Well, this will be my last post for 2006!! I can't believe how fast the year flew by. The main highlights of 2006 for me were the following:
Started my Master's degree...again. This time in Leadership and Ethics (and I am still kicking!!)
We started back at 1st Baptist Church and joined a new SS class
The mini horses began their "Operation: Tear Up Satellite" mission
Kyle shaved his beard and mustache--the first time I've seen it completely gone!!
I began another Bunco group w/Andria and Kelley
Kylie and I went to see the Care Bears
Kylie decides to have the "Mother of All Dental Visits"
I celebrated my 28th birthday....30 is getting closer and closer!!
I attended the NASCAR race in Atlanta!
I went to Milestone class for my degree and learned a lot about myself
Kyle and I went to the Dallas NASCAR race
Kyle and I headed to Nashville and attended the Grand Ole Opry
My step-dad has his first heart attack and our family begins a long journey towards getting him better
The family went to Cancun and had a lil' fun in the sun!
Sally has 10 puppies!
Teeball is going strong--Weston's team is undefeated!
I spent most of the month with my nose in a book for school
The fam heads to D.C. and nearly drowns in the never-ending rain storm!
I met SheDaisy in Fayetteville
Started golf lessons (not sure I can tell a difference!!)
Went to Cross Canadian Ragweed Concert at Cain's Ballroom
Went to Tim/Faith Concert
Kyle got bit by 6 Jack Russell Terriers at work
Kylie's 4th birthday party
Jim has successful quadruple bypass
Hogs' 1st game against USC (not a good one!)
Stahl gets married...WOW!
Weston loses his first tooth
Visited my parents' skating rink in Illinois
Hosted BUNCO in the BARN!
Halloween festivities--Weston is Superman and Kylie is a cowgirl
Kyle and I celebrate 1 year of "remarriage"
Our new camper makes it home (and we still haven't had a chance to use it!)
The boys head to deer camp
Thanksgiving is at Big Cedar in '06
Our high school team becomes State Champs
Christmas is great--another one in the barn, but filled with tons of fun and family!
Have a great 2007!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Disclosure Policy
I have joined Pay Per Post so that I can write about consumer issues and receive compensation. This disclosure policy is being added due to that change--I will still have my fun stuff, don't worry, but I want to cover myself on the other stuff.
This policy is valid from 30 December 2006
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
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This policy is valid from 30 December 2006
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
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My new Obsession
So, I have my new i-Pod video--love it! I put 4 episodes of Gilmore Girls on there. I realized that will probably be the only way that I get to watch them since we have a community television in the barn and I am rarely able to stop to watch TV when I am here anyway. So, now between work and class, on the road, or when we venture over to the family's house and I get bored, I can just whip out the 'ole i-Pod and watch TV!!!! This is absolutely crazy! But I love it!
Looks like we will ring in the New Year in the barn w/some company! After 3 years, this is only the 2nd time I have "hosted" company! Mike and Andria are heading over to ring in the New Year tomorrow night--maybe we can break in some of those new games we got.
Last night was game night in the barn as well. The kids wanted to try out some of their new games. We got the electronic version of "Sorry" and it was a lot of fun. We also played Spider-Man Yahtzee and My Little Pony Memory. It was such fun just hanging out with the kids.
Well, back to cleaning--believe it or not, Mike/Andria have never seen the inside of the barn!! I don't want to scare them on their first visit!
Looks like we will ring in the New Year in the barn w/some company! After 3 years, this is only the 2nd time I have "hosted" company! Mike and Andria are heading over to ring in the New Year tomorrow night--maybe we can break in some of those new games we got.
Last night was game night in the barn as well. The kids wanted to try out some of their new games. We got the electronic version of "Sorry" and it was a lot of fun. We also played Spider-Man Yahtzee and My Little Pony Memory. It was such fun just hanging out with the kids.
Well, back to cleaning--believe it or not, Mike/Andria have never seen the inside of the barn!! I don't want to scare them on their first visit!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I have officially crossed over!!
Ok, I told myself a couple of years ago I would not buy an i-Pod....everyone was getting them, so I decided I would resist the bandwagon. I am sorry to report that as of December 26, 2006, I officially joined the club. Yes, I own an i-Pod...an i-Pod video at that! I decided that when I crossed over, I would sprint to the other side. So, I bought the biggest, baddest i-Pod ever. So far, so good! I am still learning how to use it, but I can already tell it's going to change how I travel. No more boring plane rides--now I can watch Lost, Jericho, and all my favorite shows on the plane!
Ok, it's the end of the year and it's time to look back on the year and examine signs of our time! I thought it would be interesting to do this quiz to reflect back on what 2006 meant to me:
2006--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?
This year, I began working on my Master's degree in Leadership and Ethics. Yes, I have started grad school before, but this time I am 4 classes away from a degree!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I honestly don't remember my New Year's resolutions, so I probably didn't keep them. But this year, I will make some. First, I am going to try to exercise on a consistent basis (notice I didn't give a specific consistency). Second, I will finish my Master's degree.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I honestly don't remember anyone close to me having a baby, but I know several, several people pregnant and due in 2007--mostly May and June babies, so I will have some babies to report on next year!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, not this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
I went to Mexico with the fam this year!!!
