your days--they become memories! Here's to a great 2009 and to an even better 2010! Happy New Year everyone!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas 2009!
The snow was just beautiful this morning! What a great Christmas present! We had our annual breakfast and Mom felt much better and was able to come. I tried out a couple of new recipes...Hashbrown Quiche and French Toast Casserole. The Quiche was a definite hit and will likely become a traditional piece at Christmas breakfast. The French Toast casserole was good, but we are just a spicy kind of family, so I think the sweet stuff doesn't go over as well. The kids got go-carts for Christmas and it was so cold and with the snow/ice on the ground, they weren't even able to try them out! :( In fact, our hill was a solid sheet of ice! I was surprised everyone was able to make it over this morning, but nothing stops my grandparents and parents from a hot breakfast! Santa was good to me too! I got a new camera, some perfume, a spa gift certificate, and even some lottery tickets! I won $8 (however, I think Santa is still in the hole)! Richie got a new BluRay player, so we can't wait to watch a movie on it now that we have our surround sound hooked up too. Who needs a movie theater now? Weston got a new camera and then he also got a video camera at his Dad's house, so he is ready to record some memories. Kylie got tons of clothes and shoes. In fact, she asked me how many shoes I was going to get her as she kept opening shoe boxes. But, the girl seriously needed some new shoes! I am so exhausted...from the cooking, to the going everywhere, and the midnight feedings! I know Richie is absolutely worn out too. I think we will be ready to kick back and relax this weekend.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
White Christmas!
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring--not even Baby Landen for once!!
It's going to be a White Christmas--Baby Landen's, Weston's, Kylie's and my first! Supposedly the last white Christmas was in 1975, so even I haven't seen one! However, it's also a dangerous condition--so please be careful if you get out to see family and friends!
What a Christmas full of firsts--the first Christmas in our new home, Landen's first Christmas, and the first white Christmas....this will definitely be a Christmas full of great memories.
However, there was a few other firsts. My Mom was supposed to host the annual Christmas Eve get-together (the first time for her since we usually have it at my Me-Me's house), however she got the flu. So, Christmas Eve celebration was here at my house! This was the first Christmas I didn't get to celebrate with my Mom. Then, I am still having the annual Christmas breakfast, so I am one tired Momma from all of the cooking and cleaning!
With that said, I am turning in. So sorry--this is usually one of my favorite nights to blog, but a sign of the times--I am worn out!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
So Far Behind!
I am about a week behind and I feel like I am never going to catch up. I am still in my PJ's, presents are still waiting to be wrapped, the house is a wreck, and my Dad is on his way over tonight for dinner. Staying home with a 12 week old is a one-task job! He is such a sweet baby,but he's still a baby. So, the house may not be clean, dinner may not be ready on time, but I am so thankful to spend the day with a sweet little guy!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Skype Fan!
So, I just had the opportunity to not only talk to my husband and kids, but also see them LIVE! We video-called each other using Skype and that is by far the coolest thing! I was able to see Baby Landen (although he cried)! He is growing by leaps and bounds!
Yesterday's Love Dare had an awesome sentence in it...."Resilient marriages are built on honesty, respect, commitment, forgiveness, and endurance. When love takes over, it compels us to humbly apologize and take full responsibility for our failures, and to fully forgive where our spouse has failed us." I loved this sentence! Why? Because of the word "resilient". It doesn't say "perfect" or "best", it describes the marriages that pick up the pieces and learn from the mistakes. Sometimes we don't want to forgive, sometimes we don't even want to take responsibility for our short-comings as a spouse, but if we want a marriage that can grow and withstand the day to day drama and headaches, then we HAVE to. So, thank you Lord for a wonderful sentence that reminds me that my marriage isn't going to be full of perfection. Thank you for letting me know that my marriage is going to be one that can withstand time!
Yesterday's Love Dare had an awesome sentence in it...."Resilient marriages are built on honesty, respect, commitment, forgiveness, and endurance. When love takes over, it compels us to humbly apologize and take full responsibility for our failures, and to fully forgive where our spouse has failed us." I loved this sentence! Why? Because of the word "resilient". It doesn't say "perfect" or "best", it describes the marriages that pick up the pieces and learn from the mistakes. Sometimes we don't want to forgive, sometimes we don't even want to take responsibility for our short-comings as a spouse, but if we want a marriage that can grow and withstand the day to day drama and headaches, then we HAVE to. So, thank you Lord for a wonderful sentence that reminds me that my marriage isn't going to be full of perfection. Thank you for letting me know that my marriage is going to be one that can withstand time!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Baby Talk
Tonight Richie called me and Landen "spoke" to Mommy on the phone. It was precious hearing his coos! I sure miss them! Richie said that he would look at the phone and even looked around the room to try and find me. Tomorrow I am hoping to try Skype with them for the first time. I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a shot to be able to see my baby. I am afraid he'll forget me before I get home. That's why I am glad I got the chance to "talk" to him on the phone tonight. Maybe hearing my voice will remind him.
My babysitter is absolutely awesome! She sends me pictures during the day of Landen and I told her to be sure and send some extra ones this week since that's all I will have. So, she sent 3 or 4 pictures today of him and he was so cute! I didn't bring my cord so I can't put them on here. I am in Day 2 of the Love Dare and today's devotion focused on Love as a Motivator. There was an interesting exercise in there where you replaced "love" with your name in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I have to say that reading, "Tara suffers long and is kind. "Tara" does not envy. "Tara" does not parade herself. "Tara" does not behave rudely.....and so forth, was very eye-opening. I try really hard to maintain self-awareness, but it's hard at times. I get frustrated. I get tired. I get tired of trying with someone who doesn't ever try. But then I realized that people probably get frustrated with me. People get tired of trying with me and think I never try. Ultimately, my actions are just that--mine. I can let others try and influence them, but if I can let Love be the motivator, then I am sure I will be a lot happier with how I act!
My babysitter is absolutely awesome! She sends me pictures during the day of Landen and I told her to be sure and send some extra ones this week since that's all I will have. So, she sent 3 or 4 pictures today of him and he was so cute! I didn't bring my cord so I can't put them on here. I am in Day 2 of the Love Dare and today's devotion focused on Love as a Motivator. There was an interesting exercise in there where you replaced "love" with your name in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I have to say that reading, "Tara suffers long and is kind. "Tara" does not envy. "Tara" does not parade herself. "Tara" does not behave rudely.....and so forth, was very eye-opening. I try really hard to maintain self-awareness, but it's hard at times. I get frustrated. I get tired. I get tired of trying with someone who doesn't ever try. But then I realized that people probably get frustrated with me. People get tired of trying with me and think I never try. Ultimately, my actions are just that--mine. I can let others try and influence them, but if I can let Love be the motivator, then I am sure I will be a lot happier with how I act!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Well, I made it to the Windy City today--and it's cold! Not as cold as it could be though, I guess for Chicago. This morning was soooo hard! I had the hardest time saying good-bye to my little man! He wouldn't even look at me when I was trying to tell him good-bye which made it worse. I know he wasn't doing it on purpose since he's only 10 weeks old, but I was really needing a big grin and some eye contact before I could leave. I think it's absolutely the cruelest thing to take a Mommy away from her newborn! I know I am going to be ready to see him by Friday. And my big guy too! I miss you Richie!
