Friday, October 16, 2009

A Sense of Normalcy

Yesterday I put on one of my "normal" jogging suits (read that as NOT maternity clothes) and Richie and I went for a 30 minute walk in our neighborhood. It was so nice to get back to some sense of normalcy. Regular clothes, exercise, it's the small things that make my day!
Landen is doing great! He went for his 2 week checkup on Wednesday and had gained 7 ounces since Friday! He is really thriving! He is starting to stay alert more during the day and he's trying to "real" smile. It's cute because his mouth doesn't quite form the right shape, but you can tell he's engaging when you talk with him. He's getting spoiled too, but it's hard to not spoil such a cutie!
Tonight we are taking the kids (read Weston and Kylie) to the Fall Festival. Landen will have to stay with Grammy because he's still so small and I am so scared about the swine flu, so we are trying to keep him "quarantined". I know many people want to come see him, but we are having to play the bad guys and limit visitors per doctor's orders. If he gets the flu, it would be devastating to him since he's so small and so young and doesn't have a developed immune system like you and I.
So, don't take it personal if we ask you to wait to come see us--we really want to show him off, but we have to be careful too!

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