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A HOUSE!!!! A toned body! Confidence!
7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 8th--the beginning of the end.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
School, surviving another day in this "house"
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Well, I did fall on my face a few weeks ago, but no serious injuries.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Probably my i-Pod video!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I am going to sound a little conceited, but I am giving props to myself. I have really made a concerted effort to "let go" and not get emotionally attached to issues. It's still an effort in progress, but I can definitely tell that things don't bother me as much as they would have.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Too many to list...
14. Where did most of your money go?
Debt. Clothes.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Opportunities! Hopefully this time next year I will get to report about an awesome skating rink.
16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Fergalicious. Rockstar.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am happier definitely. I am fatter though and I guess richer if you view it in terms of paying off some stuff.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Read books. Camping--we didn't get to go at all this year!
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Work. Studied (although it did pay off).
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
Not sure yet--no definite plans.
22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
Already there.
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Definitely Jericho!! Then Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Deal or No Deal.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't "hate" anyone--but there are a few I don't care for.
26. What was the best book you read?
Well, I don't think I read anything but school books--but I definitely wrote enough in this blog to be considered a book.
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
John Mayer. Jack Johnson.
29. What did you want and not get?
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Probably Charlotte's Web. Great message.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 28. I went to work and then went to class...YUCK!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a house, being debt free.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Red high heels! 80's themed--belts, long sweaters, fitted jeans.
34. What kept you sane?
This blog--the ability to write! :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Reese Witherspoon.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The war. The economy. The price of gas (yes, this is political believe it or not).
37. Who did you miss?
No one really--I have everyone I need.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Ananda--she and I have become such great friends! I will be sad when school is over!! :)
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
Letting go--learning to move on.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good"
--John Mayer's "The Heart of Life"
Ok, it's the end of the year and it's time to look back on the year and examine signs of our time! I thought it would be interesting to do this quiz to reflect back on what 2006 meant to me:
2006--What kind of year was it???
1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?
This year, I began working on my Master's degree in Leadership and Ethics. Yes, I have started grad school before, but this time I am 4 classes away from a degree!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I honestly don't remember my New Year's resolutions, so I probably didn't keep them. But this year, I will make some. First, I am going to try to exercise on a consistent basis (notice I didn't give a specific consistency). Second, I will finish my Master's degree.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I honestly don't remember anyone close to me having a baby, but I know several, several people pregnant and due in 2007--mostly May and June babies, so I will have some babies to report on next year!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, not this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
I went to Mexico with the fam this year!!!
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A HOUSE!!!! A toned body! Confidence!
7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 8th--the beginning of the end.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
School, surviving another day in this "house"
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Well, I did fall on my face a few weeks ago, but no serious injuries.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Probably my i-Pod video!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I am going to sound a little conceited, but I am giving props to myself. I have really made a concerted effort to "let go" and not get emotionally attached to issues. It's still an effort in progress, but I can definitely tell that things don't bother me as much as they would have.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Too many to list...
14. Where did most of your money go?
Debt. Clothes.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Opportunities! Hopefully this time next year I will get to report about an awesome skating rink.
16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Fergalicious. Rockstar.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer?
I am happier definitely. I am fatter though and I guess richer if you view it in terms of paying off some stuff.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Read books. Camping--we didn't get to go at all this year!
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Work. Studied (although it did pay off).
20. How will you be spending New Year’s?
Not sure yet--no definite plans.
22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
Already there.
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Definitely Jericho!! Then Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Deal or No Deal.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't "hate" anyone--but there are a few I don't care for.
26. What was the best book you read?
Well, I don't think I read anything but school books--but I definitely wrote enough in this blog to be considered a book.
27. What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
John Mayer. Jack Johnson.
29. What did you want and not get?
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Probably Charlotte's Web. Great message.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 28. I went to work and then went to class...YUCK!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a house, being debt free.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Red high heels! 80's themed--belts, long sweaters, fitted jeans.
34. What kept you sane?
This blog--the ability to write! :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Reese Witherspoon.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The war. The economy. The price of gas (yes, this is political believe it or not).
37. Who did you miss?
No one really--I have everyone I need.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Ananda--she and I have become such great friends! I will be sad when school is over!! :)
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
Letting go--learning to move on.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good"
--John Mayer's "The Heart of Life"
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The Bulging Barn
Well, we got such great gifts from everyone this year--the barn is bulging at its seams!! The kids even got a trampoline, so Kyle will be busy this weekend putting it together. I have spent my entire day off cleaning out the kids' rooms to make room for all of the new toys. Weston has spent the entire day in his Razorback football uniform complete with football shoulder pads--he looks adorable! Of course, Kylie has spent the day on her roller skates and her Razorback cheerleading uniform! I got several gift certificates yesterday, so I am ready to shop, shop, shop!! I am really wanting a video i-Pod, so I am hoping to head to town this evening and buy one with my giftcard. Yesterday was much more relaxed as we spaced things out a bit and had more time to enjoy at each place.
Well, I need to get back to cleaning...after doing it all day, the rest of the house is still a wreck!
