Well, I have officially been sucked into the teen vampire series, "Twilight". I am on the first book and I have to admit that initially I wasn't impressed. Not sure if it was because of all of the emphatic rave reviews I had heard or if it was just because the book seemed slow. Either way, it wasn't until around page 400 that I found the "I can't put this book down" feeling! Now, I can't stop reading. Luckily, I have the next 3 books in the series on hand to read!
Kylie was in the Christmas Parade Monday night and she looked so cute! She had a great time riding in the parade with her "Little Miss Fair Princess" title. At first she was shy, but she soon began to enjoy throwing candy and waving at everyone. She had people screaming at her the whole time trying to get her attention. It was so cute watching her soak up the attention. She was awed by the people's reaction. It was adorable! She had trouble getting the candy thrown, so Weston and I chipped in and helped her throw it! We had candy all over the car from tossing left and right so quickly!
I am ready for this week to be over! I haven't felt good this week and I am ready for the weekend and no work! I guess I am missing last weekend's relaxing tone. We stayed at a condo in Branson with my family for Thanksgiving and it was such a blast! There was a movie theater in the condo! We were in heaven!
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