Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Talk

Tonight Richie called me and Landen "spoke" to Mommy on the phone. It was precious hearing his coos! I sure miss them! Richie said that he would look at the phone and even looked around the room to try and find me. Tomorrow I am hoping to try Skype with them for the first time. I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a shot to be able to see my baby. I am afraid he'll forget me before I get home. That's why I am glad I got the chance to "talk" to him on the phone tonight. Maybe hearing my voice will remind him.
My babysitter is absolutely awesome! She sends me pictures during the day of Landen and I told her to be sure and send some extra ones this week since that's all I will have. So, she sent 3 or 4 pictures today of him and he was so cute! I didn't bring my cord so I can't put them on here. I am in Day 2 of the Love Dare and today's devotion focused on Love as a Motivator. There was an interesting exercise in there where you replaced "love" with your name in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I have to say that reading, "Tara suffers long and is kind. "Tara" does not envy. "Tara" does not parade herself. "Tara" does not behave rudely.....and so forth, was very eye-opening. I try really hard to maintain self-awareness, but it's hard at times. I get frustrated. I get tired. I get tired of trying with someone who doesn't ever try. But then I realized that people probably get frustrated with me. People get tired of trying with me and think I never try. Ultimately, my actions are just that--mine. I can let others try and influence them, but if I can let Love be the motivator, then I am sure I will be a lot happier with how I act!

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