Well, I need to get back to cleaning...after doing it all day, the rest of the house is still a wreck!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve in the Barn
It's once again Christmas Eve! The one magical night of the year--presents are under the tree, Santa is on his way, and the kids are tucked in bed awaiting the morning of fun! Weston has been a bit of a toot today. It started off this morning when he and his sister were arguing. She was asking him to give her something of hers and he wasn't cooperating, so Kyle went and got on to them. Well, Weston has developed just a bit of attitude in the past few days. He looks up at his Dad and says, "I hate you." Talk about a blow. Kyle spanked him and put him in time-out for awhile. I was furious...it makes me mad because you want to do for your kids, but at the same time they have to know that it's not acceptable to act that way--so, do you take presents away being that it is Christmas Eve? I didn't...yet. But I got on to him pretty hard and told him that Santa will not tolerate that behavior. The rest of the day progressed with only a few squabbles.
We went to my parents' house this afternoon for lunch. We went to church with them too and the sermon was really good! There was a Christmas theme but the basic message centered around truth and grace. Are you a truth-focused person or a grace-focused person? I can honestly say I didn't know what a grace-focused person was until a couple of years ago. But when you aren't shown grace in a time of need, you soon realize that truth isn't the only thing to use to reach people. A truth-focused person isn't a bad person--it is just a person that is so focused on justice for wrongdoings and sin that they miss an opportunity to share God's grace with others. However, a grace-focused person must also learn to use truth in their message. What happens if you only show grace? A person comes to believe that there is no recourse for their actions. There is a perfect balance that none of us can achieve--we all try, but only God can provide that balance we need.
After church we ate roast, potatoes, and all the fixins' at my parents' house and then opened presents. I got an awesome laptop briefcase for my travels! It's a gorgeous brown color with a few zip pockets that are perfect for carrying my computer and books for class as well as when I travel for work. I am up to about 4 trips per year, so it will definitely come in handy. I was wanting a case on wheels so that I could save my arm from carrying all of my bags! The kids got several goodies such as Nintendo DS games, however "Santa" is bringing their Nintendo DS players tonight, so they weren't very thrilled with their games. But I know that tomorrow it will make more sense to them. Weston got his football he has been longing for--he was ecstatic when he opened it up. They also got roller skates from my parents which they didn't take off until time to go! They are ready for us to get the skating rink up and running!
Then, it was off to my grandparents' house for dinner and presents. The kids got some great things there, but Kylie's face when she opened up her Razorback cheerleading outfit was priceless--that moment is exactly what Christmas is all about. She screamed and jumped up and down. Then, she ran and gave my grandparents a great big hug.
For some reason Weston isn't as excited as I would expect him to be. But, I went back and read myblog from last year and now I remember maybe why that is. I forgot that last year he was beside himself with nerves over the presents, Santa, and all of the hooplah. He just doesn't handle all of the excitement very well. However, that doesn't excuse his attitude. He was warned that he WILL wake up in a better mood tomorrow!
Well, once again, it's time to set out the presents from Santa and get tucked into bed. It's raining here, so the sound of the rain on the metal roof is nice and soothing.
We went to my parents' house this afternoon for lunch. We went to church with them too and the sermon was really good! There was a Christmas theme but the basic message centered around truth and grace. Are you a truth-focused person or a grace-focused person? I can honestly say I didn't know what a grace-focused person was until a couple of years ago. But when you aren't shown grace in a time of need, you soon realize that truth isn't the only thing to use to reach people. A truth-focused person isn't a bad person--it is just a person that is so focused on justice for wrongdoings and sin that they miss an opportunity to share God's grace with others. However, a grace-focused person must also learn to use truth in their message. What happens if you only show grace? A person comes to believe that there is no recourse for their actions. There is a perfect balance that none of us can achieve--we all try, but only God can provide that balance we need.
After church we ate roast, potatoes, and all the fixins' at my parents' house and then opened presents. I got an awesome laptop briefcase for my travels! It's a gorgeous brown color with a few zip pockets that are perfect for carrying my computer and books for class as well as when I travel for work. I am up to about 4 trips per year, so it will definitely come in handy. I was wanting a case on wheels so that I could save my arm from carrying all of my bags! The kids got several goodies such as Nintendo DS games, however "Santa" is bringing their Nintendo DS players tonight, so they weren't very thrilled with their games. But I know that tomorrow it will make more sense to them. Weston got his football he has been longing for--he was ecstatic when he opened it up. They also got roller skates from my parents which they didn't take off until time to go! They are ready for us to get the skating rink up and running!
Then, it was off to my grandparents' house for dinner and presents. The kids got some great things there, but Kylie's face when she opened up her Razorback cheerleading outfit was priceless--that moment is exactly what Christmas is all about. She screamed and jumped up and down. Then, she ran and gave my grandparents a great big hug.
For some reason Weston isn't as excited as I would expect him to be. But, I went back and read myblog from last year and now I remember maybe why that is. I forgot that last year he was beside himself with nerves over the presents, Santa, and all of the hooplah. He just doesn't handle all of the excitement very well. However, that doesn't excuse his attitude. He was warned that he WILL wake up in a better mood tomorrow!
Well, once again, it's time to set out the presents from Santa and get tucked into bed. It's raining here, so the sound of the rain on the metal roof is nice and soothing.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Happy Birthday to My Blog!!
