So, my friend Erika got married during the first half of the trip. Here's some pictures from the wedding. First, I have to explain my hair. I paid $150 for hair and makeup and when I left the salon I looked like a hooker from the Steel Magnolias movie! So, I hurried home and put on some powder and began taking down the bouffant hairdo! The best I could do with about 5 minutes was a ponytail, but the wind was blowing so hard and it was SO cold (yes, I said cold!), so I think a ponytail was my best bet.
These pics are in reverse order and I'm too lazy to adjust them, so I'll discuss in reverse....
This was after the ceremony and we were walking back down the aisle--I was SO cold, so the cheesy smile is because I was glad the ceremony was over!
Erika saying, "I do!"
This was a whale we saw splashing around during the rehearsal...too cool!
Another shot of him....
Before the ceremony, Erika and I were pigging out on the best chocolate chip cookies that the caterer had set down in front of us....bad idea, dude! I ate 3!!
Me and Richie before the ceremony. Don't laugh at the hair...remember, it's better than the $150 version!
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