Awhile back, Richie and I saw the Fireproof movie and bought the Love Dare journals. Well, life kind of got in the way, and I am embarrassed to say I didn't finish the book. But I got to thinking that besides a house and 401k, there's not much more that we have in life that we invest in for long-term. And those are material items. But when it comes to spouses and kids, we need to do things to help us invest long-term! And I am always of the firm belief that your marriage comes first. So, when I saw that the Love Dare had put out a yearly devotional book, I decided to get it. It has 365 "Love Dares" and rather than waiting until January 1st, I brought it with me to start tonight. I feel like I take things for granted at times in life and I certainly don't ever want to feel that way about my marriage. So, here's to Day 1 "Love is the greatest of these" from 1 Corinthians 13:2. May I remember to make sure I show my husband my love for him!
Awhile back, Richie and I saw the Fireproof movie and bought the Love Dare journals. Well, life kind of got in the way, and I am embarrassed to say I didn't finish the book. But I got to thinking that besides a house and 401k, there's not much more that we have in life that we invest in for long-term. And those are material items. But when it comes to spouses and kids, we need to do things to help us invest long-term! And I am always of the firm belief that your marriage comes first. So, when I saw that the Love Dare had put out a yearly devotional book, I decided to get it. It has 365 "Love Dares" and rather than waiting until January 1st, I brought it with me to start tonight. I feel like I take things for granted at times in life and I certainly don't ever want to feel that way about my marriage. So, here's to Day 1 "Love is the greatest of these" from 1 Corinthians 13:2. May I remember to make sure I show my husband my love for him!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Kylie in the Parade
Here's some pictures from Kylie at the Christmas parade this year. I finally found my card reader, so I can actually post a lot faster and include pictures! It was complete chaos Monday trying to get ready for the parade. I was frantically trying to make the signs at 5 and we were to be there at 5:30 and still had to go get the car from my Mom. I was a basket case!
It was warm enough this year to go without her coat, so everyone was able to see her cute Christmas dress!
And here's the phenomenal signs I slaved over! :)

Kylie was so thankful for all the hard work everyone put in to getting her in the parade. The only reason this girl does pageants is so that she can ride in parades! Other than that, she could care less--too funny! I told her that if she wants to be in the parade next year, then she'll have to win another pageant. She asked me if she gets like second runner-up if she could still do the parade! I started busting out laughing and told her that I didn't think it would be cool to have a sign on her car that says, "Kylie Cumbie, 2nd runner up Little Miss _____"!
But it all came together at the last moment....Here she is in her fur coat.
Kylie was so thankful for all the hard work everyone put in to getting her in the parade. The only reason this girl does pageants is so that she can ride in parades! Other than that, she could care less--too funny! I told her that if she wants to be in the parade next year, then she'll have to win another pageant. She asked me if she gets like second runner-up if she could still do the parade! I started busting out laughing and told her that I didn't think it would be cool to have a sign on her car that says, "Kylie Cumbie, 2nd runner up Little Miss _____"!
On the way home, she was being really lovey-dovey to me and told me, "Mom, when you die, I die." I asked her what she meant by that and she said, "You know if you die at 6:30, then I will die at like 6:30 or 6:31 because I love you so much." I started tearing up--basically she was saying she didn't want to live without me. How sweet!
5 Christmas Trees!
This post is so late, but I have been SO busy and I really don't have time to post now, but my brain is absolutely fried from my home study materials. I am at home studying for certification for a new product. I have an exam at 8 a.m. Monday morning in Chicago and then I am there until Friday for sales training. WHEW! Add 3 kids, a husband, and a dirty house (and laundry) to the mix and I am drained....
This one is baby Landen's tree. It's really small and cute as a button (like him)!
Here's our black/silver tree in the main living area. Again, hard to tell since the picture is from the phone.
Here's Kylie-bug's pink tree. Extra funky and cool--like her!
And the granddaddy of them all, our main tree in the hearth room. It's 9.5 feet tall, so that's the only spot in the house it would fit! It's a brown/gold/cream tree to match the hearth room decor.
Well, back to studying--so I can pay for some presents to put under these trees!
Here's some pictures of the house after I got finished decorating a couple of weeks ago (told ya I am behind on posting).....We put up 5 Christmas trees this year! This one is Weston's Razorback tree. It's hard to tell from the picture because I took it with my phone, but he did a great job decorating his red/white tree!
Thursday, December 03, 2009
I'm Gonna Miss Her
Today I went to my Aunt Lois' funeral. She was such a special lady to everyone who met her and I have such great memories of her when I was a kid. During the summertime when I would go to visit my real Dad, I would often stay at her house with another cousin of mine and we had such a blast listening to DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, playing in my aunt's make-up and hair stuff, dressing up in some of her clothes. She would play dominoes with us, cards, and watch movies. I never, ever saw that woman get mad--in fact, I can still see that sweet smile that would cross her face when she looked at you. I am embarrassed to say that the last time I saw her was when Kylie was a baby. I was on maternity leave then and took Kylie to the nursing home where she was at. That made her day! She loved seeing my daughter and getting a chance to catch up. I still remember that visit--she was a hoot telling stories about herself (heck, even things I didn't know!) and remembering the old days. In these last few years though, she had lost her eyesight and she wasn't able to really remember people very well anymore. I couldn't stand to see her like that--I wanted the Aunt Lois I knew to be the one who came and opened the gate so that her doberman dogs didn't get out!
It was so surreal being at her funeral today because I don't actually visit with my dad's family a lot. And although we're all a lot older, when I saw the different family members (mainly all of my cousins) that came, I instantly saw them as the kids I remembered years ago. Boy, how we have all gotten older though! I can't even describe the day really--I mean we aren't all supposed to have kids yet, we are still supposed to be kids ourselves! Time goes by so fast--we change so much over the years. There are days I wish I could have some of that time back....I would go visit Aunt Lois one more time. I would call my Dad a little more often. I would stop by my grandparents house and visit more. But I don't have that time back--so I hope I can make the most of the time that's left.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The Journal
Tomorrow is my last day of maternity leave...I am SO sad. I will greatly miss my little buddy during the day. I hope I can focus on work and not dwell on the time I am missing with him. I also found out that I have to go to Chicago for 5 days on December 14-18 for certification of a new product and I am very sad about that....I can't imagine being away from the little guy that long!
I have tried to get a few last minute "wish list" items accomplished while I have time and one thing I wanted to do was organize my bookshelf. When we moved, all of the books were put on the shelf, but they weren't organized where I could find anything. So, I started sorting them Sunday evening and I came across an old journal. That morning at church, the pastor had been speaking about prayer and he talked about some old journals he had and how it was neat to reflect back on his writings. I opened up my journal and the first entry was from October 2000! I was shocked! Nearly 10 years ago I had penciled some thoughts in this book. What was interesting is that my next entry wasn't until 2002, then one in 2003, then again only one in 2004. Since then, none. But those few entries really showed me how much I have changed in some areas and how little I have changed in others. First of all, I have had 10 years to grow since the first entry, yet I still have such a low self-esteem. I wish I could have more confidence in myself, but for some reason, I don't. That probably shocks some people, but I am the biggest perfectionist! However, I have learned my lesson in's like the old song, "if it don't come easy, just let it go." It was interesting to read my thoughts several years ago when I was experiencing some changes in that area and then to think about where I am at now. I can't believe how much time I wasted and fretted over that stuff. Journaling is so good for the soul--it's like a time-machine into our hearts. It was interesting to hear myself speaking from years ago. It was nice to tell myself I have grown and it was also interesting to see what areas I need to keep working on. Which brings me to this blog (and probably the reason I haven't written a single entry in that journal book in 6 years). I have truly enjoyed going back and reading some of my entries in this blog--though they aren't as personal as a journal entry, I immediately know what my thoughts and situations were during the posts.