Well, my blog is officially 1 year old today! Can you believe I began these rants and reflections exactly one year ago today? It has been tons of fun writing about my daily grinds and gripes. There have even been tons of grins along the way,too. I have found my "inner" self at times during these writings...and I have found others by having my blog. So, all in all, I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed writing in my blog!
Tonight was Christmas 2006 kickoff for us! We always spend the Saturday before Christmas at my grandparents' house in Oklahoma. My aunt/uncle from Texas come up and some times there are people there I don't even know!! It was pretty uneventful this year compared to last year's party--if you look back at last year's blog, we had to call 911 on the way to my grandparents' house!!
The kids are really getting excited about Christmas--as well as wearing down. We have been going non-stop today and I can say that God was looking out for us a few times. He definitely cut me some slack today!! I found something in storage that I had been searching for the last couple of months. Then, Kyle found himself face to face with our stinky culprit in the storage building! Talk about scared...he was looking right at the skunk and think to himself that he may have to spend Christmas by himself if the skunk decided to spray him! However, he realized the skunk was dead, so he was very relieved (and so was I!). Hopefully this will mean that we won't be scooping poop anymore!
Also, I got an A in my last class! Woo Hoo! I was thrilled to learn the news...So far, all A's except one A-. Plus, no class for a few weeks--talk about a welcomed break!
Tonight, I got a new pair of camouflage coveralls from my grandparents' for Christmas. Stop laughing!! I actually picked them out! You see, I used to have a pair several years ago when Kyle and I were dating, but I let my brother borrow them and haven't seen them since. There have been many times out here that I would've loved to have had them. They are great for a cold day on a four-wheeler or working in the yard.
If I don't make it back here before Christmas, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great 2007!!
Tonight was Christmas 2006 kickoff for us! We always spend the Saturday before Christmas at my grandparents' house in Oklahoma. My aunt/uncle from Texas come up and some times there are people there I don't even know!! It was pretty uneventful this year compared to last year's party--if you look back at last year's blog, we had to call 911 on the way to my grandparents' house!!
The kids are really getting excited about Christmas--as well as wearing down. We have been going non-stop today and I can say that God was looking out for us a few times. He definitely cut me some slack today!! I found something in storage that I had been searching for the last couple of months. Then, Kyle found himself face to face with our stinky culprit in the storage building! Talk about scared...he was looking right at the skunk and think to himself that he may have to spend Christmas by himself if the skunk decided to spray him! However, he realized the skunk was dead, so he was very relieved (and so was I!). Hopefully this will mean that we won't be scooping poop anymore!
Also, I got an A in my last class! Woo Hoo! I was thrilled to learn the news...So far, all A's except one A-. Plus, no class for a few weeks--talk about a welcomed break!
Tonight, I got a new pair of camouflage coveralls from my grandparents' for Christmas. Stop laughing!! I actually picked them out! You see, I used to have a pair several years ago when Kyle and I were dating, but I let my brother borrow them and haven't seen them since. There have been many times out here that I would've loved to have had them. They are great for a cold day on a four-wheeler or working in the yard.
If I don't make it back here before Christmas, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great 2007!!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Bleepin' Bricks!!
Well, Kylie has yet again cracked me up with her interpretations of things said. So, we were watching Christmas Vacation last night with the kids. Well, I forgot how much profanity is in the movie, so Kyle and I found ourselves yelling "Bleep" or "Blah, Blah, Blah" as we anticipated an upcoming word. Well, we missed one. It was the part where Griswold is sitting across from the little girl and she is griping about how she's been good but Santa never makes it to her house. At some point, she says "Sh*ttin' Bricks!" Well, I immediately looked at Kylie and said, "We don't say that, OK?" She said, "I can't say Chicken Bricks? How come?" I started dying laughing...evidently she didn't even understand the word. But, I stuck to my guns and told her that no, she couldn't even say Chicken Bricks. So, she asks, "Can I just say bricks?"
Crazy girl!!!
On another note, Snaptotes (www.snaptotes.com) is remaking my purse at no charge. They are supposed to ship it to my office so that I don't have to worry about a dog chewing it up, however I tracked the shipment yesterday and it looks to be headed to my house again!! So, I'll keep you posted as to if I receive this one minus the slobbers!!
Crazy girl!!!
On another note, Snaptotes (www.snaptotes.com) is remaking my purse at no charge. They are supposed to ship it to my office so that I don't have to worry about a dog chewing it up, however I tracked the shipment yesterday and it looks to be headed to my house again!! So, I'll keep you posted as to if I receive this one minus the slobbers!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Pushy Christians
My daughter has inherited her father's hearing! Here's her conversation with me last night....
Kylie: Mom, wanna know how Ms. Patsy answers the phone at school?
Me: Sure, honey, how?
Kylie: "Lincoln Pushin' School" (note: I did change the name of the city for safety reasons).
Me: (not fully understanding that she said "Pushin'" instead of "Christian") Yes, honey, that's the name of your school.
Kylie: Yeah, but Momma she calls it that because there is a lot of pushing going on there.
Me:(realizing she said "pushin'" instead of Christian) OH! Really? Ok, well, I think she is actually saying "Christian" though, sweetie!
