Some of my favorite memories are playing Rummy (cards) with her. We would play for HOURS when I was over there. Grandma's house was always the place where the cousins came together. When I was at the house yesterday I saw so many memories in each room--playing hide-and-go seek in the window seat of the dining room, watching scary movies in the den, playing Legends of Zelda in the living room....I could go on and on!
I've suffered with some horrible guilt since I found out about her death Sunday. You see, at my Aunt's funeral last November, she asked me to bring my kids and husband for dinner sometime. And I had some good intentions to do so. Then, life happened and we got busy and before you know it, it's November. Her death was totally unexpected. She died sitting in her recliner with her two dogs in her lap. My grandpa told me he kissed her forehead that morning when he got out of bed. He was sad because she wanted the yard and house perfect for Thanksgiving dinner and he didn't have it done yet. But that's the wonderful thing about family. The sons were out in the yard today cleaning up the yard...just like Grandma wanted.
Sunday morning at church the preacher talked about all of the things we have to be thankful for that other families don't. He talked about how for some families this would be their first holiday season without their mother or grandmother. I had no idea what had happened to my grandma at that time. They think her time of death was around 10 a.m. That was about 20 minutes before the preacher spoke. Even when I didn't know, God knew. He is always ahead of the game. I remember thinking during those words how hard it would be to enter a holiday season losing a family member. I just pray for my Grandpa right now. Yesterday he said, "I don't know what I'm going to do without her." Broke my heart.
We never know at what point someone will leave our lives. It has been such a lesson in priorities this week. I have spent too many days thinking "tomorrow" for those things in life that deserve "today". Make time for the ones who are in your life. We are not promised tomorrow. I have realized that the season in my life is different. We all know the day will come when we will lose our grandparents and even parents, but we just never realize how soon it will be.
So sorry for your loss.
Tara, I am so sorry for your loss. Your grandmother knows you loved her.
Thanks girls. I truly appreciate it.
So sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.
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