Monday, November 13, 2006

The Hunters are Back!

Well, the hunters are back from the's a group photo of them. Poor Weston has battle wounds though! Evidently he rode his four-wheel through a briar patch! He has a cut on his face and hands...but I am proud--he didn't cry! I think he had a great time though. He seemed to really enjoy the deer woods, so I am sure that Kyle has a lifelong hunting partner in him. I'll post the rest of the photos at the link on the right.


Kaylee said...

I'm still reading. I'm telling you what Kylie and Genevieve could be twins. That razor story was too funny, who the heck shaves their butt at your household? She must have seen either you or Kyle shaving a cheek or two. Oh and do you really live in a barn? My curiousity is very peaked. You should post pictures.

SheWolf said...

We need to get them together! Ok, I promise it's NOT me that shaves my rear!
Yes, I do live in a barn...I'll have to get some pictures of it up on here to prove it.