I was dying laughing...
Kylie: Mom, wanna know how Ms. Patsy answers the phone at school?
Me: Sure, honey, how?
Kylie: "Lincoln Pushin' School" (note: I did change the name of the city for safety reasons).
Me: (not fully understanding that she said "Pushin'" instead of "Christian") Yes, honey, that's the name of your school.
Kylie: Yeah, but Momma she calls it that because there is a lot of pushing going on there.
Me:(realizing she said "pushin'" instead of Christian) OH! Really? Ok, well, I think she is actually saying "Christian" though, sweetie!
I was dying laughing...
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A Present...complete with dog slobber!
Well, I am majorly bummed. I ordered my mother-in-law this adorable gift and it arrived via FedEx the other day--but FedEx failed to leave it at my house. Of course, I don't know why I would think they would actually leave it there--they've never done it before! Instead, they always leave it at my neighbor's house (not my parents) and this time disaster struck. The item, a $90 purse, was destroyed by a dog! It chewed through the box and looks as if it took the purse out, ran around the yard dragging the purse threw every piece of red clay, and then proceeded to chew through one handle and part of the top of the bag. Lovely. So, I call FedEx immediately and the guy says he'll take care of it, but to call back everyday to check the status. I call the next day and the lady acts like there's nothing I can do, that the shipper has to initiate the claim, but gives me a number to get started and tells me to set it outside for FedEx to pickup so that they can inspect the damage (how funny, like they are going to miraculously find the house this time??). So, today I take it by a FedEx office--they say they can't help that I have to take it to another office about 20 miles away. This office happens to be closed today. In the meantime, I have emailed the company which is www.snaptotes.com and told them of the situation. They respond to the email today and say that if FedEx will reimburse them, they will be happy to remake the purse at no charge, but if FedEx won't reimburse them, then they could only give me 50% off the reorder. Um, no, I don't think so. I guess Snaptotes needs to read my blog about Bath and Body Works. 50% off? I didn't cause the damage! I agree that Snaptotes wasn't necessarily at fault, but since FedEx won't deal with me and only wants to talk to them, then they need to get their money out of FedEx! So, stay tuned for the results....because unless I get my purse replaced at no charge to me, I'll dispute the charge on my credit card and make sure many more people hear about both FedEx and Snaptotes poor customer service! It's been such a circus and still no one and has bothered to help. Unfortunately, there is no way to get a replacement by Christmas.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
My Manic Monday
I haven't had a chance to really sit down and write about what happened to me Monday. So, I am walking across the parking into work--look cute in my new off-white gauchos, red heels...you get the point. Then, bam out of nowhere my left ankle gives out and I fall flat on my face. I didn't trip on anything, I just crumbled to the ground. I broke this ankle in high school during a cheerleading stunt, so it's never been the same since. Every now and then it will give out, but usually it's in a discreet place. But no, on Monday I have to fall right in the middle of the parking lot where anyone looking out a back window would see me and anyone arriving at work would witness this. Classy. So, I had a bloody knee with a big bruise and a twisted ankle. As I was on the ground, I tried to decide if I should pretend I am looking for a contact or just gracefully collect myself and keep going. I got up brushed my pants off, threw my school bag and purse back over my shoulder and hobbled about another 10 feet before the entire contents of my school bag decided to dump out everywhere. I can barely walk at this point, let alone bend over and pick all of my stuff up. I managed to gather it all back up and get to my cubicle. Needless to say, I got the worst of Monday out of the way before I got in the building!
Today I am fighting a horrible head cold though--I can't breathe, my head hurts, and I am about as deaf as my husband! I am ready for these meds to take effect.
Today I am fighting a horrible head cold though--I can't breathe, my head hurts, and I am about as deaf as my husband! I am ready for these meds to take effect.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Bath and Body Works Redeemed Themselves!
Yes, the fastest way to my heart is a gift card...and Bath and Body Works evidently realized that! They sent an apology email the other day, admitted that I should have been able to use the coupon on the gift set and said that for my troubles they would mail a $25 gift card to me! I was very impressed with their willingness to listen. It was the one thing the store manager had no desire to do whatsoever. So, yeah BBW!
In other news, I am officially done with my class--no more school until January! Thank goodness. This is my first break in a year and I am ready to take a breather from school. I am excited that I will actually have evenings and weekends to rest and get some things done around here.
Thursday evening we are taking the kids to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". I think everyone will really enjoy it. If it's anything like the book, it will be funny!
In other news, I am officially done with my class--no more school until January! Thank goodness. This is my first break in a year and I am ready to take a breather from school. I am excited that I will actually have evenings and weekends to rest and get some things done around here.
Thursday evening we are taking the kids to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". I think everyone will really enjoy it. If it's anything like the book, it will be funny!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Party with the Coworkers
Well, we had our work Christmas party last night--it was actually fun! We had a "Casino Night" where we were able to play various casino games and earn "money" to use for the auction at the end of the evening. I didn't win any prizes, but had some great luck at Texas Hold'em, BlackJack, and some dice game. It was lots of fun...but we didn't stop there! About 6-7 of us went out afterwards to Brannon's and had a few drinks, danced, and laughed our heads off at Cory's antics. My hips are seriously killing me today! I didn't even dance that much--a sure sign I am getting way too old.
