Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Post Pardon

I am sorry I am behind on posts. It's not because there's nothing to write about. It's because I have wanted to post about the 3 cakes I did a couple of weekends ago and include pictures, but things have been so busy and I can't find my card reader, so I haven't had a chance. Therefore, I have waited to post--which was the wrong thing to do I guess. Because now I am behind on my news!
Well, I have 2 more birthday cakes and another wedding cake to do in the next couple of weeks. Such a nice pace--they seem to spread out nicely where I am not overwhelmed in one week. I am a little nervous about the wedding cake. The picture they have has tons of flowers, but I think I have convinced them to nix a few. Instead, we are going to go a little more trendy since it's a young bride. Flowers are nice, but they are a pain to make and I know they wanted to have a nice cake on a small budget, so it's best to cut out the pricey part of the cake when you can do things that are a lot prettier and less expensive.
Weston has been playing some football lately, too. He's an awesome receiver, however they don't pass the ball. It's not a mastered skill in 3rd grade. I told him to just hang in there and keep practicing.
Richie and I get to go to the Hogs game on Saturday. I am excited! We have never gotten to go to a football game together. Plus, we have awesome seats! It should be loads of fun! Now, let's hope they win.....
I am having a program tomorrow night for work and have been a little nervous about the response. It's hard to get doctors to show, however, we supposedly have 20 healthcare professionals attending. This is rare, but awesome! Now, keep your fingers crossed it plays out that way....
Richie is suffering from a terrible virus these days. It's called acute hunter deeritis. The symptoms are terrible--withdrawl from friends/family, irritability, longing for tree stand, desire to be outside in 45 degree weather. It's horrible. I am actually ready for October 1st so he'll feel better!

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