Saturday, November 21, 2009

Holiday Market Blast!

Yesterday Mom and I went to Holiday Market and I had such a blast! I got some really cute clothes, too! I haven't ever been much of a "boutique" fan because my impression was that they are all pricey, but I found a cute boutique that had such great prices on their stuff. Then, we found a "wine-arita" booth and I bought the "cosmo-rita" pack--it was so good! Now that I have shed much of my baby weight, it was such a blast to shop for cute trendy clothes again! Boy, have I missed that....heck, I even bought a pair of "skinny" jeans, too!

While I was out shopping away, baby Landen stayed at his sitter's house for the first time--that way he could get used to her before I go back to work.

He had such a ball! Before I could even leave, he was smiling and cooing at her....I think he had a crush! Then, his friend Lakyn showed up and she just loved having baby Landen there!

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