Then today was some more Christmas shopping and the Nutcracker. My nerves were fried before we went to the Nutcracker from dealing with the whole holiday shopping experience. I have sworn off Bath and Body for awhile at least after their lack of customer service. I was shocked--I have always had good experiences with them, but not today. First, they wouldn't accept a coupon for a gift set even though it said nothing on the coupon about gift sets. Their explanation was that the coupon is for one free "item" and a gift set (although under the price cap for the coupon) was supposedly counted as more than one item--even though it is sold as one!! What a crock of crap. Then, I don't find this out until after 15 minutes of standing in line to purchase it. I was furious...so I complain to a lady who worked there--she was so sweet. She went and got the manager and it went downhill from there. The manager was such a horrible witch. She gave the "that's corporate's rules" spill and just walked off. She didn't even apologize, look at me, or try to do anything about it. So, I am not going anymore!
However, the Nutcracker was a lot of fun. Kylie really enjoyed herself! She watched the show so intently--she loved the part w/the lady on the stilts and the little kids come out from under her dress. I think she had a great time.
Well, I am going to go eat dinner. I have a paper to finish tomorrow for the last class this year--Hallelujiah!
Then today was some more Christmas shopping and the Nutcracker. My nerves were fried before we went to the Nutcracker from dealing with the whole holiday shopping experience. I have sworn off Bath and Body for awhile at least after their lack of customer service. I was shocked--I have always had good experiences with them, but not today. First, they wouldn't accept a coupon for a gift set even though it said nothing on the coupon about gift sets. Their explanation was that the coupon is for one free "item" and a gift set (although under the price cap for the coupon) was supposedly counted as more than one item--even though it is sold as one!! What a crock of crap. Then, I don't find this out until after 15 minutes of standing in line to purchase it. I was furious...so I complain to a lady who worked there--she was so sweet. She went and got the manager and it went downhill from there. The manager was such a horrible witch. She gave the "that's corporate's rules" spill and just walked off. She didn't even apologize, look at me, or try to do anything about it. So, I am not going anymore!
However, the Nutcracker was a lot of fun. Kylie really enjoyed herself! She watched the show so intently--she loved the part w/the lady on the stilts and the little kids come out from under her dress. I think she had a great time.
Well, I am going to go eat dinner. I have a paper to finish tomorrow for the last class this year--Hallelujiah!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Here Comes the Estrogen Bus!!!!
I take a lot--but I can only handle so much! Today was one of those days. I had had enough of whining, moping, cranky people and it all came out today. I am just ready for the weekend I guess--but it only puts me that much closer to Monday. I just hate that by the time the holidays finally get here, we find ourselves so pissy with each other that I begin to wonder, "what's the bother?" So, it starts like this--my work group was to go to lunch today for our Christmas lunch with each other. We drew names a couple of weeks ago for a Secret Santa gift exchange. Well, it's been a rather stressful week and was a stressful morning for some of us. So, by the time it came to choose a place to eat, someone says, "I couldn't care less if we just walked over to such and such place--that's the kind of mood I am in". Well, a bad attitude can spread faster than the flu. Not to mention, the week seemed to have been going bad enough. So, it was my last straw. I was really looking forward to lunch and exchanging gifts. But, I found myself irritated at the crankiness in our group. So, we get in the car--no one wants to speak up to where to go. So, I head over to the last place suggested, very irritated. Well, I get behind slow grandpa and someone makes a comment in the backseat about me riding their rear. Not a good time to criticize my driving. Trust me. I hate when people mutter their comments under their breath--you got something to say, say it. Still, I try to be "accomodating" so I move over to the left lane to go around the car. Grandpa decides to lovingly remind me of the speed limit--35 mph, but flashing 3 fingers and then 5 fingers. I wasn't flying down the road, but between all the crap--my gasket blew. So, I decided that I would just slam on my brakes, move back behind Grandpa, and ride his rear the whole way. That way the backseat driver and Grandpa could both shove it at once. Well, grandpa drives SLOW and then gets ready to turn--I'm fuming at the crap STILL. So, at the time I pass him in the turn lane, I decided to spread my holiday cheer. I honked a few times, waved my hands, and lovingly (HA) yelled, "MERRY CHRISTMAS--LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!" Oh I was so pissed by this point. So, then I say, "Let's have some Christmas music to go along with the Christmas mood!" and I turn on my Christmas CD. The car was silent--I don't think anyone knew what to do. Looking back, my tantrum was hilarious now.
THEN, on the way home, someone forgot to warn the owner of a big Ford truck (not my husband's) about my day. Because he decides to turn left out of a parking lot and jump right in front of me. I wouldn't let him in which hacked him off. So, gets behind me and starts flashing his lights. Not good, bud. So, when we get to the stop light, I put my car in reverse--tempting him to flash those lights again. (Has anyone seen Fried Green Tomatoes??--that was my feeling today) I guess he got the point. He didn't do it again.
So, I am taking a sleeping pill tonight and getting a good night's sleep. I have learned from today, I still have work to do in containing my emotions. I am frustrated that I have done so well this past 18 months only to let someone get the best of me.