So, long live my blog!
Monday, November 30, 2009
My Thanksgiving Turkey!
It's weird to think that last Thanksgiving I was wishing and hoping desperately for a baby. I had no idea that this Thanksgiving that prayer would be answered, Landen would already be here, and I would be absolutely smitten with him! He's so adorable! I am so thankful for my family--for my precious children (all 3 of them!!), my husband, my home, and my career. I truly feel blessed!
Today I had my "tubes tied". I am sore and tired, but otherwise great. I don't think there is any way possible that I could go through pregnancy again--such big babies in such a small body. Plus, I think 3 is plenty for me! I am busy beyond belief!
Friday, November 27, 2009
How about this for a Christmas Tree?
Thanksgiving in Branson
Once again Thanksgiving was spent in Branson (well, the first half of the week at least)! We went to Silver Dollar City and had a great, but very cold time. The kids rode rides, and I drank a ton of hot chocolate. Actually I rode a few rides too--it was weird to be able to get to ride some rides since last time we were there, I was pregnant. Kylie and I rode Thunderation which I love, but there was a twist. She made me ride it backwards! That freaked me out! Baby Landen stayed with Grammy and Papa at the condo since it was so cold and it was nice to be able to get out without having to haul the house. You should've seen the car--we were stuffed. Actually, we had to give my parents and grandparents things to haul up there for us because we were so full. Boy, I can't wait until I get to order my new company here I come!!!
Erika's Getting Married!
One of my really good friends from high school, Erika, who now lives in Oregon, is finally tying the knot! She can in to visit this week and we were able to find some time to get together to visit. I am going to get to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next August in Oregon--I have never been to Oregon, so I can't wait to see it!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Holiday Market Blast!
Yesterday Mom and I went to Holiday Market and I had such a blast! I got some really cute clothes, too! I haven't ever been much of a "boutique" fan because my impression was that they are all pricey, but I found a cute boutique that had such great prices on their stuff. Then, we found a "wine-arita" booth and I bought the "cosmo-rita" pack--it was so good! Now that I have shed much of my baby weight, it was such a blast to shop for cute trendy clothes again! Boy, have I missed that....heck, I even bought a pair of "skinny" jeans, too!
While I was out shopping away, baby Landen stayed at his sitter's house for the first time--that way he could get used to her before I go back to work.


He had such a ball! Before I could even leave, he was smiling and cooing at her....I think he had a crush! Then, his friend Lakyn showed up and she just loved having baby Landen there!



He had such a ball! Before I could even leave, he was smiling and cooing at her....I think he had a crush! Then, his friend Lakyn showed up and she just loved having baby Landen there!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Little Love Notes
Is this not the cutest "little man" you have ever seen? I got such a kick out of how he sits in his swing. He looks like such a man with the leg up and all leaned over relaxed! 
Both of my kids gave me love notes today....Here's Weston's note (it says, "Dear Mom and Richie, I love you. You are AWESOME. Love, Weston. You may rerace and write. P.S. Use marker on counter.")
And here's Kylie's says, "To Richie and Mom. From, Kylie. Your awesome. I love you very much and I'm sorry for all the stuff I've done so forgive me. P.S. Mom, I asked Mrs. Kindle what I was suppost to do for Student of the Month."
Note: I typed exactly as they wrote the notes, so don't think I have a spelling/word usage issue! :)
Both of my kids gave me love notes today....Here's Weston's note (it says, "Dear Mom and Richie, I love you. You are AWESOME. Love, Weston. You may rerace and write. P.S. Use marker on counter.")
I thought it was so sweet, but after Kylie read hers, I turned to Richie and said, "What has she done?" Too sweet to not be compensating for something!! Seriously, Kylie is becoming such a sweetheart. She really wants to be Student of the Month. She told me the other day that she's never been chosen in Kindergarten or 1st grade and she really wants to get it in second grade. So, I told her to ask Mrs. Kindle what it takes to be Student of the Month and then to try really, really hard to do what she tells you. She is really working hard at it, so if she gets it, we will have to have a big celebration!
What sweet kiddos! I just love them to pieces!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Shop 'til Ya Drop!
Mom and I went Christmas shopping today--I am so close to being finished! Yes, finished! I ventured out last Saturday and was amazed at how bad traffic already was and I told my Mom there was no way I would fight that this year when I have time off from work to get the shopping done during the week. So, off we Target, to Kirkland's, to Michael's. Poor Landen was absolutely worn out!
I got quite a bit accomplished, but I think my favorite buy were these "presents" and wreath I bought to decorate my front door and porch area. I have been waiting to have a house worth decorating for the past 5 years and I finally have it. Poor Richie has his work cut out for him when next weekend when I get out the indoor decorations! I love decorating for the holidays, but I just haven't had a house worth spending the time and effort on until now!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Black Nails and Skunk Smells!
These are just two things my husband is not loving right now! A few days ago I got a hankering to paint my nails black--it seems everyone I see on TV has theirs painted black and I wanted to give it a try. So yesterday, I painted them--well, my husband noticed them and was like, "Are you going goth??" UM NO! It's called stylish my dear!! Anyway, he's not too fond of them....oh well, that's the good thing about nail polish, it's removable. But I think I will keep them a few more days 'cause I kind of like them!
So, we went to the Gwd football game last night (Landen's first football game) and it was such a blow-out. We ended up leaving early because Richie wanted to get all of his hunting gear ready for today and we were bored with the game, not to mention Landen was getting hungry. We get home and start getting some things done and we are FIVE MINUTES away from bedtime. Richie asks Andy (the family dog) if he wants to go outside and pee-pee before bed. I hear him open the back door to let him out and then I hear him yell at Andy in a very panicked, loud voice. I knew something bad was wrong. We had just been talking about coyotes in the area. I just knew that's what it was. So, I ran to the back window to look outside and what do I see? Not a coyote...a skunk. Spraying the INDOOR dog. And standing on my back patio doing it. GREAT. LOVELY. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. What luck.
I couldn't believe it--I was furious beyond my little mind's ability. A skunk? A skunk! About that time, Richie comes in holding Andy...and so does the smell. Andy had gotten sprayed in the face. So, we are staring at each other in silence wondering what to do. I told him I would Google some possible solutions. I found this recipe: 1/4 C baking soda, a squeeze of dishing washing liquid, and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. There was also a recommendation to bathe them in mouthwash. We did both--no need to be picky. Richie jumped in the shower with the dog and scrubbed and scrubbed. He opened the shower door to grab something and out runs Andy and heads for the closet where his bed AND our clothes are and proceeds to shake. Twice. LOVELY. Well, the dog smells much better. But the house reeks! I have no clue how to get it out of the brand new house! I googled that too. There are suggestions to put coffee grounds out around the house. There was also a suggestion to boil apple cider vinegar on the stove or put it in a spray bottle. Kind of sounds like stepping on someone's toe to rid them of a headache (a close race as to which smell is worse to deal with).
So, I will open some windows, boil some vinegar, and set out some coffee grounds. Wonder what my house will smell like now?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Baby Landen is SIX WEEKS OLD!
