Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Skype Fan!

So, I just had the opportunity to not only talk to my husband and kids, but also see them LIVE! We video-called each other using Skype and that is by far the coolest thing! I was able to see Baby Landen (although he cried)! He is growing by leaps and bounds!

Yesterday's Love Dare had an awesome sentence in it...."Resilient marriages are built on honesty, respect, commitment, forgiveness, and endurance. When love takes over, it compels us to humbly apologize and take full responsibility for our failures, and to fully forgive where our spouse has failed us." I loved this sentence! Why? Because of the word "resilient". It doesn't say "perfect" or "best", it describes the marriages that pick up the pieces and learn from the mistakes. Sometimes we don't want to forgive, sometimes we don't even want to take responsibility for our short-comings as a spouse, but if we want a marriage that can grow and withstand the day to day drama and headaches, then we HAVE to. So, thank you Lord for a wonderful sentence that reminds me that my marriage isn't going to be full of perfection. Thank you for letting me know that my marriage is going to be one that can withstand time!

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