Sunday, June 21, 2009

My non-stop time away from home!

Gosh it seems weird to be home! I spent a week in Vegas for our sales convention, then it was off to Branson, and finally a few days in Clarksville. Richie said I am officially grounded and have to stay home for awhile!
Vegas was nice--the weather wasn't miserable and I got to see my first Vegas show! I have been to Vegas about 7 or 8 times and never went to a show, but was able to see Cirque du Soleil and it was incredible! I couldn't get over how the stage floor was a pool one moment and flat the next--amazing! However, it was a work trip, so we were kept very busy and I averaged around 7 miles a day of walking! Needless to say, I was so worn out when I got home.
Then, we left for Branson on Saturday the 13th where we stayed until Tuesday. I was looking to relax, but the kids were ready to enjoy vacation! We swam, went to the movies, the Butterfly Palace...everywhere except Silver Dollar City. We kept avoiding it because the weather was supposed to get bad, however Tuesday when we finally decided it would be the best day to go--it finally rained! But we'll just have to go back again sometime so that the kids can hit the Kids' Fest!
Finally, I have been in Clarksville this weekend judging my first Miss America preliminary pageants. What an experience--and the most relaxing time of my adventure. I really enjoyed judging the pageants and hope we picked some candidates that will do well!
Baby Landen seems to be thriving--I have gained 12 lbs this month! Not good and unexplainable since I did my most physical activity this week? Oh well, I shouldn't be surprised since my babies never seem to be even remotely normal sized! I am sure he's gonna follow in his siblings' footsteps and just be a big baby.
I need to get a good pregnancy photo and post it on here, but so far I hate every picture I have seen so far!

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