Just pray that I don't injure somebody tomorrow.
THEN, on the way home, someone forgot to warn the owner of a big Ford truck (not my husband's) about my day. Because he decides to turn left out of a parking lot and jump right in front of me. I wouldn't let him in which hacked him off. So, gets behind me and starts flashing his lights. Not good, bud. So, when we get to the stop light, I put my car in reverse--tempting him to flash those lights again. (Has anyone seen Fried Green Tomatoes??--that was my feeling today) I guess he got the point. He didn't do it again.
So, I am taking a sleeping pill tonight and getting a good night's sleep. I have learned from today, I still have work to do in containing my emotions. I am frustrated that I have done so well this past 18 months only to let someone get the best of me.
Just pray that I don't injure somebody tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wednesday in my world

Here's a picture from Thanksgiving in our condo--we were being totally nuts! Then, there's Kylie standing there with a smirk on her face as to say, "My family, what can I say--they're crazy!"
Well, today was not so bad...I had a job offer, a free lunch, dinner w/my Mom and brother, and my church agreed to help raise funds for my Guatemala trip! Pretty eventful.
Ok, to settle your curiosity--no, I am not interested in the job that was offered to me. I'll leave it at that.
Secondly, I went and visited with the Pastor of my church about my upcoming Guatemala trip. He asked if I would present in front of the church in January about the upcoming trip in hopes of people donating toward the trip. I told him if the church would donate, I wouldn't mind to pay my own way--I am willing to let 100% of those donations go toward the 3-5 projects we are going to do while we are there. He then asked me to put together a slideshow when I returned to share with the church about my trip--I was thrilled! AND, this is all to be done during the morning service--I know that sounds small, but actually it's huge. Pulpit time on a Sunday morning is not given out lightly!
My Dad went to Illinois (purely coincidental) to purchase about 200 or so pairs of skates for our rink! They are brand new and were such a great price. Then, he's head to Kentucky to pick up a few hundred more that are used, but will be great to have on hand if we get swamped on the weekends. Then, he found an M-4 machine (simulator ride) for our rink!! It will be such fun for the kids!
I am ready to get started on some of this stuff!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I Give....
I give up. My daughter is just a demon sometimes! We didn't go to the parade last night because she got a red note, then she comes home with another one today. It was for hitting a kid, yelling at the teacher, and then yelling when she got the red note! AAAAHHHH! I totally give up. I bribe her, I reprimand her, I spank her, I hug her, I encourage her. Now, I am going to just scream! I have no clue what to do. We were supposed to go see the Nutcracker this weekend, but what do you do? I can't take her anywhere. I was so looking forward to the Nutcracker.
Then, I was late to work this morning because the lady that opens the daycare on rare occasions wasn't there on time. She's never there on time when she opens--this is the 3rd time I have been late to work because of her. I give up! So, I called the director and complained. I hated to do it--part of me was even mad that I had to do it. But I can't be late.
So, now I just finished my test in class. I totally bombed the thing. It's just too much right now w/our house (or sorry excuse for a house) in shambles w/the flooding, the holidays, work, and a bratty kid. I give up!
So, I think I am going to spike my hot chocolate w/amaretto!
Then, I was late to work this morning because the lady that opens the daycare on rare occasions wasn't there on time. She's never there on time when she opens--this is the 3rd time I have been late to work because of her. I give up! So, I called the director and complained. I hated to do it--part of me was even mad that I had to do it. But I can't be late.
So, now I just finished my test in class. I totally bombed the thing. It's just too much right now w/our house (or sorry excuse for a house) in shambles w/the flooding, the holidays, work, and a bratty kid. I give up!
So, I think I am going to spike my hot chocolate w/amaretto!
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kylie's Christmas program was tonight. She looked absolutely adorable! She wore her big fancy dress, her hair was rolled, and she shined during the program! Their skit was so funny! However, I ran out of DVD's for the video camera and didn't get a single bit recorded! ARGH! I was furious with myself. I can't believe that I did that. I guess the last one I used must've been at her birthday party, so I guess I never bought any new ones. But, I am glad I found out before Christmas morning! Although, I wanted to test my abilities at adding video to this blog and share a clip of the program with you. I'll be prepared next time though. Tomorrow is our town parade, so we are going to take the kids to watch it. I am going to try to remember to take a Thermos of hot chocolate and some cups so we can stay warm!
Kylie's room flooded during the heavy rains last week and we have such a mess on our hands. We are going to have to remove all of the carpet from her room, air it out and then put new carpet down. I don't think the walls are damaged though. What a mess--I am SO ready for a house. I have contacted my builder and he is going to email plans to me this week. I hope to start a house in the next 90 days--cross your fingers, say a prayer. I am ready. It's time.
On a final note, Kyle's cousin, Tim, has been dealt some bad news. He was diagnosed with cancer--they removed part of it that was contained, however another test revealed a 2 inch piece under his kidney. That means he will have to undergo chemotherapy. He's only 24. It's devastating to hear about because his daughter is less than a year old. He's a good kid. Not that he would deserve it if all of these things were different, but still, it's just sad. The good news is a 99% recovery chance, so hopefully he will come through this with flying colors. Keep him in your prayers!
