Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Didn't Either!

I saw a post of "didn'ts" for the holidays and thought it was so cute. I found myself, saying "Oh no, I didn't do..." often because things were so hectic and busy. But, you know what? I didn't miss a lot of special moments either!
So, I didn't....
--take any "still" pictures Christmas morning! But I captured all the screams and laughs on video and I didn't miss any great moments. I did get to enjoy all the great reactions and memories though!
--get breakfast made on time Christmas morning...the quiche was late! But, when it was ready, everyone enjoyed it so much! But I did get to have all my family over for breakfast and enjoy some great time with them! And I didn't burn anything this year! Breakfast was yummy, yummy! I just love Christmas morning!
--miss Christmas at my Grandpa Hart's house! This is the first year I have made it there in probably 20 years. I did have a great time and got to see all my family! Grandma was missed--I didn't make it to Christmas over there before she passed away, but I didn't miss it this year.
--stick to my Christmas budget. But the kids did get what they were asking for....now, back to that budget! I spent all day today working on a budget for 2011 that MUST be followed!
--realize that Landen's new 4-wheeler had to be charged for 18 hours! But, he had a blast that night when we got home and it was charged and ready to go!
--get to sleep in Christmas morning! The kids were up at 6 am (we went to bed at 1 am after assembling a few items), so I was worn out....but it was SO worth it Christmas morning.
--I didn't get out of PJ's for the last two days and enjoyed every minute in the house with the kids! However, I am ready for school to start again. I don't think I could stay at home everyday with all 3 of them! Wore me out!
--leave up the Christmas decorations...not much to see, so why not put that stuff away! :)
Christmas 2010 was absolutely wonderful!

Landen learning to ride his 4-wheeler. Daddy is showing him to pick his feet up!
Finding the gas button.....
And within minutes he was riding up a storm...and trying a few tricks!
Look at that big smile!
I love my new 4 wheeler!
Since I didn't get a Christmas morning picture, here's the kiddos Christmas evening! I had them put their PJ's back on and "recreate" Christmas morning!

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