My little baby boy is getting to be an old man! I can't believe he is six weeks old today--time really flies! He is so adorable and is starting to smile at you when you talk to him. I love the first diaper change in the morning because two mornings in a row he just grinned at me--such a happy baby in the morning! We are already out of newborn diapers and in size 1! I can't wait until his two month check-up to see how much he has grown. He is changing everyday!
I am still doing pretty good with my diet. I have officially lost 37 of the 51 lbs I gained and since I have been going to Let's Lose, I have lost 22 inches total on my body. Eight of those inches were in my belly alone! I was so happy! Best of all, I am up to 2.7 miles and I am alternating between walking and running. Last night, I ran for a total of 8 minutes! That's awesome for me because I have never been a runner at all. I was actually able to get into a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans last week. Granted, they aren't my favorite, but they are pre-pregnancy! :)
So, here's to hoping the last 14 lbs just melt away!
I am still doing pretty good with my diet. I have officially lost 37 of the 51 lbs I gained and since I have been going to Let's Lose, I have lost 22 inches total on my body. Eight of those inches were in my belly alone! I was so happy! Best of all, I am up to 2.7 miles and I am alternating between walking and running. Last night, I ran for a total of 8 minutes! That's awesome for me because I have never been a runner at all. I was actually able to get into a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans last week. Granted, they aren't my favorite, but they are pre-pregnancy! :)
So, here's to hoping the last 14 lbs just melt away!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
It's Saturday!
Isn't it funny how when you don't work Monday-Friday that Saturdays just don't have that same feel to them? Granted I am busy during the week with a newborn, etc, but there is nothing like a Saturday to cheer you up after a long 40 plus hour work's nice though to still be Saturday!
I am so sleepy today--not much sleep last night, but I hate napping during the day and throwing off our schedule of taking care of Landen at night. So, I will get through the day....sleepily.
Baby Landen is doing so good--he's such a cutie and I love all the baby things he does. Which inspired me to list a few of my favorites right now....
1) Landen's sneeze--it has to be the absolute cutest thing in the world!
2) Landen's breath--what a sweet, sweet smell!
3) The way he snuggles with me at night and the way he wants to snuggle with me! Although I am not a co-sleep fan, I must admit it is so sweet to snuggle with your baby.
4) The way he sits in his swing and grunts and snores! Too cute--he looks like a little man with his leg propped up!
5) The way he stretches and arches his back when he's waking up and then squishes his face up and moves his head back and forth--how do you capture that image in your mind forever because I don't want to forget it.
Babies are just so much fun and so forgiving of you--they love you no matter what and want you there all the time!
I am so sleepy today--not much sleep last night, but I hate napping during the day and throwing off our schedule of taking care of Landen at night. So, I will get through the day....sleepily.
Baby Landen is doing so good--he's such a cutie and I love all the baby things he does. Which inspired me to list a few of my favorites right now....
1) Landen's sneeze--it has to be the absolute cutest thing in the world!
2) Landen's breath--what a sweet, sweet smell!
3) The way he snuggles with me at night and the way he wants to snuggle with me! Although I am not a co-sleep fan, I must admit it is so sweet to snuggle with your baby.
4) The way he sits in his swing and grunts and snores! Too cute--he looks like a little man with his leg propped up!
5) The way he stretches and arches his back when he's waking up and then squishes his face up and moves his head back and forth--how do you capture that image in your mind forever because I don't want to forget it.
Babies are just so much fun and so forgiving of you--they love you no matter what and want you there all the time!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Happy 40th Birthday, Richie!
Yesterday was Richie's 40th birthday! He doesn't like a lot of hoopla for his birthday, but I still wanted to do something special. So, the kids and I decided to have a small surprise party at the house for him. Well, Plan A didn't work which was to set up and have everyone arrive while he took Kylie to cheer practice--she decided she wanted to be here for the surprise. So, Plan B was hatched! We sent him to pick up Landen at my mom's house and while he was gone we hung balloons, signs and streamers and then hid when he came in. He was so surprised! The kids had such a ball with all of the planning! I bought him his very own netbook so that I can finally get my Mac back! :) He had asked for a card reader to use to download his deercam pictures, but I did the next best thing and got the netbook with a built-in SD card reader and that way he can have a place to download his pictures and then immediately post them. He was so shocked when he opened the present--I don't think he even knew what it was at first!
After all of that, all of the family arrived and we had his favorite dinner--pork tenderloin, au gratin potatoes, salad, bread, and coconut cream pie! That man is spoiled!
Happy birthday Richie! I love you so much you old man!! :)
Monday, November 02, 2009
If you don't, someone will!
I honestly thought I would get to tell my kids about Santa before talking to them about "it"! However, I quickly learned that as a parent, if you don't talk to your kids about "it", someone will....and yes "it" means what you think it means! Times have changed and I don't mean to sound like a cliche, but I had no idea just how young kids are learning about such grown-up things. So, because someone else decided to educate my children in a negative way about "it", I was forced to do damage control and have a discussion I wasn't prepared for. How do you explain "it" to a 7 year old girl? I want her to understand that she shouldn't just give it away to any guy that comes along and become a number to him, but I don't want to scare her into thinking it's a bad thing either. The conversation was soooo hard. I didn't want to go into specific detail, but I didn't want to be too general. Ok, what chapter is the birds and bees in the parenting manual? When I was 9, my Mom had "the talk" with me and I am glad she did because it opened up a line of communication with her. I didn't feel as if "it" were a taboo topic. That's what I want with my kids--the ability to talk openly about these things. However, I learned the other night that my daughter knows things that I wasn't prepared for and her "teachers" are surprising!
So, don't underestimate the importance of talking about "it" with your kids--if you don't, someone else will! And I promise their message will be a lot different than the message you want to instill.
So, don't underestimate the importance of talking about "it" with your kids--if you don't, someone else will! And I promise their message will be a lot different than the message you want to instill.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Halloween Fun
Weston and Kylie had a great Halloween with their fun costumes...
Weston was Slash from Guns-n-Roses and Kylie was a man-eating shark. Landen was a Tootsie Roll! I dressed up as a sleep-deprived Mommy of a newborn! (didn't take much effort ha!)
This morning we are going to visit a new church and I am so excited--I hate being out of church and am ready to get back. I want to find the perfect church home though. I want one where my kids know kids from school so that they have friends that can keep them accountable at school, but I also want one that I can get involved in because I plan to take an active role once we find a church home. I used to be so involved in church and it kills me that it's not a part of my life right now. I really need it--I need the interaction with others and the weekly dose of "act right"!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Home Sweet Home...Well, sort of!
Weston got to come home from the hospital today! But I think he actually liked it at the hospital. They brought in a PS2 system, movies, ice cream and the boy was having tons of fun! Kylie came to visit yesterday and she was jealous at all of the fun stuff--she decided she would wreck her scooter so that she could get to stay! :)
I do think he's ready to be home, but he got a flu shot before he left, so now his other arm is sore! Poor guy!
But it's back to school tomorrow and I have already been on him to clean his room--I bet he heads outside soon and races down the hill again just to get away from me and all my Mommy demands!
I do think he's ready to be home, but he got a flu shot before he left, so now his other arm is sore! Poor guy!
But it's back to school tomorrow and I have already been on him to clean his room--I bet he heads outside soon and races down the hill again just to get away from me and all my Mommy demands!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I bet he doesn't do that again!

