Ok, well I took Weston to the doctor yesterday and it has been a roller coaster ride since then! I'll just start at the beginning....I got up yesterday morning (ok, actually I was already up with the baby, but anyway) and I called the pediatrician's office first thing--8 a.m. to find out if I could get Weston an appointment. Well, the nurse called me right back and when I gave her Weston's symptoms--fever, swollen, arm, etc--she told me to bring him right up to the office. So, here came the fun part. I got Landen ready and took him to Richie's mom's house and then Weston and I headed to the doctor. Poor Weston had blood drawn and then they "picked" his scab to make take a sample of the gunk under it. YUCK. He was SO brave though! Weston has trouble just taking liquid medicine, so this was a HUGE step for him! Then, we started getting test results back. White blood cells were normal, no flu (he had a slight cough so we wanted to rule that out too), however, the last test she did to determine if there was a possible infection from the sore in the bone came back higher than normal. That's when we knew it was more serious than just an infected wound. At that point, his pediatrician told us she was going to have to admit him to the hospital and call an orthopedist for a referral. She told me not to let him or drink and get him checked in as soon as I could. I am just standing there in disbelief thinking, "I thought this would be an hour doctor visit, we would run to Health Depot and get a Z-pack and go home." I had NO idea it was going to be a big deal.
So, Weston was admitted to the PEDS unit on Monday and spent two days in the hospital on IV antibiotics. I knew I had my work cut out for me when it was time for the IV, but he was brave and did great! They numbed the area first and I think that helped tremendously.
Weston had a staph infection in his arm, but luckily it didn't get into the joint/bone, so it was easier to treat!
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