Friday, September 25, 2009

Swift Kick in the Belly

Yesterday when Richie came home for lunch, I met him in the kitchen and gave him a hug. Well, my belly being rather large was up against his belly and Landen decided to kick about that time and Richie felt Landen kick him in the stomach!! Now he knows how the last few months have felt! :)
I am surviving the strict bed rest and trying really hard to be good and stay in bed, but I must say it is SO BORING. I can tell you what comes on TV at every 30 minute increment. Add to the that the fact that I am not sleeping at night, getting up (OK waking up and sitting up in bed) by 6:45 a.m. and it makes for a long, boring, lonely day. But less than 5 days to go! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to meet the little fella.
Last night when I was lying in bed unable to sleep, I was overwhelmed by the thought of what a miracle it is to carry a baby in my belly. Richie had commented on how he didn't know how I dealt with the constant kicking and rolling that Landen does, and I told him I am so used to him that it will actually be sad when he's born and I have to "share" him with everyone else. Right now, it's all me. That's what led me to the whole miracle thought--how God brings us into the world. I love the feeling of a little one growing inside of me. Sure, I am tired, sore, and worn out, but it's such an awesome feeling to know that another human being is living inside of me.

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