Ok, well I took Weston to the doctor yesterday and it has been a roller coaster ride since then! I'll just start at the beginning....I got up yesterday morning (ok, actually I was already up with the baby, but anyway) and I called the pediatrician's office first thing--8 a.m. to find out if I could get Weston an appointment. Well, the nurse called me right back and when I gave her Weston's symptoms--fever, swollen, arm, etc--she told me to bring him right up to the office. So, here came the fun part. I got Landen ready and took him to Richie's mom's house and then Weston and I headed to the doctor. Poor Weston had blood drawn and then they "picked" his scab to make take a sample of the gunk under it. YUCK. He was SO brave though! Weston has trouble just taking liquid medicine, so this was a HUGE step for him! Then, we started getting test results back. White blood cells were normal, no flu (he had a slight cough so we wanted to rule that out too), however, the last test she did to determine if there was a possible infection from the sore in the bone came back higher than normal. That's when we knew it was more serious than just an infected wound. At that point, his pediatrician told us she was going to have to admit him to the hospital and call an orthopedist for a referral. She told me not to let him or drink and get him checked in as soon as I could. I am just standing there in disbelief thinking, "I thought this would be an hour doctor visit, we would run to Health Depot and get a Z-pack and go home." I had NO idea it was going to be a big deal.
So, Weston was admitted to the PEDS unit on Monday and spent two days in the hospital on IV antibiotics. I knew I had my work cut out for me when it was time for the IV, but he was brave and did great! They numbed the area first and I think that helped tremendously.
Weston had a staph infection in his arm, but luckily it didn't get into the joint/bone, so it was easier to treat!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Road Rash Revenge
Poor Weston! As if falling off the scooter and getting a serious case of road rash wasn't enough, he now has a spot of it on his arm that may be infected. It was Kyle's weekend and he called this morning to tell me that Weston was running a fever--my first thought, swine flu! But then he continued on and said that his arm was very swollen and one of his "rashes" was a little funky looking. So, it looks like I will be taking Weston to the doctor tomorrow in hopes of getting it checked out. Pray for the little fella that he doesn't have an infection!
In other news, Richie and I are working on cleaning on my old metal barn so that I can turn it over to my parents. Talk about a lot of stuff! But kudos to Richie, he didn't complain one time today while we were moving a trailer load of boxes and other stuff out of there. (Richie absolutely HATES moving) It was so nice--I was worried that he was going to be cranky today about moving all of that stuff, but he was so good about it. I know it's a pain moving stuff especially someone else's junk that has been stored away for 5 plus years, so thank you baby for taking one for the team and putting up with moving all of that "junk"!
Landen is having such a good night so far (ok, I have probably jinxed myself saying that!) He has slept in his bassinet for most of the night since 8:30 pm. It's now 1:20 a.m. and I just got him in his bassinet's praying that we are starting a wonderful habit. Richie goes back to work tomorrow so it's just me. I don't know why I am so nervous and anxious about this whole thing. With Weston and Kylie, I was on my own after just a couple of days, so having help for 3 weeks is a huge blessing. I guess I am just worried that by the time I go back to work that Landen still won't be sleeping well and that I am going to be severely exhausted driving all over the place. So, add that to your prayer list, too!
In other news, Richie and I are working on cleaning on my old metal barn so that I can turn it over to my parents. Talk about a lot of stuff! But kudos to Richie, he didn't complain one time today while we were moving a trailer load of boxes and other stuff out of there. (Richie absolutely HATES moving) It was so nice--I was worried that he was going to be cranky today about moving all of that stuff, but he was so good about it. I know it's a pain moving stuff especially someone else's junk that has been stored away for 5 plus years, so thank you baby for taking one for the team and putting up with moving all of that "junk"!
Landen is having such a good night so far (ok, I have probably jinxed myself saying that!) He has slept in his bassinet for most of the night since 8:30 pm. It's now 1:20 a.m. and I just got him in his bassinet's praying that we are starting a wonderful habit. Richie goes back to work tomorrow so it's just me. I don't know why I am so nervous and anxious about this whole thing. With Weston and Kylie, I was on my own after just a couple of days, so having help for 3 weeks is a huge blessing. I guess I am just worried that by the time I go back to work that Landen still won't be sleeping well and that I am going to be severely exhausted driving all over the place. So, add that to your prayer list, too!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hungry Girl is my Hero!
I was watching Rachael Ray this morning and she had Hungry Girl on there talking about great recipe alternatives that make our favorite foods a little more figure-friendly...I am absolutely consumed by this website right now and I want all of her cookbooks. If you haven't heard of her, go to her website
My favorite trick she showed today that I can't wait to try is using canned pumpkin in place of the eggs and vegetable oil you add to cake mix. It takes away like 1000 calories and TONS of fat! Who knew? I can't wait to try!
So, if you need any suggestions on Christmas presents for me--I want all 3 Hungry Girl cookbooks!!
My favorite trick she showed today that I can't wait to try is using canned pumpkin in place of the eggs and vegetable oil you add to cake mix. It takes away like 1000 calories and TONS of fat! Who knew? I can't wait to try!
So, if you need any suggestions on Christmas presents for me--I want all 3 Hungry Girl cookbooks!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Like the New Look?
Well, here it is, my NEW blog background! And it was created just for me! I love it!
A Case of Road Rash
A couple of days ago, Weston was playing at a friend's house down the street. We live on quite a hill and the kids love to ride their scooter/skateboard thingees (I can't for the life of me think of the name of this thing) and we have watched the neighbor kid fly down the hill from our house to his house and Richie and I both said if he ever falls, he's gonna regret it. Well, it wasn't him that finally fell--it was Weston! And let me say he has a serious case of road rash! We texted the pics to his Dad and Angela that night and his Dad called the next day and was floored by how bad it looked! But I must say Weston has been really big about the whole thing and hasn't complained too much. And bless his heart, the other morning he woke up and his shirt was stuck to his wounds! I have a feeling he won't be riding that scooter thing down the hill any time soon--one of those "lessons learned" moments.
Well, so far I am doing pretty good at walking the neighborhood--I am up to about 1.5 miles and a chunk of that is up the hill I just mentioned which will kick anyone's rear! I have only been able to go every other day, but honestly that's about all I need to do anyway--in fact, I think Dr. Bell would've gotten on to me yesterday at my check-up if I had told him what I was doing! He was telling me to take it easy and not vacuum, etc if it hurts. All I could think was, "I wonder what he would think of my little walking expeditions?" :)
Seriously though, I am still sore, but I honestly think the walking has definitely helped....that and the Belly Bandit I bought. That, my friends, is the secret to getting your tummy back. I can't believe how flat my belly looks 3 weeks after the baby!
Oh and guess where baby Landen is? Asleep in his bassinet!!!! He's been there for about an hour or so! I am sure it won't last, but I really would like to get him used to sleeping by himself. We bought a "white noise" machine at Bed, Bath, and Beyond yesterday that plays different nature sounds like waterfall, rain, ocean, etc and I have that going next to the bassinet, so hopefully we can progress toward him sleeping on his own. Mommy really needs some quality R&R!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Bed Bug
The popular question right now (behind "how's the baby?") is "is he sleeping good?" Well, that question is a little tricky! First, define "good". If you mean 'does he sleep during the night?', well, yes. However, if you mean "does he sleep in his bassinet?", then NO! He sleeps, but only when you hold him. And now it seems the only way I can sleep at night is to sleep next to him. First, I must say I am adamantly against sleeping with a baby in my bed for several reasons. Beyond the obvious safety issue, there's the habit I am afraid I am creating, the lack of quality sleep on my part because I can't get comfortable--I try to stay in one position and lay still so as to not roll on him. So, I don't really sleep, I doze...on and off, on and off. Meanwhile, baby Landen is sawing logs! He's warm, comfy and has Mommy right where he wants her! Last night as I was falling asleep, I had a vision of this 18 year old man laying between me and Richie all bundled up in his blanket and snuggling up to me. And all I could think was, "Great!" Landen will be here until he graduates!!