Kylie's room flooded during the heavy rains last week and we have such a mess on our hands. We are going to have to remove all of the carpet from her room, air it out and then put new carpet down. I don't think the walls are damaged though. What a mess--I am SO ready for a house. I have contacted my builder and he is going to email plans to me this week. I hope to start a house in the next 90 days--cross your fingers, say a prayer. I am ready. It's time.
On a final note, Kyle's cousin, Tim, has been dealt some bad news. He was diagnosed with cancer--they removed part of it that was contained, however another test revealed a 2 inch piece under his kidney. That means he will have to undergo chemotherapy. He's only 24. It's devastating to hear about because his daughter is less than a year old. He's a good kid. Not that he would deserve it if all of these things were different, but still, it's just sad. The good news is a 99% recovery chance, so hopefully he will come through this with flying colors. Keep him in your prayers!
State Champs!
I must say yesterday's state finals football game was the most edge-of-your-seat, nail-biting, anxiety-ridden, stressful game! Boy, was that close. We won by 1 point with 12 seconds left--and those 12 seconds were enough for that team to even score again! They were that good. But, our team hung in there and fought to the bitter end. It was mostly an outscoring game since both teams are so good. We had a great time! And the night was capped off with an awesome dinner at Johnny Carino's! What more could a girl ask for??
But today is study day as I have a test in my class on Tuesday--yuck. But this is the last test and next week is the final class. I am ready for a break--we have went non-stop since January, so I am ready for a few weeks without class, homework, and papers. Only 4 more classes to go after this one! I am so close to finishing my degree. Only 8 more months--August '07 here I come!
The skating rink is still progressing as planned. I am going to try and set-up a website in the next few weeks so that we will be ready to go once the building is complete. I am also working on a few Yellow Pages ads as well, so hopefully we will have some great advertisement in place--that's my specialty! :) Word of mouth is spreading quickly about the rink, so people are starting to talk--it's all really positive support as the entire community has really voiced their opinion that our kids need something to do and something that is positive, fun, and entertaining!
My Christmas shopping is nearing a finish. I only have a couple of people left! I am ready for the holidays!
But today is study day as I have a test in my class on Tuesday--yuck. But this is the last test and next week is the final class. I am ready for a break--we have went non-stop since January, so I am ready for a few weeks without class, homework, and papers. Only 4 more classes to go after this one! I am so close to finishing my degree. Only 8 more months--August '07 here I come!
The skating rink is still progressing as planned. I am going to try and set-up a website in the next few weeks so that we will be ready to go once the building is complete. I am also working on a few Yellow Pages ads as well, so hopefully we will have some great advertisement in place--that's my specialty! :) Word of mouth is spreading quickly about the rink, so people are starting to talk--it's all really positive support as the entire community has really voiced their opinion that our kids need something to do and something that is positive, fun, and entertaining!
My Christmas shopping is nearing a finish. I only have a couple of people left! I am ready for the holidays!
Friday, December 01, 2006
To the Rock!
Well, we are headed to the "Rock" tomorrow for the State Finals game! Go Bulldogs! I hope the team wins. Although they are the reigning state champs, they still deserve to win again and stay atop the rock. But I know the competition will be tough tomorrow--and it's going to be cold at the game! I borrowed some bib-coveralls from a friend of ours-Jeb, so hopefully I can stay warm. I HATE being cold. But I want to go to the game. Kylie opted out this year. She said she'd rather stay at Mei-Mei's house. So, hopefully she'll be good. Weston's all in though--he wouldn't miss it this year. Boy, how my kids have changed in a year. Weston is such a sports nut now, whereas last year he had no interest in going (and Kylie went).
I just got my Christmas cards back--they are great! Kyle and I finally made the card...before the kids were born, we just sent regular cards. Well, after we had the kids, we started sending "picture" cards with the kids on them. I decided this year that we would include a family picture (actually I wanted to last year, but the picture we had taken was horrible). So, we are finally going to be on the card!
Some news--Kylie's room "flooded" with the heavy rains we had. In fact, it soaked a 3 ft x 2 ft section of her carpet, her mattress and under the toys. So, we are going to have to replace the carpet in her room. But, that's not the worst of it--our driveway washed away in 2 places! So, now the only way I can get my car out is to go out the back way. What a mess!
Well, it's a busy day tomorrow and I'm exhausted, so that's all for tonight.
Go Bulldogs!! 48 Minutes!!
I just got my Christmas cards back--they are great! Kyle and I finally made the card...before the kids were born, we just sent regular cards. Well, after we had the kids, we started sending "picture" cards with the kids on them. I decided this year that we would include a family picture (actually I wanted to last year, but the picture we had taken was horrible). So, we are finally going to be on the card!
Some news--Kylie's room "flooded" with the heavy rains we had. In fact, it soaked a 3 ft x 2 ft section of her carpet, her mattress and under the toys. So, we are going to have to replace the carpet in her room. But, that's not the worst of it--our driveway washed away in 2 places! So, now the only way I can get my car out is to go out the back way. What a mess!
Well, it's a busy day tomorrow and I'm exhausted, so that's all for tonight.
Go Bulldogs!! 48 Minutes!!
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