Monday, October 09, 2006

Had a Bad Day

I am glad this day is over. I am glad it was labeled "Monday". Because had it been any other day, I wouldn't have seen it coming. However, when you start a day called Monday, you know it's not going to be fun. So, let's just hope it was only a bad Monday and not a sign of days to come this week. I don't have the patience for it. I am still trying to wrap up my final paper for class tomorrow night. It's one of those papers "about yourself" so you feel guilty about anything nice you write!
Please say a prayer for me Friday (the 13th) as I fly to Illinois to visit my parents'. They are up north checking in on their new business and wanted me to get a chance to see it up close and personal. So, they bought me a plane ticket and are flying me up there this weekend. However, I don't have a seat on the last leg of the trip, so let's hope someone's plane is delayed in Chicago (besides mine). I need to get to Peoria and I really don't feel like driving the 130 miles. I don't understand why airlines overbook their flights?
Well, I better get back to my grammatical endeavors--my paper is not getting written here.

P.S. I have opened up the comments section on my blog for anyone who wants to comment. I am going to give this a try. This may change at a later date, but we'll try it out for now.


Kaylee said...

Hooray! Now I can comment! So, did you miss your reunion? I can't remember what year you graduated. All I know is I'm old.

SheWolf said...

I did miss the reunion--Oh well! I don't think a lot of people showed up. Tara Lynch and I are considering putting something together for June 2007...11 year reunion! ;)