So, to answer the question... yes, he's sleeping good!
So, to answer the question... yes, he's sleeping good!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Little Caterpillar
Here's a link to a blog of the photographer that took Landen's newborn photos.
The pictures are absolutely amazing! But perhaps the best part of the whole sitting was learning how to get Landen to quiet down when he would get upset! She was awesome--she would just say SSSHHHHH and he would be like puddy in her hands!
The pictures are absolutely amazing! But perhaps the best part of the whole sitting was learning how to get Landen to quiet down when he would get upset! She was awesome--she would just say SSSHHHHH and he would be like puddy in her hands!
A Sense of Normalcy
Yesterday I put on one of my "normal" jogging suits (read that as NOT maternity clothes) and Richie and I went for a 30 minute walk in our neighborhood. It was so nice to get back to some sense of normalcy. Regular clothes, exercise, it's the small things that make my day!
Landen is doing great! He went for his 2 week checkup on Wednesday and had gained 7 ounces since Friday! He is really thriving! He is starting to stay alert more during the day and he's trying to "real" smile. It's cute because his mouth doesn't quite form the right shape, but you can tell he's engaging when you talk with him. He's getting spoiled too, but it's hard to not spoil such a cutie!
Tonight we are taking the kids (read Weston and Kylie) to the Fall Festival. Landen will have to stay with Grammy because he's still so small and I am so scared about the swine flu, so we are trying to keep him "quarantined". I know many people want to come see him, but we are having to play the bad guys and limit visitors per doctor's orders. If he gets the flu, it would be devastating to him since he's so small and so young and doesn't have a developed immune system like you and I.
So, don't take it personal if we ask you to wait to come see us--we really want to show him off, but we have to be careful too!
Landen is doing great! He went for his 2 week checkup on Wednesday and had gained 7 ounces since Friday! He is really thriving! He is starting to stay alert more during the day and he's trying to "real" smile. It's cute because his mouth doesn't quite form the right shape, but you can tell he's engaging when you talk with him. He's getting spoiled too, but it's hard to not spoil such a cutie!
Tonight we are taking the kids (read Weston and Kylie) to the Fall Festival. Landen will have to stay with Grammy because he's still so small and I am so scared about the swine flu, so we are trying to keep him "quarantined". I know many people want to come see him, but we are having to play the bad guys and limit visitors per doctor's orders. If he gets the flu, it would be devastating to him since he's so small and so young and doesn't have a developed immune system like you and I.
So, don't take it personal if we ask you to wait to come see us--we really want to show him off, but we have to be careful too!
Monday, October 12, 2009
What a Loser....
Well, I finally found some time to go by Let's Lose and get started on my diet. Ouch--I forgot how restricting diets are and since you have to journal, well, that means I have to confess those Oreos! But, it'll be worth it if I can get back in my jeans. When I came home from the hospital about a week ago, I measured my waist. From delivery to arriving home, I had lost 4 inches on my waist (however, I delivered an 8 1/2 lb baby, so I was hoping for more than 4 inches)!! Well, at my measurement today at Let's Lose, I have already lost another 4 inches and that's before I even start the diet! Woo Hoo! But, now it's time to get serious--the rest of the pounds aren't going to be as easy! So wish me luck--I am gonna need it!
Today, Richie, Landen and I got out of the house and went shopping for a bit. It was so nice to see daylight (even if it is cloudy and rainy) and walk around. I was glad to get some "exercise" even if it wasn't much!
Today, Richie, Landen and I got out of the house and went shopping for a bit. It was so nice to see daylight (even if it is cloudy and rainy) and walk around. I was glad to get some "exercise" even if it wasn't much!
Friday, October 09, 2009
Weight, Weight, GO AWAY!
Well, the official pregnancy weight gain was 51 lbs. That is right in line with my other two pregnancies. I swear each pregnancy is the same--50 lb weight gain, big baby, and some swelling. Anyway, now it's time to get that weight off. So, I got brave the other day and got on the scale....then I looked down. I was so afraid I was going to be disappointed. But, I was pleasantly surprised! I have officially lost 24 lbs already! Woo Hoo! I love the big water retention weight loss--it gives me the confidence to get the rest of this gone. So, now to get serious about the other 27 lbs. I can't decide the best avenue to take to combat it. I am considering two different weight loss options, but until I can drive, I won't be able to get out and figure which one is the best option. Not to mention, it's hard to diet when everyone keeps bringing such great food by for us to eat! Then, there's the exercise aspect, but honestly I am still healing from the c-section, so that is gonna have to wait a few more weeks. So, wish me luck, because my biggest road block right now are those Golden Oreos--they are just soooo good!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Baby Landen is One Week Old!
I can hardly believe it, but my baby is already a week old! We are all adjusting to each other and there is definitely a lack of sleep around our house (except, of course, for Landen)!
As a catch-up on the last week, Landen was in NICU for about 36 hours starting on last Thursday night. He evidently aspirated amniotic fluid during birth and it was causing a few issues for him. It was such a flashback to when Kylie was a newborn and I had to take her to the ER and we ended up spending 5 days in Peds and 5 days on home health because she was so sick (they thought she had meningitis). I can honestly say my heart skipped a beat and I was pretty tense for awhile until we got his blood cultures and other test results back. He also started breathing a little better and so they released him on Saturday morning back to my room. But, since it was our discharge day, he had to have his circumcision done--I cried after signing the papers and leaving him with the nurse to be circumcised. Then, I just lay there in my bed and worried the whole time I knew the surgery was going on. That night, we were able to go home and he had his roughest time yet. He was so stressed, couldn't keep his food down, and was just miserable every time you changed his diaper. I felt soooo sorry for him. He's doing much better now, but he's still having a hard time at night with sleeping. He loves to sleep on Daddy's chest and seems to think his bassinet has "thorns" in it! But, we will just keep working on it and hopefully it'll get better.
We are also having a hard time getting his food situated. Since he went to NICU, he wasn't able to breastfeed for awhile and got confused on what/how to eat. We finally decided to stick with formula only and bought one we thought was best. He's done great on it, but when I called the pediatrician, she is not fond of that formula and asked us to switch to a different one. I really hope that he does alright on it.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Finally....a pregnant picture!
48 Hours and Counting
We are less than 48 hours from the big moment! I am getting so anxious! I went to the doctor today and he was proud of me--I haven't lost any weight, but I didn't gain any either which was good news. So, hopefully I am winning the battle with the swelling. My blood pressure was up, but not too worrisome. All in all it was a good visit. We went over the whole process--I am checking in after midnight Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning so that I can get some medicine to help me sleep that night. With Kylie, I stayed awake all night long! I was sooo nervous about the IV, the spinal block, etc knowing that I wasn't going to have contractions distracting me. And I must say I am already anxious about all of that this time again.
