Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Care Bears STARE!

Well, we went to see the Care Bears and Kylie had a blast! We had front row seats with an awesome view. Kylie's favorite color is purple, so she was thrilled when "Harmony Bear" (the purple one) waved at her! That is probably the equivalent of Joe Don shaking my hand at the Rascal Flatts concert a little over a year ago. Well, you have probably noticed some obvious changes in my blog....I am still working on it though, so it will be an ever-changing thing for awhile. I think I like the background color and template are a little better, it's still just a template. I am hoping to customize one someday, but this HTML thing is very hard to figure out if you haven't had any classes, etc. The MP3 player in the sidebar is probably my favorite change so far. I love music and it's always interesting to me to know what someone is listening to. It seems to say something about them, where they are at, what's on their mind....these are just a few of my favorite songs right now.
Well, it's late, I'm tired and I have class tomorrow evening, so it'll be another late night.
So, I am turning in for the evening...

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