Thursday, December 24, 2009

White Christmas!

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring--not even Baby Landen for once!!
It's going to be a White Christmas--Baby Landen's, Weston's, Kylie's and my first! Supposedly the last white Christmas was in 1975, so even I haven't seen one! However, it's also a dangerous condition--so please be careful if you get out to see family and friends!
What a Christmas full of firsts--the first Christmas in our new home, Landen's first Christmas, and the first white Christmas....this will definitely be a Christmas full of great memories.
However, there was a few other firsts. My Mom was supposed to host the annual Christmas Eve get-together (the first time for her since we usually have it at my Me-Me's house), however she got the flu. So, Christmas Eve celebration was here at my house! This was the first Christmas I didn't get to celebrate with my Mom. Then, I am still having the annual Christmas breakfast, so I am one tired Momma from all of the cooking and cleaning!
With that said, I am turning in. So sorry--this is usually one of my favorite nights to blog, but a sign of the times--I am worn out!

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