Thursday, July 30, 2009

A case of the Cankles

I am home today trying to get these "cankles" to go down. Seems like the swelling has finally found its way to me. It started Tuesday night and seems to be a little better in the morning, but doesn't really seem to go away. By the end of the day, my ankles look like softballs! I have a call in to the doctor to double check and make sure all is normal, but other than that, it's a little R&R for me today. My hands are swelling as well--in fact, I have a hard time writing as my left hand goes numb a lot and has a lot of pain in it when I form a fist. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!
Landen's baby furniture came in yesterday, so we went and picked it up--now to just get it put together! Hopefully we can make his room look like a nursery soon. I am ready!

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