Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow Day Pics

As I mentioned in another post, I have had some changes at work and well, that basically means I get to study, study, study and then take a big 'ole test! So, snow days for me last week were nothing but stressful.  With kiddos and a tiny duplex, my study time seemed fruitless!  I felt like I was retaining nothing and it was so frustrating.  My poor kids were cooped up inside and told to not make a sound--so boring to them.  So, one evening when Richie brought Landen home, I let the kids bundle up and play in the snow.  I really, really wanted to get some pics of Landen and his first real time to experience the snow....and it was so cute! Because at the end of the day, I won't remember what product I was studying, but I will never forget the sweet smiles and laughter my kiddos had in the snow!

Excited to get outside finally!

Fun in the snow!

Except it's a little hard to walk when you aren't quite coordinated yet!

The birds caught his attention!

Back up and at it again--lift those feet little man!

My Landen! My Landen! :)

Poor baby! Face plant in the snow! :(

When it was time to go in, he was NOT happy.  He screamed and threw a little fit--guess he had fun out there! More snow pics to come of the big kids!

1 comment:

Tonia Hobbs said...

He is the cutest!