But I got some great news about the process this time. Our hospital does an "ambient c-section"....what this means is that the c-section is held in a very relaxed, calm atmosphere. They turn off all of the lights except a flood light on my belly to see to perform the c-section. Then, there are vanilla candles burning. We are able to choose music from an I-Pod to be playing during the birth and the part I am absolutely happy about--Richie can walk in the surgery room from the very beginning with me. He doesn't have to wait until after my spinal block and all of the prep! He can actually hold my hand during the spinal block and hopefully relax me. This is huge because I was stuck 8 times with Kylie because I wouldn't relax! The whole setting sounds so nice and hopefully more enjoyable!
But I got some great news about the process this time. Our hospital does an "ambient c-section"....what this means is that the c-section is held in a very relaxed, calm atmosphere. They turn off all of the lights except a flood light on my belly to see to perform the c-section. Then, there are vanilla candles burning. We are able to choose music from an I-Pod to be playing during the birth and the part I am absolutely happy about--Richie can walk in the surgery room from the very beginning with me. He doesn't have to wait until after my spinal block and all of the prep! He can actually hold my hand during the spinal block and hopefully relax me. This is huge because I was stuck 8 times with Kylie because I wouldn't relax! The whole setting sounds so nice and hopefully more enjoyable!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Swift Kick in the Belly
Yesterday when Richie came home for lunch, I met him in the kitchen and gave him a hug. Well, my belly being rather large was up against his belly and Landen decided to kick about that time and Richie felt Landen kick him in the stomach!! Now he knows how the last few months have felt! :)
I am surviving the strict bed rest and trying really hard to be good and stay in bed, but I must say it is SO BORING. I can tell you what comes on TV at every 30 minute increment. Add to the that the fact that I am not sleeping at night, getting up (OK waking up and sitting up in bed) by 6:45 a.m. and it makes for a long, boring, lonely day. But less than 5 days to go! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to meet the little fella.
Last night when I was lying in bed unable to sleep, I was overwhelmed by the thought of what a miracle it is to carry a baby in my belly. Richie had commented on how he didn't know how I dealt with the constant kicking and rolling that Landen does, and I told him I am so used to him that it will actually be sad when he's born and I have to "share" him with everyone else. Right now, it's all me. That's what led me to the whole miracle thought--how God brings us into the world. I love the feeling of a little one growing inside of me. Sure, I am tired, sore, and worn out, but it's such an awesome feeling to know that another human being is living inside of me.
I am surviving the strict bed rest and trying really hard to be good and stay in bed, but I must say it is SO BORING. I can tell you what comes on TV at every 30 minute increment. Add to the that the fact that I am not sleeping at night, getting up (OK waking up and sitting up in bed) by 6:45 a.m. and it makes for a long, boring, lonely day. But less than 5 days to go! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to meet the little fella.
Last night when I was lying in bed unable to sleep, I was overwhelmed by the thought of what a miracle it is to carry a baby in my belly. Richie had commented on how he didn't know how I dealt with the constant kicking and rolling that Landen does, and I told him I am so used to him that it will actually be sad when he's born and I have to "share" him with everyone else. Right now, it's all me. That's what led me to the whole miracle thought--how God brings us into the world. I love the feeling of a little one growing inside of me. Sure, I am tired, sore, and worn out, but it's such an awesome feeling to know that another human being is living inside of me.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
In Trouble
Well, I know how my kids feel when I get on to them now. Because I got in trouble Dr. Bell. I have been home for 2 weeks taking it easy, but I have still managed to do a few things like cook dinner, load the dishwasher, or just sit on the couch with my husband and kids. Well, no more. I gained 10 lbs in a week and had a bad spell Saturday with swelling, headache, blurred vision, and nausea. So, Dr. Bell was really concerned today when I went for my visit. He now told me I can't get out of my bed unless I need to use the restroom or go to the hospital. No couch rest, no chair rest. BEDREST. I am going to go insane. He said if things don't improve, he'll have to take Landen early, so I am going to do my best to stay in bed for the next 8 days. UGH!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Picture This....
I have been cooking dinnner while at home (that's the extent of my abilities, but I have to have something to look forward to each day or I'll just go crazy). I was watching Paula Deen the other day and she made a French onion soup recipe that looked really good, so I thought I would try it. I went online and got the recipe and it called for 1/4 C white wine, which I don't keep on hand, so I knew I would have to pick it up the next time I was out. So, when I went for my dr appt last week, I stopped at the Liquor Store on the way. Ok, first of all I was paranoid to walk in there and buy an alcoholic beverage at 9 months pregnant, but I decided I would just suck it up and not worry about what the cashier thought. Well, I walked in and immediately began explaining my situation to the guy behind the counter. His face was priceless--I think it scared him more that I was was so adamant that I make sure he understood the wine was for a soup recipe than if I had just walked in and bought my wine. Anyway, so I get home and later that evening I am making the soup when I realize I don't have a corkscrew! So, I got online and found a suggestion on removing the corkscrew by screwing in a regular screw and then using pliers to pull it and the cork out. Normally Richie is home by 4:15, but at this point it was almost 5, the soup was boiling, and the wine needed to be in there 30 minutes earlier to allow plenty of time to "cook off" the alcohol. So, I am getting desperate at this point. In our new house we have granite countertops, so I was scared to try to remove the screw/cork on the counter only to have the bottle slip and break. The floor is tile, so again I didn't know what the best thing would be to do. So, I decided at that point, I would just go outside, sit in the yard, put the bottle under my arm, and try to pull the cork out. Well, we are now in a neighborhood, but we don't have neighbors yet. However, they are building a new house right next door and at any given time, we have about 4-6 workers there all day. Can you imagine the look on these workers' faces if I did this? Luckily, Richie came home at that moment! So, he was able to take out the cork without the embarrassment of his wife on the lawn, 9 months pregnant, with a wine bottle under her arm in a panic to get the cork out quick!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bed rest, burp rags, and good food!!
The bed rest is going pretty good. I must say I have noticed a big difference in the way I feel since I haven't been working and trying to keep up the Mom load too! Yesterday I went over to Mom's house to just get out a bit and sewed a few burp rags for Landen. They are so cute! It was nice to just get out and do something. I was actually worn out when I got home. We are down to the final countdown. Only 13 more days. I can't believe it's getting so close, yet it still seems so far away!! I am ready....I think. I am ready for him to be here, but I know how absolutely crazy life is going to get. I ran in to a friend yesterday that had her baby about 7 weeks or so ago and she also has two older children and she admitted that life is very chaotic. So, I am a bit scared! But with all that said, I am ready to see the little guy. The kids are pumped too. They are going to skip school and come to the hospital when he's born. I ordered them "Big Brother" and "Big Sister" t-shirts the other day! Landen has a onesie that says "Little Brother" so they are going to all be decked out! :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hot Apple Pie!
Last night I had what I would for sure consider a craving. You see we had been at Cheddar's yesterday afternoon and I saw apple pie a la mode on the menu, however I was so full from lunch I couldn't bear to eat anything else. But the apple pie thought stuck with me the rest of the day! So, I decided last night to try and make one. Well, I didn't have any ready-made crusts handy but I had everything else, so I made the whole pie, including the crust, from scratch!! I have wanted to make an apple pie for years, but for some reason it intimidated me. But a pregnancy craving sure calms the nerves and I just decided to go for it. Well, I asked Richie if he liked apple pie (not that I would change my mind about making it even if I was the only one to eat it) and he said he wasn't really fond of it. It was so late last night when it was ready, that I waited until this morning to try it. And I ate 2 pieces. Oh. My. Gosh. It was SO yummy. I told Richie how good it was and he tried a piece and said it was the best apple pie he had every tasted! :)
Tonight we are having tilapia baked in parchment packs with seasoned veggies. It was a Red Lobster favorite of mine, but they won't make it anymore that way (according to the waitress, the cook said it was too much trouble). So, I have come up with my own version and maybe it will satisfy my desire!
