Landen's hair was gettting SO long. But it was kind of cute all grown out and I also dreaded that "first haircut". I knew he wouldn't look like a little baby anymore and I couldn't bear to make that transition from baby to boy. But, it was time. So, Ms Amber squeezed us in Saturday morning and Landen got his first haircut. He was so cute! He likes to brush his hair, so he wasn't scared. He wasn't very fond of the squirting water bottle to wet his hair--he made some funny faces during that! But otherwise, he did wonderful!
I loaded my pics backwards--so here's the finished product! It was 7 a.m. in the morning, so he was not giving up his "Papi" (pacifier)!! Looks like a little man!!!

Here's a cute shot about halfway through--he was having a good time!

The dreaded water bottle. He wasn't too sure about that!

What a transformation! He looks like a little man now!
This makes me SO sad! I'm hearing "what a cute little girl" almost daily. Today at LaFiesta the waiter even called him "seniorita". I think it might be time, but Travis is fighting it even more than me!!!
Girl it was SO hard! I loved his long hairdo, but everywhere we went people kept referring to him as a little girl and I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't cry--but it's not because I didn't want to!! :)
He looked like such a BIG boy today. I hope he had fun!
He looks so cute, I like short hair on boys. I must be the exception. He is so darn cute, he makes me smile everytime I see him. Sounds like your doingw well, and I love Brandon Heath! So awesome you got to go with such great seats!!
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