Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Landen's 1/2 Birthday!

Landen is 6 months old today! It has completely flown by....I am so bittersweet about it. I am enjoying every minute of having him, but I still can't believe half of his first year is already gone! He is getting such a personality and just the other day when I was looking at him, he even has the hints of a "little boy" look to him. I think this is a lot harder because I truly know he is going to be the last baby and I want to relish every single minute with him. Richie says he is such a Momma's boy, and you know what? He is! I just love snuggling with him at night in bed, toting him on my hip as I race around the house, rocking him to sleep, and even those midnight (actually 2 a.m.) feedings he still insists on!
Some of his accomplishments in the first six months include giving kisses, rolling from his belly to his back, throwing a temper tantrum, and trying to wave bye-bye.
I love you little buddy!!


Unknown said...

They grow up so fast! He is so cute!

Katie said...

He is precious, you never know you might want one more (: I know three is good!! If I had more time, money, and help I would have more.