Tonight we are having tilapia baked in parchment packs with seasoned veggies. It was a Red Lobster favorite of mine, but they won't make it anymore that way (according to the waitress, the cook said it was too much trouble). So, I have come up with my own version and maybe it will satisfy my desire!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Another Baby is Here!
Our friends Jeremy and Catina had their baby last night and we went up to see her today.....Addison is such a cutie! Jeremy was quite the proud Daddy I must say. Addison sneezed a few times and Richie thought that was the cutest thing he had ever seen. I must say Richie is in for some exciting days ahead with Landen (once he gets here!). Babies change so much and everything they do, down to a little sneeze is such a sweet moment. Richie was amazed at how awesome Catina looked this morning--she had her make-up on, her hair down. She didn't even look like she had had a baby last night. I reminded him she didn't have a c-section, because I don't want him to freak out when I look like death warmed over the next day! :) Seriously though, she looked great and was in great spirits. Addison weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and she and Landen were both 4.5 lbs on their ultrasounds at 32 weeks, so I have a feeling Landen will be a big boy for sure now! I say this as I eat my 5th Oreo in about 2 minutes--so I am sure, my diet at this point is helping that out a bit too.
Ok, now I have to rant for a bit. Now before you read my rant, please understand I have the best for everyone in mind. Yesterday, I was driving to Wal-Mart and a gentleman on a motorcycle was behind me. Well, I was proceeding to move to the left lane, but had a funny feeling about the guy on the bike. Let me say that I have spent my fair share of time on a motorcycle and have even been in a motorcycle wreck, so I am a BIG advocate of making sure you are aware of motorcyclist on the road. However, I also feel that when you get on a motorcycle, you have an obligation to be conscious of your surroundings as well. Anyway, I was floored when I put on my blinker to move to the left lane, checked my mirror and was about to change lanes only to have the motorcyclist squeeze between me and the car in the left lane and take off! I promise if I hadn't been watching him, I would've hit him. I was furious--how disrespectful to other drivers and how wreckless he is with his life and mine to drive so carelessly! I told Richie the story and it was weird today because on our way home, we had another guy on a motorcycle drive careless and pull right out in front of us! Note: These were cruiser bikes, not "crotch-rockets". These were also men in their mid-30's, not careless teenagers.
Ok, now I have to rant for a bit. Now before you read my rant, please understand I have the best for everyone in mind. Yesterday, I was driving to Wal-Mart and a gentleman on a motorcycle was behind me. Well, I was proceeding to move to the left lane, but had a funny feeling about the guy on the bike. Let me say that I have spent my fair share of time on a motorcycle and have even been in a motorcycle wreck, so I am a BIG advocate of making sure you are aware of motorcyclist on the road. However, I also feel that when you get on a motorcycle, you have an obligation to be conscious of your surroundings as well. Anyway, I was floored when I put on my blinker to move to the left lane, checked my mirror and was about to change lanes only to have the motorcyclist squeeze between me and the car in the left lane and take off! I promise if I hadn't been watching him, I would've hit him. I was furious--how disrespectful to other drivers and how wreckless he is with his life and mine to drive so carelessly! I told Richie the story and it was weird today because on our way home, we had another guy on a motorcycle drive careless and pull right out in front of us! Note: These were cruiser bikes, not "crotch-rockets". These were also men in their mid-30's, not careless teenagers.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Face-Lift, a Clean Garage, and some Bed Rest
Wow--what a title! Ok, that's just a quick sum of this post, not some bad surgery gone wrong. First, I have had my blog for nearly four years now and have always wanted a customized personal background/header for my blog, but I just couldn't fathom spending any money on it. Well, I broke down a few days ago and put in an order with an awesome blog designer. The price was right and there were so many ideas to choose from on her blog that I couldn't resist ordering my own. Plus, I decided at this point--I deserve it!! So, in a couple of weeks, you will see a brand new background and header with pictures, etc! YIPPEE!
How did I manage to afford this new blog background? Well, I cleaned out my garages and took a whole truck load of clothing and old toys up to the Growing Kids Sale! I had 100 clothing items (the max they allow or there would've been more), a play kitchen, large easel, and toys of new toys in boxes my kids have never played with! Ok, the blog design is relatively inexpensive, so I will have plenty of money left over, but that was my way of justifying the ability to splurge right now. What's nice too is that my car fits back in to the garage so I don't have to get out in the heat or rain again. Granted, there is still work to be done in the garage, but it is a major improvement. Now if I could just have a garage sale, I could get rid of the furniture in there.
However, the garage sale won't happen any time soon though. Why? Well, I have officially started my maternity leave and am on bed rest for the next 3 weeks until Landen gets here. My poor body just gave out. I was having 2-3 contractions an hour, cramping, you name it, I was experiencing it. My job is relatively easy, but it is still a physical job when you have a 9 month pregnant woman do it. I lift 15 plus pounds, stand in one position for a total of 4 hours a day, and have some walking just to get to and from my doctor's offices. Not to mention the driving--and at this point I am very uncomfortable in a car. Heck, walking to the bathroom at this point is physically demanding. My doctor was just ready to see my sit back and relax at this point because I was overdoing it. Oh yeah--add 2 kids at home on to that list, and I was worn out between work and home!!! So, here's to a few relaxing weeks before the baby gets here--pray I don't go crazy! :) Because I forgot to mention I am not good at sitting still and doing nothing. Especially when I don't have a choice. But I HAVE to!
How did I manage to afford this new blog background? Well, I cleaned out my garages and took a whole truck load of clothing and old toys up to the Growing Kids Sale! I had 100 clothing items (the max they allow or there would've been more), a play kitchen, large easel, and toys of new toys in boxes my kids have never played with! Ok, the blog design is relatively inexpensive, so I will have plenty of money left over, but that was my way of justifying the ability to splurge right now. What's nice too is that my car fits back in to the garage so I don't have to get out in the heat or rain again. Granted, there is still work to be done in the garage, but it is a major improvement. Now if I could just have a garage sale, I could get rid of the furniture in there.
However, the garage sale won't happen any time soon though. Why? Well, I have officially started my maternity leave and am on bed rest for the next 3 weeks until Landen gets here. My poor body just gave out. I was having 2-3 contractions an hour, cramping, you name it, I was experiencing it. My job is relatively easy, but it is still a physical job when you have a 9 month pregnant woman do it. I lift 15 plus pounds, stand in one position for a total of 4 hours a day, and have some walking just to get to and from my doctor's offices. Not to mention the driving--and at this point I am very uncomfortable in a car. Heck, walking to the bathroom at this point is physically demanding. My doctor was just ready to see my sit back and relax at this point because I was overdoing it. Oh yeah--add 2 kids at home on to that list, and I was worn out between work and home!!! So, here's to a few relaxing weeks before the baby gets here--pray I don't go crazy! :) Because I forgot to mention I am not good at sitting still and doing nothing. Especially when I don't have a choice. But I HAVE to!
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